Reviews for Binds of Duty and Love
stargazedlover chapter 18 . 7/9/2018
Wow! I love you're story and I hope that you'll find the motivation to continue! I also love the quotes and the plot of the story! And when you read it, you can tell that alot of time and effort was put into it! You're a great writer so I wish the best of luck to you!
Namiroku chapter 18 . 1/1/2017
we really miss you... hope you can update someday soon. Take care
Mary chapter 18 . 11/11/2016
Please update. I love this story
Maso Neko-chan chapter 18 . 9/3/2015
You said you would NEVER abandon the fic T~T great fic btw !
Someone chapter 1 . 7/4/2015
This is a fascinating concept! I love that Sasuke or Naruto hasn't appeared within the first 500 words. It looks like pacing has actually been considered.

One thing, though: there is a multitude of grammatical errors on top of punctuation errors. It's not just once or twice but very consistent. Normally when I see
mary chapter 18 . 2/14/2015
Please update! I've reread the story 3 times
Kyoshu Koi chapter 18 . 7/27/2014
I'm kind of confused, is there going to be some kind of sequel or will the story continue? Also, as far as I can tell, most of the chapters have been edited and its getting close to around a year since an update.
Crazy Shadow Ninja 53 chapter 13 . 6/18/2014
Totally love the plot! Can't wait for the next chapter. :D Please keep up with the writing.
LiveInColor15 chapter 18 . 6/2/2014
Im in LOVE with this story! Please please come back and write more awesome chapter's! Lol I really enjoy this story its so goooooood!
Sasusaku fan chapter 18 . 12/18/2013
I luv this story it is one of the best fics i have read in a long time. Update soooooooon pliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiz.
Guest chapter 18 . 11/25/2013
Update please
2c00l4mfsch00l chapter 18 . 10/16/2013
You, my friend, have a very nice story unfolding infront of you. Your writing is excellent and I enjoy reading this sorry very much, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Please continue to edit your earlier chapters and publish a new chapter. I will definitely be waiting, and I can't wait to read it. But maybe, just maybe add a little more sasusaku? Just a teeny tiny bit. A little flirtaous scene perhaps? Just a little suggestion. Anyways, keep up the good work! I look foward to seeing what will happen in the future!
Enolaaa xxx chapter 18 . 9/29/2013
I really love your story it's one of the best and funniest vampire Sasuke X Sakura stories that I've ever read and I really don't care you make long chapters, I thinks it's amazing that you can make such long chapters! I'm looking forward to the next chapter your previews made me curious! So please continue this amazing story! Xxxxxx
CherryBlossom55 chapter 18 . 8/27/2013
YAY :D you're back :D sort of XP anyways, thank you for putting up the note to notify us that you're still here :') and have not abandon the story XDD lol, but gooood luck in everything :DD I'll be waiting very patiently here :DD Your story is too good to ignore :PP

ex oh ex oh, me XD
LovelySakura777 chapter 18 . 8/2/2013
AHHHHHHHHHHHH! That was the sound of me screaming in excitement when I realized you posted a note. Thank goodness no one was around when I did it. I am glad that you are back. I hope things are going well for you in your life now. I would have sent a review sooner but I was away on vacation for a week. Which means...NO INTERNET! So when I came back and noticed this I was VERY VERY happy. Reading the preview kinda makes me worried but anxious for the next chapter. I hope your editing goes well. I sure hope Sasuke doesn't find out what Sakura really feels for him. I don't want him to use that against her. Anyway, I am ecstatic that your back and writing again. Please edit and update soon!
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