'loha guys!
Let me tell you the truth, it's taken an extremely large patience in me, to sit through an entire night, and finish his chappy. I'd started this like ages ago, but I was so lost on what to write in it, that I'd left it right there and then. I know. It serves me right for holding up four fics. But this fic just has so much of mixed emotions that I find it just so hard to write it when I'm all happy and excited. It ranges all the way from angst, drama, humor, romance and so many other frustrations, that my fingers just don't type when I look at my screen.
How long has it taken me? Three months? Dayum. I owe it to you guys. For waiting so patiently, and giving me so many advises. I know some of you there have been a little impatient for me to update, and have probably thinking why the hell it takes me so much of time to update just one story. I don't have good satisfying answers for that in fact. Sometimes, with all the stuff going on in my life, gets to such an intensity that I just forget. It's been hard nowadays. Imagine spending four days continuous studying only a topic in Maths every ticking second, for an assessment exam that lasts two days. It's hard. And I haven't been sleeping well either. My eyes are becoming a bit shortsighted too.
I write a few pages for each of the stories whenever I can, and whenever possible. I'm trying as hard as I can guys. It's been tiring nowadays for some reason. The weather here sucks. It's like all four seasons in an hour.
Okay then. I think I better stop. For those of you who are reading this, I hope you guys forgive me for taking this long to update on this story. And anyways, enough of my blabbering already. I tend to do that a lot for a past few days. Oh wellz.
I've got a notifying list, so might wanna check it on my bio page, if you wanna join, but other than that
Disclaimer: Gah. You guys know the drill. Don't send me the bill, or run me down the hill. I'm not employed at the moment, so suing me to get money will just get you a plain brown bread.
Open Up My Heart
Chapter 16: Too Far To Reach
By: Shinsei Kokoro
The day was raining down once again. The harshness of the rainwater shattering against the windows, making the restless feeling arouse once in a while. It was past eight in the night, and her mind still wasn't at ease.
Her tired yet focused eyes were scanning down each black and white boxes in the Business Herald, while a frustrating wrinkle never failed to disappear from her forehead.
Quite frustrating.
She'd gotten a baby-sitting job, but that was only part-time and the money that came out of that would certainly not be able to pay for her bills, or her personal usage.
And there was no way; she would work in an advertising position ever again. Not with all the embarrassment Ben would make her go through.
At times like these she wished she'd listened to her brother and kept her mind on Law. Transferring to that college in New Jersey might have just made her the perfect career.
But during all that her eyes kept darting towards the phone. The choice that Meiling had given her was a perfect opportunity for her.
Good money.
Good layout for her.
And her reputation might just become better and known out. With all the murder assumptions against her and all.
But still, if she could just gather her wits, and dial Meiling's number, then there was another important thing at stake.
Her pride.
Because all this had been Syaoran Li's idea all along. Calling up his cousin, who worked in the designing industry, make her pity at use, and offering her, her dream job.
To be a model.
Just pose. Smile. Take a shot. And make the money.
It'd taken her mother a long time, to even appear in the depth of newspapers, as she was once Japan's State model. But here was her chance. No trials. No walking up the stage and doing the practice routine. No flipping your hair back and leaning over the stage to showing off cleavage.
It sounded so good, that she instantly trashed away the newspaper in her hands.
But the moment she went to pick up the receiver, her hands poised.
"Bills…" she frowned as she stared at the two letters on the coffee table, and then closed her eyes and focused a glare, "Or…pride?"
Drumming her fingers on the arm of the sofa, she sighed and sat back.
"Bills…" she turned on a raved face, "Or…pride…"
As the thought of her lost car, immediately came, her hands came dashing down to the phone, and she soon found herself dialing numbers.
Holding it to her ears quickly, she waited.
But the more the rings that were left un-picked, the more she lost her dear little patience.
"Pick the phone dammit" she hissed, her fingers still drumming, and the water from her just washed hair dripping into her back.
"Hello?" came an immediate smooth voice, the second she'd decided to just give up.
The phone almost fell from her hands, but she straightened herself to gather her fallen wits.
"Uh…um…may I speak to Meiling Li please?"
"This is her. Who is this?"
"Um. Sakura Kinomoto. I came to your—,"
"Oh Sakura! I was waiting for your call! I'm glad you decided to call me back. I have this excellent offer to make with you! You'll faint when you hear about it!"
