![]() Author has written 13 stories for Inuyasha, and Naruto. (Avatar: image Konoha Amusement Park by Akatoki.) Just a gal who loves reading & writing fan fiction! Given how much fan fiction I've read over the years, I wanted to give back to the community. UPDATE (02/2017): So, I returned to this account after...quite a while. I see that I have two unfinished stories, and that isn't fair to you guys. So, I'm gonna try to write these stories. I'll probably post slowly. Since I'm into other fandoms at this point. I also write original fiction too :-) But, my first yaoi love will forever be Naruto--lol, even though it's not a yaoi. I also write on AO3 under the same pen, so you can find me there too. http:///users/OutOfSheol UPDATE 2 (02/2017): I haven't posted in a hell of a long time, maybe ten years??! I found a bunch of stories in my documents folder that I'm sure why I never posted them. Figured I would share them with them world. Het, Yaoi and Yuri Pairings Inuyasha InuKag/InuKik, ShessInu (familiar or yaoi), MiruSang, ShessRin (familiar or het) Naruto NaruSasu/SasuNaru (friendship or yaoi), ItaSasu (familiar or yaoi), NaruSasuSaku (favorite 3Some), SasuSaku (favorite het pair), NaruHina, NaruSasuHina, NaruSasuSakuHina, KakaSasu (familiar or yaoi), NejiHina (familiar or het), SasuHina, SasuKarin, NaruSaku, SasuSai, TsunShizu, SakuInoSaku Quote: "Wanting to be someone else, is a waste of the person you are..." -- Marilyn Monroe |