![]() Author has written 18 stories for Inuyasha, Misc. Books, Artemis Fowl, Yu-Gi-Oh, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Batman Beyond, and Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. Hey there! Thanks for dropping by! Allow me to introduce myself. The name is emeralddarkness, though you can call me emmie or blue if you'd like to, I'm 20 years old, a college student studying art, and have recently been sucked back into the YGO fandom. For all those of you mocking me right now, shut up, it's a fun fandom. laughs Also, if you've only seen it in English, you should try watching it in Japanese before making any judgement calls - 4kids made it so wildly different that it almost became a new show. ANYWAY. A news flash for everyone who likes all of my stories that were published before January 08 or so - sorry, but I've put all of those on hold for the time being as I rewrite them. If you really like any of them then save them now; I'm going to go through and delete some of them. I may repost some of these, but don't pin your hopes on it - I probably won't. A lot of those stories are for old fandoms that I've sort of fallen out of; they no longer interest me, and it's a huge struggle for me to write something I don't care about. I'm sorry if you like any of the fics that I delete, but the simple fact of the matter is this: I am a much better author then I was when I started out doing this stuff. Quite a few of my old works no longer make me proud - quite the opposite, I'm kind of embarrassed when people read them because people will still assume I write like that. I know that there are some that people still like but - honestly, I was 13 when I wrote some of those. I would not read them these days, let alone favorite them. They have plot holes and typos and misspellings and poorly developed ideas and I don't like them anymore. When all is said and done, after all, this site is about the authors playing around where other people can see them. It's an author's perogative to post or not post whatever they like, and remove something or keep it up. Best advice I can give you if you really don't want to lose something is to just save it on your comp. I have, for the most part, moved on to bigger and better things and my stories list is going to reflect that as I bury the shame of some of these guys. Item two: I'm bad at finishing stories. It takes me a long time. I have a wonderful friend who betas for me and nags me on and stuff now so I'm getting better, but I'm still bad at finishing stories. Beginnings are easy. Sticking to things are hard. I'm still learning to love (or, um, do) the tough stuff of being an author. I want to be an author professionally so I'm working on this, but things may take a while. Please understand that, please accept that, please know that yes I am working on finishing things but that it will take time. Also, for all those YGO fans among you looking for some good, non-slash fanfiction (or if you have any that you love) I have a C2 that I've created collecting it because it's endangered. Share the love. Feel the joy. (Something like that) |