Sakura quickly let out that little breath she'd been holding in, "Um…alright"
"You know, how I said about that new magazine Passion which is gonna release it's first print. Well, I've spoken to the editor, the managing director, and the designer artist, and they've agreed to have a look at you. Isn't that great?"
"Uh…as in?" That just sounded a little too non-realistic to her ears.
Meiling went on, "Well…since it is a new arrival magazine, there'll be many models applying for the offer. A friend of mine is a model manager and she's been asked to come with her model and the photographs on next Wednesday with a couple more of her colleagues. So we could probably drop in to her house, since I've given her a reminder about you, maybe tomorrow?"
"Um…what time?"
"What about in the morning? She's usually free during morning hours from photo trials"
No. Not the morning. Not when she had to baby-sit.
Sakura quickly interrupted before she could go on, "What about sometime in the evening? Maybe after six or something like that?"
A long sigh could be heard from the other side, as if she was deciding.
"Well, I was hoping I could come to drop you at her house in the morning, since I'm leaving for Hong Kong in the afternoon. But if you're gonna be getting there after six, you'll have to find your way there by yourself sorry"
"Oh. That'll be just fine. I'm sure I'll get there in time" Sakura let out a little laugh, her nerves freezing instantly.
A model. Her. A model. This what exactly what she'd been waiting for.
An opportunity.
"Oh ok" came her voice, which sounded a bit dejected, "I was thinking of bring someone along with me, but here's her address"
And while she wrote the given address down, Meiling added afterwards, "Her name's Rika Mihara. She'll just see what clothes would look good to you, and most probably take photos there itself. Facial stuff, and just a simple look-over. You'll then have to go with her on Wednesday to Mt Atashi's Hiikaru, and see if the designer artist will accept it or not. And listen, if you don't get accepted, down worry about it. There are many more chances out there. Okay? Just make sure Rika's with you all the time. You'll meet some of the other managers from many model agencies. They tend to get a bit on the stealing side. You know? If they see a good model, they make all these deals with them. So yeah. I'll be sending Rika a design if they take you, and then they'll just make all the measurements, and have it all done. You're getting all this right?"
Fiddling the pen in her hand, Sakura nodded, "Sure. Thanks a lot for all this"
"No prob. The credit's all's Syaoran's. Usually his choice in women are flop-shows"
But that comment only made Sakura narrow her eyes. There was a comment on Syaoran Li again. For some reason, every conversation since yesterday always started with him in the lead role.
"Um…okay. I'll see you…?"
Meiling's childish laugh could be heard on he line, "Not next week. But the week after that. Good luck alright?"
"And if you need to call me for any design problems, you've my mobile number. Just give me a ring, and I'll make the necessary changes"
"Sure. I'll do that. Thank you very much again. What you're doing for me is just very great"
Meiling gave out a small laugh again; "I'll take that compliment. You'll do good okay. If you don't make it, call me"
Sakura quickly nodded again, "Okay. So I'll see you then"
Smiling she bid her goodbye.
Finally after a few minutes, of leaning back on the couch, and grinning widely, she finally got up.
Setting the address on the kitchen counter and rushed to the bathroom.
Standing there in front of the mirror, she glanced at her reflection, and pulled at her eyebrows.
So she didn't look that bad, but the chances she had of getting that offer was quite slim. It wasn't like she'd been doing this for the rest of her life. And to top it all, she didn't have any qualifications, and it wasn't like she was a gorgeous woman or anything.
Suddenly everything seemed to be like a blown up balloon of hopes.
Opening up the bathroom cupboard, she quickly took out all the facial scrubs Tomoyo had hidden in there for her use.
She let out a little grin, before she set on applying the creamy jell smeared in her palms.
Maybe this was her way to set out for a new life.
~ * ~
His legs were still soar from the harsh practice Coach had out up for them, and his anxiety for the upcoming game didn't seem to get any worse.
Syaoran leisurely plopped his two feet on the cushion in front of him, and gave out a little moan, as he sipped onto his chilled beer.
"Man. This is the life" Eriol let out a large stretch, as he tasted his crystal glass once more, "This is how all this should be. A drink. A warm bed. And a few laughs"
"You think you'd be co-captain if your already lazy butt went numb?"
