![]() Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter. I have a new set of pet peeves: The Houses: Where did this idea of Gryffindor House is stupid arise from? I do not understand this belief at all. Lily was heralded as a great student, especially in charms and potions. Frank and Alice were always described as two of the best aurors ever. Arthur Weasley could enchant a car. James was considered the best in Transfiguration, plus the marauders became animagi at the age of fifteen. We know for a fact that Lily and three of four Marauders could produce patroni. Harry did so at thirteen and proceeded to teach his peers to do so at fifteen. Hermione was logical and brewed polyjuice potion at twelve. Fred and George could create several types of potions, charms, protective items and many amazing things all in the name of jokes. Bill was a curse breaker which I am sure is more on the lines of code breaking. The other three houses weren't smarter than them at all. It is said that most high-ranking Ministry positions were held by Hufflepuffs and Slytherins. Yet it fell twice in a span of two decades and nothing got done. Each house was filled with sheep. Dumbledore favored Gryffindor: Not. At. All. Every house was treated the same. People, I wish you would get over him giving Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Neville points at the end of first year. You do realize that Snape had been taking points unfairly for years, right? In fact one could say Slytherin got away with more than any other house. Didn't Slytherin House get a rescheduled game in third year? Which in and of itself is insane because Harry had fought a dark lord and the Gryffindor game first year was not rescheduled. Did not they get away with all the stuff they did in the Inquisitorial Squad? Just because they were following orders is not an excuse. The Nazis didn't get away with that. Why should the junior Nazis? Dumbledore knew Draco was out to kill him sixth year. Yet he was still allowed to roam the school. Even after he almost killed Katie and Ron. Marauder Era v. Canon: Everything in JKR's universe was not the same. James and Draco were not just alike except in arrogance. Neither were Hermione and Lily. To say that would put Harry on Snape's level. They both had bad lives, but Harry's was ultimately worse. Snape made his own choices, regardless of his childhood and teenage years. At what point in our lives do we stop blaming our parents and schoolyard peers and start taking responsibility for ourselves? Harry did not have this choice. His life had been mapped out by his parents, Snape, Voldemort, and Dumbledore. As for Lily v. Hermione, please cease and desist. Harry would not have survived without Hermione: I was not aware she provided him with that sword in second year. Nor was I aware she could produce a patronus. She certainly did not provide them with that luck potion, which was a result of the Prince's book (I refuse to call it Snape's on principle). Harry was the one that thought of the location of every horocrux. Hermione was a logical, book smart girl. But she clamped up in battle too many times. I believe her scar from Dolohov came from when she turned her back on him. He was only silenced. She had to know about nonverbal spells. Draco v. Ron: I have become the biggest Ron supported lately. He will never surpass Harry for me, but he has become a favorite character of mine. He is not a spoiled, arrogant, bigot. Yes, he hated the Slytherins, but I would like for people to stop acting like the Slytherins did not treat him and his family like dirt. He had every reason to hate them. Ron laughed at Draco's name. I did too at the age of twelve. At that age it sounds ridiculous. Now in my twenties I would gladly name a child of mine Asterion, Atlas, Taurus, Aries, or Lynx. All those post Hogwarts stories that have Draco forgiven, but Ron treated like dirt is absurd. Draco almost murdered Ron and caused Bill to be permanently disfigured. Why should Ronald forgive him? Draco was a spoiled coward. Ron was an insecure boy who would do anything for Harry. He is an arachnophobe who walked into a den of huge, talking spiders. He stood in front of Harry and told Sirius Black that if he wanted to kill Harry he would have to kill him first. Need I continue? JKR said Hermione should have married Harry: That is not what she said. She said Ron and Hermione world have needed counseling, but there are a lot of couples that need counseling. She also said Harry was a better fit for Hermione. She never said Hermione was a better for for Harry. It works both ways folks. |