
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.

A/N: This is for the Odd Couple Contest! Enjoy! R and R!

She sought redemption in him. He was beautiful and surely he could save her. She had no doubt that he could. He had saved everyone from the Dark Lord, so he could save her. She cared about him, he was precious to her and she knew he could see it with every movement and word she spoke. He was her prized possession. She wanted to be important in a world that hated Slytherins. She wanted to be loved and he could help her, he could love her and forgive her blood status (oh how her parents would croak if they heard that thought).

He sought adventure and love in her porcelain and soft arms. She was beautiful to him and he knew she would not betray him and she wouldn't leave. She didn't have the flighty spirit Ginny had. She was like a broken bird where all she wanted was a place for her to heal and feel safe. She made him happy because while she wanted him she didn't need him to protect her from the outside world. He didn't have to play the perfect man to her, all he had to do was never let her go and he, Harry James Potter, never wanted to let her go.

They refused to do anything to further their relationship though because they didn't want to hurt the families they had until one day Astoria and Harry made a mistake. A simple one but that ended their loveless relationships beyond repair. How could they mess that one little thing up? Really it was an easy question but like a certain man said you always answer unconsciously the name of the one you really cared about. So it shouldn't have been much of a surprise and it shouldn't have made them realize that they needed to be together.

What did they end up failing? A simple question: who was her/his loved one?

Astoria messed up when the nurse asked her who was the father. Who was the father of her new child and who was the lucky man she cared about? She had told her Harry, the truth but she should have lied for Draco came back into the room the minute she answered looking for his wand that he had left, flustered and nervous.

The look on his face had showed horror and absolutely no room to forgive his cheating spouse. The look on Ginny's face when Harry answered the same question was even worse.

Harry made the mistake of saying Astoria's name when the reporters asked him after a long night of arguing with Ginny. She had come up from behind him and she was furious, her face matched her hair.

However, that forgotten it was the best mistake they could have made. For they were finally a couple and they could step into the light and enjoy each other without worrying about anyone else.

After all, who needs the rest of the world when Harry and Astoria had each other?

Now Astoria was so happy as she watched her baby Scorpius play with his father, her dear Harry. He had Harry's sparkling emerald eyes and her blonde hair. She loved the image of the two as Scorpius giggled and laughed with Harry.

"Astoria, why are you crying?" Harry asked concerned for her.

Astoria had not even known that tears were falling out of her blue eyes. She wiped a slender finger under her eyes and smiled.

"I didn't know I was. I'm just so happy." She whispered.

"Mummy!" Scorpius cried and opened his arms toward her.

"Hi baby boy, how are you?" Astoria kissed his forehead while taking him from Harry and placing him on her lap and the little boy grinned a wide smile.

"I can understand that." Harry told her.

"I love you both."

"I love you too."