Letting out his stastifying chuckle, Eriol grabbed the open beer bottle, and poured in some more liquid into his glass, "Yeah. Right. At least I have a life after a hard day of work"
Syaoran quickly managed to roll his eyes, while he rolled a thumb on the brink of his glass, "You think she'll accept?" he suddenly asked.
Eriol gave a quick hidden burp, to contemplate his humor, "You talking as if you're proposing to her. What's up with you man. You look ginger"
He only received a shrug, "What's the time?"
"Twelve minutes to two. Chill. You're flight's only at three right?"
Syaoran tiredly shook his head; "I just don't want to have an attack during the flight, man. And if Coach finds this out, he'll probably make up a warrant, and have this room checked up"
Eriol choked a little laugh, then added, "And then probably give you the sobering lecture"
He nodded with a smile, "Yeah. That makes him happy for some reason. You think he has some old-rival in that team?"
"Dunno really. He seems really bent on kicking their ass. The game's just next month, and he's been making us work out like moths"
"He's driving me crazy"
"You're driving us crazy" Eriol corrected him.
"His orders" Syaoran let out a grin, as he fingered his plane tickets, "But you think she'll say yes?"
Eriol stared at him for a second, then softened his gaze, "I'll be going to her place after dropping you. How about I text you as soon as I get an answer from her?"
"Great. But I'll be turning my phone off during the flight"'
"Sweet Jesus" Eriol laughed, then added, "I'll call you as soon as you reach Hong Kong, alright?"
He only received a chuckle, "Ok"
"Tell me man, you just met her like a few weeks ago. Now, you're like practically a die-hard fan of hers. Have you been on seductive pills or something?"
Syaoran slowly tilted his neck, and threw it back, "No. Dunno why, but I just can't stop thinking about her. It's driving me nuts"
Eriol gave him one of his perspective looks; "Do you really like her Syaoran? As in love her?"
After a double take, he put back his uneasy look, "…maybe" he said after a while.
Giving out a sigh, he adjusted his glasses, "Syaoran. She's not the type of girl you can only like. She's a very—,"
"Yeah. I know. I know" Syaoran quickly interrupted him, "Don't start with me on that again like Tomoyo did. I've been driven crazy with that same ol' lecture. I know Sakura has had trouble throughout out her life. But she needs to know that she's not the only one with a bad past. She's gotta put them behind"
"Oh boy. You don't really plan on telling her that, do you? Because she's probably gonna end up slamming the door on your face with all that crap"
Glancing him a screwed look, he continued, "She needs to hear it from someone. And it might as well be you"
"What!" came Eriol deep roar, "Why me? You're the one who's all over her! You're the one calling her over and over again, even when you know that she has a called ID"
"But she's known you for so long" Syaoran protested, setting his bottle down, "She's more likely to listen to you, than hear anything coming from me, and you know that!"
"Jeez man. Why do you have to bring me in the middle of your love affairs? You're a man, go do it yourself"
"No thanks. I've heard enough cusses to last me for a month. Just do that as a favor for me, will you?"
"Great" Eriol grumbled, remembering how he'd promised his wife exactly the same thing to. Have an encouraging taking with his ex-girlfriend. "I'm everybody's lapdog aren't I? Eriol, fetch that newspaper, he goes and gets it. But what does he get? Just a sloppy pat"
And all he got from Syaoran was a laugh.
Because that is exactly were he came out to be, as soon as it was evening.
Sometime after the dark clouds rolled in, he drove straight to her residence, after he bid Tomoyo goodbye as she took the train to Hokkaido to meet a model she was designing for.
Parking his sleek silver Ferrari out on the road, he quickly dashed out into the night, before anyone could see him.
Somehow, he considered he was most noticeable amongst crowds especially during the night.
And even though there were only few people around who could see him closely, he couldn't risk the chances.
So, as he quickly ran through the familiar apartment gate, he made a double glance, as he glanced at the empty parking space, where Sakura usually parked her car.
Frowning, he nevertheless, speed-walked through the entrance door, and made a dash through he stairs, before any other residents would take the chance to open their doors.
Knocking on the door that he'd been knocking for six years, he waited patiently, while he heard sudden thuds from inside.
He let a little grin escape, when the door finally opened, and greeted the woman behind it.
