Disclaimer: I do not own anything pertaining to Inuyasha. Come on; you think if I did, I would be writing fanfiction. Only my own characters do I claim possession over.

Author's Note: This is a role reversal. I know this has been done like…umpteen times, probably. But I figured it would be a good way to get my feet wet. This is my first, published try at fanfiction. For much of the first part of the story, I will be sticking to the original storyline, with a few of my own scenes thrown in as appropriate to the character/plot. What I mostly hope to do is switch around characters and their traits as compared to the original. Example: Naraku will probably make an earlier appearance in a different part of the storyline versus the anime. Anyway, hope you enjoy. Reviews welcomed; flames will be reflected back to their reviewers by way of Kanna's mirror. And now, for your reading pleasure…

Legend Becomes Reality Prologue: Love Gone Wrong

"KAAAGOOMEE!!!" The cry rose from the throats of over a dozen men armed with farming implements as the net they surrounded bulged.

Deadly sharp claws slashed through the tough fibers, releasing the being they trapped. Chuckling darkly, what appeared to be a young girl of about fifteen years leaped over the heads of her would-be captors. She landed some distance away, only to spring into the air once again. Arrows and spears with ropes attached whistled about her, trying to ensnare her once more. Small, black, feline ears perched on top of her head twitched at the sound of the approaching projectiles. With a confident grin, the strange girl easily dodged the threats, eyes of jade green fixed forward on her destination. Long, dark, wavy hair--shining in the sun like a raven's wings--streamed out behind her. She landed on a great wooden gateway marking the entrance onto holy ground, the sinuous black tail sprouting from her green hakama swaying rhythmically in tune with her mood. Her near maniacal smirk broadened, drawing back the fine, white hairs embedded in her upper lip against her face.

There it was! The goal of her journey.

The girl launched herself from the top beam of the gate, becoming a streak of black, white, and deep green. She broke through the roof of the small shrine with a great "crash", sending wood splintering and causing tiles to shatter on the stone courtyard outside. Inside, the intruder slowly rose from her crouch. The air was thick with incense coming from six large braziers, three on either side of an aisle before her. The girl had to cover her extraordinarily sensitive nose with the wide sleeve of her white yukata to keep from being overwhelmed. Her peculiar eyes, however, never left her target. A tall, square table was centered at the far end of the room across from her, between the lines of braziers. On its surface sat a gold ornament holder. And hanging from the ornament holder was the treasure of all treasures: the Shikon no Tama, the sacred Jewel of Four Souls. The tiny pink orb, set on a necklace of elongated glass beads, sparkled with purified radiance.

With thievery on her mind, the female trespasser rushed forward and snatched the beguiling sphere from its place of honor. Before she could make good her escape, the shrine doors behind her burst open. Spears were hurled in her direction. But instead of hitting their mark, they toppled over the flaming braziers, causing the well-seasoned wood of the floor to catch fire. The girl leaped and created another hole in the tiled roof. Lowering her head as she soared above the shrine, she watched the entire structure explode into flame, walls and roof collapsing inward as their support beams were burned through.

For a moment, she wondered if the humans had made it out alive. The moment soon passed, and she declared triumphantly, "So there! Finally, a way to acquire what is my due!" With a short laugh of satisfaction, the thief came to rest briefly on a stone walkway before sailing off again in the direction of the forest.

"KAGOME!!!" This time, the voice that called out was deeper, richer, and lacking in fear. Its coldness spoke of unmerciful hatred.

At the beginning of the rocky path that lead to the now decimated shrine stood a tall, masculine figure. Silvery-white hair that had probably never seen a pair of shears the whole of the man's life fell nearly to the backs of his knees, and swayed gracefully as he raised the bow & arrow in his hands. Eyes as light as amber burned with a frightening intensity, taking aim at the target as surely as his weapon. The white yukata and deep blue hakama marked him as the priest of the village and protector of the ruined shrine.

Quickly, before his quarry could get away, he pulled back on his bowstring, then let the arrow fly.

The girl, Kagome, was just about to pass the most impressive tree in the whole forest, the God Tree, when her delicate, feline ears picked up the vaguely familiar whistling sound. Before she could turn her head to see what it was, the deadly bolt collided with her left shoulder. She cried out & winced in both surprise and pain. The force was enough to send her off balance, the steel head burying itself in her flesh and ripping out the other side. Finally, it embedded itself in the bark of the ancient God Tree behind the maiden. Horror lit her face, as she watched the precious jewel fly from her grasp to land several feet in front of her. Her gaze lifted, only to focus on her attacker, his arm still raised from sending the arrow. His hard, cold, unwavering stare held hers for a moment. Then, her eyes narrowed hatefully at the man before her.

"Sesshomaru, you bastard!" she ground out in a voice filled with bitter betrayal. "How could…We were supposed to…" Her voice trailed off. A strange heaviness overcame her, and her eyes closed wearily, never to reopen.

With his enemy now dispatched, the stoic priest allowed himself to feel the agonizing pain coursing through his body. Groaning, his left hand flew to cover his torn right shoulder. His bow dropped from suddenly nerveless fingers; only a supreme will to retrieve the Shikon had allowed him to draw the weapon. Still gripping the injury that turned the white fabric of his yukata red, Sesshomaru unsteadily staggered his way to the fallen necklace that glinted dully against the flagstones. Behind him streamed a crimson trail. Reaching the jewel, the priest dropped heavily to his knees. He swayed, but managed to keep himself from falling forward by bracing his arms before him. His chest heaved, each breath more difficult than the last.

"Big brother!"

A boy of about 10 came running down the walkway dressed in a simple brown hakama and yukata, his hair pulled back high in the traditional topknot. Not far behind him were at least six of the village men. The men roughly surrounded the injured young priest. Echoes of "Master Sesshomaru!" "That wound! It should be…"

The boy dropped frantically by the older man's side, crying in a desperate tone, "You're hurt so badly!"

Sesshomaru's eyes closed in pain. This time, the agony came from more than the injury done to his body. "How could I have been such an utter fool?" he said quietly, as if to himself. "To put my faith in…And now see what…" A hand spider-webbed with blood reached out and lifted the source of the horrible events of that day off the stone, bringing it before the priest's face. His eyes opened to gaze at the jewel with infinite sadness. His calm voice continued, "All for this. The sacred jewel, which…" He flinched as a shooting pain stabbed at his bleeding shoulder.

The boy, not caring what the man was going on about, said urgently, "You're in pain! Let someone help…"

"I won't feel it much longer," his older brother cut in smoothly, his breathing becoming more labored. Glancing at the enchanted girl pinned to the God Tree momentarily with a hard stare, he soon turned to the boy beside him. Holding the jewel out to him, Sesshomaru ordered, "Take this, Myoga. Burn it with my body."

The child, Myoga, shook his head slowly, and croaked out "no", almost as if in denial of the inevitable. His brother's eyes fixed on him, willing him—demanding him—to obey. His firm voice insisted, "You must! It must not fall into the hands of those who would abuse its power." His lids began to flutter, and he heaved a ragged breath. It seemed he was rapidly losing his battle to hold onto life.

His little brother was still shaking his head and mouthing "no", even as Sesshomaru gasped out, "I…I shall t-take it…w-with…me…t-to…the…other…w-w-w-worldddd." The end closed over the young man. His eyes slowly slid shut for the last time.

Myoga reached forward as his brother's body crumbled into his arms. He screamed, his face ashen with horror, "Sesshomaru! Sesshomaru!!!" But the priest would never stir again.

So, what do you think? Short, I know, but it is just the prologue. Chapters will be longer in the future. Please R&R.