Author has written 5 stories for Mulan, Avatar: Last Airbender, Rurouni Kenshin, and Bleach. Hey! I'm OneDayI'llFigureItOut, and you've managed to make it to my profile! Simple girl with simple pleasures (i.e. read, read, read, sleep, eat, talk, talk, read), and I'm actually fairly amazed you're interested in me enough to check out my profile. But, hey, I'll take it! FACTS ABOUT ME: EDIT: twenty-one now! Boom I'm finally legal! Struggling through nursing school, hysterically laughing/crying...always. (Do you need your vitals taken??) One dog, whom I love! EDIT: a new cat whom I am just a little obsessed with! Have always loved to read. Began to write a few years ago (and I love it)MY FAVORITE BOOKS: To quote Neil Gaiman (author of Stardust, which I loved, and a million others)
Nevertheless! I will try! (The order is based on how quickly they popped into my head, not on anything else) Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling (what can I say? I grew up with the kid!) EDIT: Basically anything by Victor Hugo. I've read Les Mis and Hunchback of Notre Dame (if you're looking for a challenging read and some of the most beautifully written script ever, read this genius' work.) A Song of Fire and Ice Series by George R. R. Martin (wonderfully complex, interesting characters, drama, battles, life, death, family [functional and dysfunctional]. I hear the T.V. series is pretty accurate, but let's be honest: nothing beats the book.) Ready Player One by Ernest Cline (one of the first sci-fi books I've read and it's a lot of fun! Had a very interesting plot) A Long Way Down by Nick Hornby (hilarious, though the topic shouldn't be. His brand of humor isn't for everyone.)And that's all I'm patient enough to write down! MY CURRENT STORIES: Life After: EDIT (12/27/15): Sorry friends for how long it's taking me. My muse simply isn't clocked in with this story. Never fear though! I have every intention of finishing! Time Heals All: A little something I thought up because no one seems to write a Megumi fic that I like. There's not really a plan in mind; it's more of an exercise, so we'll see where it goes and if anyone likes it. My Avatar: the Last Airbender one-shots Really these are just for my own personal pleasure. I loved this cartoon growing up, so these are purely selfish. I'll post one whenever the mood strikes me, and I'll look over them later and wonder why the heck I thought it was a good idea lol. If you happen to run past one, feel free to review. Legends: My newest obsession! You know what they say: if you can't find a story you're looking for, write it yourself. Shunsui and Jushiro make up my favorite friendship in the Bleach universe, and I just haven't quite been able to find what I need to get my fix of them. Shunsui is too often portrayed as this perfect specimen of lonely masculinity that is just one relationship away from happiness while Jushiro is always that sickly, nice-guy supporting character with absolutely nothing hidden beneath the surface of his smile. No more, I say! If you're interested, or even slightly curious, check it out! Thanks for reading my drivel! Now get out of here! Get reading! |