"Eriol?" she peered through the side of the door, with a spatula in her right hand, "Hey!"
And with that she quickly greeted him in.
But even with the considerable amount of formality and informality, he felt a little tighten in his muscles, as she brushed past him to close the door behind him.
"You haven't been here seen ages" she gave him a quick smile, as she busily untied the apron from behind her, and offered him to seat.
"Yeah" he rubbed the back of his head, "Thought I'd check up on you," he said after a while.
She glanced at him strangely, but didn't say anything as she went back into the kitchen.
"How was Tomoyo's trip? She just told me about it like yesterday" he could hear her mumble from the kitchen.
"Alright. Cried a little, but it was good"
At that, he heard a small giggle from her, "That's Tomoyo, she can never keep her tissue away everytime she's seeing someone away"
"Yeah" he echoed back.
But when she didn't come out in the next minute, he decided to get up.
"So…" he looked around the kitchen, "How have you been?"
For some reason, he watched her stop at the oven, and glance at him tightly for a while, confused, "Fine. I guess. Just a little busy"
Eriol quickly gave a nod, after deciding he'd been staring at her, "You…haven't been feeling weak or anything?"
He could almost swear that for a moment she'd stiffened before pulling on her mittens.
"…no" she crouched down and peered inside the oven, and brought out a tray with six large muffins, "But thanks for asking"
He shrugged as if dismissing the topic.
Somehow, for some reason, having him there alone with her, and watching her every move, seemed to be impossible for her.
She couldn't help but lick her lips, the moment they caught eyes.
"Sakura…" he sighed as he leaned away from the dining table.
She could've almost dropped the tray in her hands the moment he said her name.
Instead of waiting for his comment, she quickly thrust the tray in his face, "Want a muffin?"'
Wasn't really the right distractment, but that was all she could come up with at that time. Because the moment, he took one, she quickly turned around, and set herself at the table.
Noticing her queasiness, he spoke up again, "Is your car at the garage or something? It wasn't parked outside" he munched onto it.
"Oh. I sold it"
"What?!" he almost choked on the sweet blue-berry and walnut muffin, "You sold it?"
She didn't turn around, but continued on doing what she was doing. Which was packing the muffins in a plastic box.
"Sakura. Why?" his voice frowned, as he took steps towards her, and stood behind.
"It was getting old" came her answer, as she firmly placed the cover over the box.
"You loved that car! And as far I knew you had no intentions on selling that car, even when you hit that truck, scraped and crashed the bumper"
"It was getting old Eriol," she quickly added to his debate, while she opened the fridge door, and stuffed the box in next to a box of chocolates.
He stood silent behind her, the slowly attempted a mumble, "You needed money?" the thought suddenly hit him, and she turned around as he said that.
"No!" she attempted a wry laugh, "Why would I sell my car for money? I just sold it because it was getting old Eriol. You know I don't like keeping things which are old"
"You computer's ancient"
Rolling her eyes, she let out a forced grin, "Forget it Eriol. Doesn't matter all right. Tell me about that—"
But he stood right in front of her, the moment she took a right to the table, "I thought I told you that if there was ever a time you needed money, you could come to me. Did you forget all that already?" he narrowed his eyes, as he took off his glasses.
"I don't need any money Eriol!" she exclaimed, "I'm fine"
He opened his mouth to say more, but gave in against it. Instead he got up on another topic which bristled the hair on the back of her neck, "I heard about what Mei Aurora said"
She glowered at him suddenly, "Let me guess…it was Li wasn't it?"
His silence was the only answer.
"Figured. That man can't keep his mouth shut for shit can he?"
Instead of making a retort, he frowned, "Sakura. Syaoran's only helping you out"
"Please!" she held up a hand, before he could go on anymore, "Don't start with me on that again"
Eriol quickly grabbed her arm, as she made a chance to turn around. But the moment she felt his touch, she quickly shrugged away, although he pretended not to notice and went on.
"Seriously Sakura. That guy has done nothing but helped you and all you do is just keep insulting him"
"By what!? Taking advantage of me!? That doesn't come under helping Eriol! Not in my dictionary anyways!" she snapped, her eyes fierce and cracked.
The words vanished right off his lips, but she continued.
