![]() Author has written 13 stories for Avengers, X-Men: The Movie, and Musketeers. Hello there! Please feel free to browse the following items below -but make sure you put them back where you found them on your way out! Thanks! ;) ( I end up talking forever, so if that annoys/bores you, reading this profile might not be the best idea, otherwise have fun!) NOTICE: I updated this profile just to tell you awesome people that i have changed my username/penname from Boooyakasha to SaphireInTheSky...yes, i know i spelt saphire wrong...but now i cant change it -.- Anyways, I did this change mostly because i disliked my old penname (it's part of a fiction i don't follow any more.) This small change shouldn't affect any of your followings or favourites, but i thought it would be better to inform you rather that leave you confused -i'm not that evil! :) Anyways, that is all, have a great day! Fanfiction Involvement: Like the fiction I follow, I like to write for the genres of humour, angst, friendship (bromance) and hurt/comfort- all of which I cant get enough of- so expect a lot of this! As a side note, I tend to mostly write cannon pairing, with the odd oc in them -as I don't want to twist the structure of characters and their plots to the extent that they are completely different. So im sorry if that's what you're looking for as it wont crop up here -much. If you are as eager to read as I am, it always helps to review when you read a chapter since it lets me, the writer know, you guys are up to speed and like my work so I can continue to update quicker (otherwise I end up scouring my emails regularly for permission/ A-Okay signal to move along). Based on my passions, if I am to write any kind of story they would likely revolve around a few of my fav tv shows/movies like: The Walking Dead, Being Human, Supernatural, The A team, Avengers, X men, GOTG, AC2, TMNT, The Musketeers and so many more I can't even think of right now! I always have a ton of plots lined up (most of which are huge because I like super in depth detail in my stories, so I tend to publish them one at a time rather than multi stories going all at once). *If you ever see any of my stories unfinished, it is because life (university and work) is taking up too much of my time to think straight, under stress, sleep and finish my homework -which tends to happen in cycles that i cannot avoid. I'm really sorry in advance if this happens to you during a fic of mine that you happen to like, i wish i could change that flaw but it is something i cant prevent. I will, however, always finish a fic, no matter how long it takes (the longest gap ive had was 3 weeks) and i would never leave a fic for a year unless ive become completely stumped or lost the fic (as i did with my first clintasha fic). Basically, this note is for the people searching my profile in hopes of wondering what im up to when ive been gone for too long -so don't worry, im never absent for too long a time, and i usually have a justifiable reason. So, in the meantime, just busy yourselves with chocolate and stickers -or something- because i'll be back before you know it! XD If you find any errors in my work -especially really distracting ones- please let me know! Admittedly im not the best with punctuation and spelling. I always proofread my works, but if there's 15 pages of scanning for errors in a single chapter (i write long chapters), then I'm likely to tire and miss some errors -but feel free to correct me! :) Personal: -I'm 19 -British/Canadian nationality -Student in university (often the cause for story hiatus'...sorry) -In my spare time I like to play guitar, read this site, create stories and watch my fav tv/movies shows for brain food. I loooove music and often find my mood affected by the particular song I am listening to. This leads me to use music to better convey the emotional intensity of a moment, so if I drop you a link in a story, try it out -it may help with the atmosphere, but that's just me. I'm always listening/playing music, I think its a great way to live and express besides writing ;) -As you can tell I like to talk, I just like to interact and get into the nitty gritty of details (which serves as both a 'gift' and a curse) but it allows me to do what I love which is reading and writing :) If I must be more in depth and emotional then so be it, i just like being open/honest with everyone. Random Note: I've just signed up for Deviant Art, as i do a lot of sketches in my spare time based on the fictions i like -and wanted somewhere (besides my phone) to store them...plus share them of course ;) If you're interested, i go under the same penname there as i do here: SaphireInTheSky :) Anyways, I hope you found what you were looking for in reading this and getting to know me! I appreciate reviews and criticism when its needed, everything you readers do really impacts and inspires writers, especially me! :) PM me if you like or have a question. If you're still reading this good for you! Here's a brownie point! Thank you for visiting! Don't forget to pay on the way out!... Woah! I'm joking people! ...please don't kill me! D:) |