![]() Author has written 6 stories for Naruto, and Gakuen Alice. Penname: Young-Love Gender: Female Quote of the Day: "Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?" -- Frank Scully. o*-_*o TOP NEWS FROM ME!!! (10-24-2014) Hello to all of my wonderful readers! It’s been an excruciatingly long time since I’ve updated or posted anything. There are no words to express my surprise when I received countless alerts, favorites, and reviews from all of you. I had thought no one read the stories anymore since I have not been receiving emails from my old email address. But to my surprise, when I updates all of my accounts, I found the emails pouring in. this has renewed my confidence as a writer, and I am currently scrabbling to re-edit my completed one-shots, writing new chapters of the sequels, and of course working on my most popular fanfiction thus far Happy Go Lucky! Please stay tune in the next two weeks as I start to repost older chapters! Please look out for October 18 when I post a brand new chapter! Also, keep checking in to this page to get the latest news about my stories and to see if your questions have been answered! o*-_*o ABOUT THIS ACCOUNT Well, this account used to belong to my cousin. She wrote the story “Can I Keep You?” She allowed me to use this account to review chapters and keep track of the stories I found interesting. But after a while we both kind of veered off from fanfiction.net and completely forgot about this account. Well eventually I started to pick up writing, stumbled back on to this website once more, and remembered about this account. My cousin told me to just use this account so that I would not have to open another one and that is exactly what I did. o*-_*o ASK YL (Young-love) Q: How did you come up with your pen name? YL: ha-ha ever heard of someone say the phrase "To be young and in love"? That’s essentially how this name came about. Thus the phrase, "To be young and in love" was shortened to Young Love. It's was short and simple. But I think we read too many shoujo's at the time that had the same general theme: school and romance. XD Q: How come you don't update quicker? YL: In a nutshell the answer is life. All writers all have their own lives they have to live out. I'm no different. I get lazy, I get discouraged, I get writers block, and I experience random things that happen that postpone my writing time. But I also have a job, I’m a student, and I have social life. So there you go. o*-_*o STORIES ARCHIVE Can I Keep You? *-_ Summary: Seven years ago she left them. Now in the mist of another war they see each other once again. What made her want to leave in the first place? Who's the Towa Clan? Pairings: SasuSaku, NaruHina, NejiTen, ShakaIno and others. Status: on hiatus Published: 4-7-2007 Notes: my cousin wrote this a long time ago… so it’s safe to say that it is on hiatus (more like dropped). Hug Her Not Summary: Natsume has seen one too many hugs today and enough is enough. "What to do, what to do..." Pairings: Natsume x Mikan Status: completed Published: 5-27-2009 Notes: this was totally inspired by reading too many stories with jealous guys and oblivious girls. News Update (10-11-2014): this one-shot is going to have a sequel! It will be posted by the end of October! Exchange Summary: Even at a young age, a certain Uchiha boy knew the meaning of "give and take". Status: completed Published: 6-29-2009 Note: I wanted to write a story about Chibi Sasuke and Sakura!! News Update (10-11-2014): Look out for a sequel that will be posted at the end of the month!! Le nozze a lungo rimandate Summary: "Not until we marry." came her stern voice. The boy frowned. That's not the answer he wanted to hear. Pairings: SasuSaku Status: completed Published: 7-8-2009 News Update (10-14-2014): guess what my dear readers? Just like the other one shots of mine, a sequel will be posted for this story too!! Look out for this sequel near the beginning of November! A Sleepless Dream Summary: Sakura's childhood has always been a haze. She never really cared of where she really came from, just that she was here with people whom she loved and who loved her back. How will she cope when someone from her past comes back in her life? Pairings: SasuSaku Status: on hiatus Published: 12-24-2010 Note: this was done spontaneously. I think I’m going to drop it because I really have no idea where this story is going it was just done randomly and on the spot. News Update: I’m sorry to have to say that this is the one story that will be staying on hiatus for a while. I think I’ll have to revamp this plot and brainstorm some more. Happy Go Lucky Summary: To everyone she is always happy, smiling, and cheerful. They call her Happy Go Lucky Sakura. But things aren't as they always appear to be. What happens when the mask slips and all eyes are free to see how happy Sakura's life truly is? Parings: SasuSaku and more! Status: Ongoing! Published: 5-19-2007 News Update: (10-14-2014) after being on hiatus for so long, this will now be an ongoing project and will be my top priority! I will be editing my past chapters and rewriting some of them, so don’t be shocked to see updates and no new chapters. HOWEVER, there will be a new chapter posted on October 18! So be on a look out! |