"And you know what?" she gave a little wry laugh, "On the way to complete our date, I actually started trusting him a little bit. You know…" she looked around, trying her best to keep up the façade, which was on the wrong side, "For the first time there was actually a guy…who seemed decent…who didn't flirt…who wasn't some playboy…and…and…" she shook her head at him, trying to find the best words, "…and who wanted to be with me…in a really decent way…who wasn't surveying me about my shortest skirt"
But by the look that suddenly crossed his face, she wasn't sure if she should have added that last line or not.
Eriol silently continued watching her face flush and gripe.
"And now…" she bit her lip, and gave him a lop-sided grin, "…all I can say…is that he's a bastard. Eriol. That's all I can say. He's a complete damned bastard! That's what he is. I'm telling you"
He didn't wait to find out if the glisten in her eyes were tears or not, but instead frowned in defense, "You were drunk" the scowl came, "You knew you were drunk"
"He knew I was drunk"
"How…" he trained his eyes on hers, "How would you know then huh? How would you know he…he took you for granted? If he pulled you up with him and kissed you?"
The fists beside her immediately balled, and couldn't help but give out the growl in her throat, "Don't expect me to answer that Eriol. You know why! I know you do. You can't just expect me to allow every guy you bring up to me, to touch me and get away with it, okay!? I've had enough! I've messed up, and I don't want to go down that road again. And…" she looked up at him fiercely, "…and I thought you understood me. Where's all that, 'I won't let any guy get to you unless they go past me Sakura' thing, huh? Let me guess…" she made a half teary and a half dubious face, "…ran away into that goal didn't it? As soon as you just…kicked it. And you think I don't know why you've really come here? You've never come here to see me alone Eriol. You never have. What do you really want huh? What is it?"
"What is it!" she demanded again, "You want to save your friend's face? Fine Eriol. I don't really care y'know. I mean, c'mon. Look at me. I'm only a slut who's come a long way!"
"Sakura!" he hissed, as his glasses in his hand, slipped on to the kitchen table, "How can you say that dammit!?"
"It's true! Isn't it?! I'm just someone used for satisfaction! Everytime! And you know it!" Tears didn't come down though.
But he'd had it. Angrily enough, he grabbed the front of her cardigan, and pulled her to his chest, a vibe of anger and frustration in his force, as she stumble into his maddening presence.
"Bitch" he let out a murmur, as she fell deep against him, "How can you say that?"
And she cried. She threw her arms around him and cried. Hysterically and madly.
He didn't loose time in bringing her closer. Tighter. Nuzzling his face in the crook of her neck.
It'd been a while since they'd been like this. A long time, and she'd missed it terribly.
"I loved you Sakura" his words came in tight rasps, "I really did. I really loved you"
Her sobs only increased as he said that, and he let himself envelop her into an embrace so tight, that he didn't care if it were possible to squeeze her inside of him.
"And you were never a slut" his hoarse voice whispered, "Never! You hear me? You were never a slut. You were beautiful and you still are. And I really loved you. Like hell! But all this just ended the wrong way. And I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I swear…if I knew that—,"
"No Eriol. Please don't start it" came her lighter cries from within his hold, "Please" Then she pulled her head away so she could look at him, "I…I don't love you anymore"
# * # * # * #
He was in between his armrest. His tense muscles loose for once and his brows set back.
"You know what to say when she gives you the lecture again?" Meiling mumbled from beside him, as she smiled a thank you at the airhostess who'd just served her a chilled drink.
"Yeah" Syaoran gave a small grin, but kept his eyes closed, "I have it by-hearted. All in here" he gave a point to his temple.
"I don't believe that" she answered nonetheless, "'Cause all you've been doing with that brain of yours is think about her"
Finally opening his red tired eyes, he squinted at her, "I knew I shouldn't have let Yamazaki tell you about it"
Meiling gave him a frustrated look, "Your whole team knows. All of it. And you kept it away from your own cousin. That's not what I call good"
"They know when to shut their mouth up" he lolled his head to a side, "Unlike someone"
He only received a punch at that then watched her sit back; "Do you really like her Syaoran? Or is this just some another 'hey look! I've always wanted a girl like that!'"
