Reviews for Restraint
Nicole chapter 2 . 10/8/2018
Increible, me encantaria una segunda parte esto fue demasiado hermoso
8ouji-Rui chapter 2 . 5/19/2018
This...this is everything. I love your works and i love your style. Its been a long time since i last cried because of smth, n i shed tears for this amazing work since it’s just so beautiful, in the perfect way. Thank you for dedicating yourself to wrote out masterpieces and sharing it with us.
nekonotaishou chapter 1 . 3/26/2018
oh my GOSH that was so good! Ah, I usually don't go for AUs, but I love your writing style, so I gave this story a try. I am very happy I did. Excellent character portrayal! Your writing is introspective and emotional, and I love that so much. Thank you for this wonderful story!
StreetlightsAndCityscapes chapter 2 . 6/5/2017
I read this fic years ago, and was not expecting an epilogue (to the point where I didn't bother putting it on alert), but thank you for doing it! I adore this story beyond words, and now have unrealistic expectations about doctor-patient relationships (yes, I know: ethics. But that's why I read fanfiction ;) )

For a medical student who's toying with the idea of a surgical specialty, Nanao is an intriguing case study. I find myself empathizing with her: The perfectionism, the drive to push limits because you can, the ego that comes with success. But also the burden of trust, the clusterfuck-induced panic, the self-loathing of personal failure even in the face of success.

It's all very interesting, so thank you again for continuing (and maybe writing more...?)
Kaiblossom1683 chapter 2 . 12/8/2016
Thank you for taking the time to share your fics! I'm thoroughly enjoying all of them!
Mars chapter 2 . 11/13/2016
I am so happy you came back with another chapter! Thank you! You are the best!
Aria6 chapter 2 . 10/31/2016
o_o! YES! I loved this story and I thought the ending was so touching yet so sad. It needed a happy ending and I'm glad it got one. :) Thank you!
Saphira113 chapter 2 . 10/11/2016
Thank you for writing a second chapter to this! I will admit that I have always hoped you would :)

You write people's thoughts in an incredibly realistic way, especially Nanao's self-recrimination.
Skadarken chapter 2 . 9/15/2016
Thank you for an excellent conclusion to this AU oneshot. But it's not a oneshot anymore.
Time to change the summary. Thanks again. See ya on the next update.
monoprotic chapter 2 . 9/14/2016
Thank you for such an amazing epilogue - I've been wishing for a continuation, and finding out a notification about this story made my day. Honestly, the story has a beautiful premise. I'm also in the healthcare profession and we always want the best for the patients we take care of. Anyway, I love the AU ShunNao fanfic very much. Thanks again for the update.
KashinaKairi chapter 2 . 9/14/2016
Oh sweet beautiful sunshine of love! That was amazing and so tantalizingly good! I could not stop once I started. I read the first chapter long ago, I can't even remember, and I wasn't expecting another chapter to ever come up. But here is this sweet gem of honey that I can't get enough of. Thank you!
Fosfomycine chapter 2 . 9/14/2016
I came through this story the first time three years ago, and read it a second time, just two days ago (because i miss my favorite OTP, and love your writing style) and i thought how much it would be great if this wonderful and heartwarming story had a sequel. The epilogue is amazing I love every bit of it, even, if it is an AU, Shunsui and Nanao are so in character ! REally, this is a wonderful story !
Thank you ! you made my day ... no my entire week ! I hope you continue to write (To breathe agai ) and post your stories.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/22/2016
You absolutely need to continue this. You've obviously put a lot of effort and thought into it, so now you need to make sure that your hardwork is seen by the whole community. I absolutely loved it, and I can't wait to read what will happen next in the love lives of Shunsui and Nanao in this AU. Beautiful work. Well done.
JiraiyasGirl chapter 1 . 1/24/2016
This was wonderful! As someone else in the medical field out spelled to me on several levels. If you decided to write more to this story i would happily read it.
PotatoLizard chapter 1 . 8/28/2015
I'm just gonna imagine them getting together after this somehow. Cause it needs to be. NEEDS TO DAMMIT
I didn't realize just how much work doctors and nurses and just all hospital staff in general did before this fic, so I now have a new respect for them and I guess you as well, both for your writing skills and your occupation. Good luck!
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