Author has written 10 stories for Walking Dead. About me: I'm a mother of two; my son's an infant and my daughter's two. It's difficult to be a stay at home mom sometimes, but so worth it! :) I'm taking a corresopondence course so I can work from home, which will be awesome. Though sometimes I write stories more than I should and don't work on my class as much as I should (shame on me!) Thus the long hiatus on Thicker Than Water, well that and I had my son during that time. TV and Movies: Oh I don't know...: Walking Dead, Dexter, Breaking Bad, Sons of Anarchy, Justified, Rescue Me, It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia, The Big Bang Theory, Boondock Saints, Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, Red Dragon, Leaves of Grass, Just about any Tarantino movie Books: Hunger Games, The Giver, The Scarlet Letter There's more stuff I like, but it's late and you don't need an endless list. Oh, I like music too, lol. |