Syaoran shifted a little in his seat, "I don't know why…but that sounded like a déjà vu"
"You're getting old Syaoran. You really need to start settling down. And for that you can't just grab a girl you just had a one night stand with"
The man repeatedly banged the back of his head against the headrest, "For the love of god Meiling! It wasn't a…" he looked around to see if any of the other passengers were overhearing them, then hissed, "…one night stand. We didn't do anything"
"I heard you guys were drunk"
"Not that drunk"
"Leave her alone Syaoran" Meiling insisted for the twentieth time, "There are so many other women out there…who don't like you as well"
He gave her a little growl; "You're just saying that, 'cause she's your client. Maybe I should have asked Eri for some help"
Meiling fell a little silent, then returned a smug look, "That maybe one of the many reasons. But tell me you're not desperate?"
He stared hard at her for a while, then looked outside the window by his side, "So what if I am?"
Meiling gave his ribs a little nudge over the armrest that separated their seats; "I don't believe it. Syaoran Li is in love" she gave him a playful grin, while he returned with a sarcastic smile.
"How hard is that to believe?" he mumbled as he reached forward for a magazine that was tucked in pouch of the seat in front of him.
"Very, I'm telling you. Very"
"I better not be hearing you telling this to all of your friends"
"Eh? I think you're a bit late warning me on that"
# * # * # * #
His eyes didn't dare shift from hers.
She gave his shirt a slight shake and felt his grip loosen around her.
"I might have gone crazy about it for a while Eriol. But now…I'm over it. I really am"
He didn't move. Not a muscle. He wasn't sure what to do.
"You're…not lying…are you?" his vocal cords forced him to blurt out.
"No" she responded almost immediately, "I'm not. I'm over you. Over our…relationship. Over everything we had"
And yet he didn't know what to do. Somehow, it was a little hard to believe. The last time they'd met at the party, her eyes had searched his. And the last time they'd been alone, she'd looked hopefully at him…that he might reconsider what they once had. But now as he looked at her…he knew she was right. He could no longer see that craziness she had for him.
So he did the first thing that came to his senses. He brought her against his frame again. Crushed her into his arms fiercely, and held her tight.
She didn't say anything. Her arms hung loosely by his shoulders and he felt her soft fingers graze at the back of his neck.
"I guess…" he finally spoke into her ears, "This is it"
He didn't let go of her, and neither did she. They stayed that way.
"Yeah" she heard her voice cry out as light as it could, "But we'll still be friends…right?"
He squeezed her tight for a second, "Offcourse" and she shuddered in his embrace, "Offcourse" he repeated, "I'll always be there for you. Sakura, no matter what, I'll always be the first person you'll come to for help. Promise me that" he shook her.
He felt her shoulders shake a little, and he knew she was crying silently.
"I promise" her voice answered muffled by his shirt.
She pulled away then, and he knew this was the end. Everything they'd had, had finally died. Every little thing they'd shared and been through. Their college years. Their days of cheating during tests. Their hayride dates. Their wagging classes only to make out in the staff room. Everything. Everything was going to end right then and there. He was engaged now, and in a few weeks, he would be a married man. They would never be in an embrace this way after then. Would never share secret jokes. Never go on those lap dances everytime they got drunk in clubs. Would never joke about the way, Touya would slurp his soup. All he had with her would finally be a part of life he would have to forget.
"Eriol?" she grabbed the front of his shirt with a small fist, and shook his out of his reverie, "Don't tell…Tomoyo we had this talk. Alright?"
He nodded. He didn't dare say that he'd come here only from the requests of his fiancée, "Sure. Anything you want"
# * # * # * #
"Sakura Kinomoto?"
The nod came.
"Follow me please. Mihara has been waiting"
She chewed a little on her lips as she followed the two maids.
Sure she'd put her alarm on early so she could make herself look the best. But this was a little out of the border.
She hadn't eaten anything.
Just jumped into the tub and washed herself clean.
Pulled on a dress she'd chosen last night, and spent the rest of the early morning, choosing on eye shadows.
It'd been so many years since she actually had to make herself beautiful. And with Tomoyo not around she felt hopeless as she'd just applied some mascara and left her apartment.
She'd half walked into the garage expecting her car to take her away, but the moment she'd open the garage door, and looked into the empty space, it'd hit her.
Her late model BMW was probably lying in someone else's garage. And with every amount of fake energy she could put on, she grabbed a long coat, and set out at the bus stop.
And offcourse, the bus had to be late on schedule. Nope. It wasn't as if the fates were against her.
So here she was, trying to act as meek as possible.
"Mrs Kinomoto?" an extremely built-up man motioned at her.
"Miss" she corrected the man.
She narrowed her eyes a little as she watched him check her out, then shook the hammering thoughts away.
'Must be a modeling critique' she thinned up her lips, and looked behind him.
"Sakura. Sakura" a feminine voice put the man off, and Sakura had to crane her head, to look over the man, "Please tell me you're Sakura"
She only nodded and she watched the smile on the woman's face grow.
"Yes!" the woman let out a cheer, "Hello there! I'm Rika Mihara. A pleasure to meet you Miss Kinomoto"
"Sakura will do fine"
Rika gave a cheery smile, "Alrighty. Then as your manager you shall call me Rika"
Sakura laughed, "I was sent by Meiling"
"Yes. Yes. I know all about you. Come on. Mr Kansuke is waiting at the lobby. He'll be the man giving you a wardrobe"
The name had sounded a bit familiar at that moment, but the second she was swept through the doors to meet him, her familiarity grew. But it was him who made the introduction.
"Sakura Kinomoto" he grinned, "We finally meet"
All in all she still couldn't get rid of that confused wrinkle don her nose.
"Oh come on!" he shook his hand, "Don't tell me you don't remember me"
Sakura could only frown, then give an apologetic smile, "Sorry. But I don't think we've met before…although your name sounds a bit—,"
"Tell me you're not Nadeshiko Kinomoto's daughter" he gave a wider grin, and she felt Rika pat her shoulders.
"She is. They look a bit alike. Don't you say?"
The man nodded, and stepped forward, "Sure do"
And even from the distance she could make out his aging strands of hair, and his obviously designed button shirt.
"If you must know…" he went on, "I was your mother's wardrobe man too"
The woman couldn't find herself with recognition, so she smile, "Sorry"
"No. No. No need for apologies. That was years ago. I'm sure the image has faded. I'm surprised she never told me that her daughter would be joining the modeling business too"
Sakura could only give a faint blush.
"I wasn't prepared either"
He adjusted the position of his thin-rimmed glasses, "But I'm glad you decided. Because we wouldn't want such beauty to be hiding under covers"
And if she didn't know any better, he knew he was just trying to make himself familiar with her.
"You and my mother must have been good friends then"
The man slapped his fist, "Oh yes. We've been good friends since our last years of university. We actually did an assignment together. But enough of all that, and lets get on with some work" he clapped his hands.
But through all that she could see that the topic was a bit hard on him.
She looked away for a while.
And before she knew it, Rika and him were guiding her away into one of the many other rooms in the mansion, all the while the two of them discussing the tone that would suit her skin and the layout.
Not in a few minutes, Sakura found herself surrounded by people. Some with scissors. Some with hairdryers. Some with rolls of fabric. Some with their mirrors and make-up prepared and ready. And as she got chided ahead by Rika, she could constantly hear Mr Kansuke from the background, correcting the people taking her measurements.
Sighing, she gave the woman who was spraying her hair a weak smile.
This was gonna be a long day.
~ * ~
The plane had rocked a little, but now with its steady pace, he felt an umpteenth stab of regret, as he looked out into the darkness beyond the window.
She didn't love him. If anything she hated him. What else was he supposed to do?
What else was he supposed to do to prove himself right, and make her helplessly fall for him? To make her understand…that she wasn't the only one who was going through pain and loss. That there were ways to forget, and move on with your life.
He leaned back comfortably, and closed his eyes, with a smile.
The woman was crazy. But so what? Because if he didn't know anybetter, he knew she would be thanking him one day.
One day.
And that day seemed to drift on forever.
He pulled his collar up, and drowned in. Meiling was right.
Dammit. He was in love.
~ * ~
At last. This chappy's over. I'm getting a feeling that I'm dragging things on. And I don't like it a bit. But from next chappy, I'm getting straight to the point.
Hehe…we need to get ready for Eriol's and Tomoyo's wedding, which seems to be heading off in the wrong direction. Will there be a lot of cracking champagne glasses, or will there be a lonely priest staring at the aisle and wondering where everybody is?
Review guys! Next chappy up will hopefully be TMBA, which will be after I come from my three-week vacation. Man. School work's been driving me crazy. So here's a little toast for me.