![]() Author has written 64 stories for Gundam Wing/AC, Warcraft, Chrono Trigger, X-overs, Final Fantasy VIII, Tales of Symphonia, Star Wars, Final Fantasy X-2, Record of Lodoss War, Baldur's Gate, Fire Emblem, Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology, Valkyria Chronicles, Final Fantasy: Tactics, and Golden Sun. "Recommended Authors:" Kitten Kisses - First found in the ToS section, but she writes well everywhere! "Recommended Readings:" (Can be found in Favorite Stories) 'Always in Repair' - By H-thar. Well written, this tale of post Final Fantasy 13 is one that I highly recommend. Bio: (Sorta) Gundam Wing to Tales of Symphonia to Fire Emblem. Story of my life - with the occasional swerve to other fandoms. I've always thought myself to be realistic in my writing, but of course find that my early works smack of self-delusion in that regard. It's an area that I strive to improve upon. Happily, I have people in the Fire Emblem fandom who smack me around if I mess up. Also, note that aside from a propensity for leaving my fictions unfinished... I also seem able to spin new ideas for tales at random. This frustrates me, since I would love to actually finish my chaptered fics. Unfortunately, I can't remember where the plot was going with some of them. And for quite a few of the unfinished tales, I need to replay the games that they are based upon. And I already have games that are currently taking up my time. I have a propensity to write weird and seeing if it would work. This applies to pairings and situations. It also sometimes leads to very dark conclusions, much to my dismay. Looks like I'll have work in the near future. That may detract from writing, or it may not. It will probably result in a new computer, however. That would do wonders for the computer breaking apart situation. Pairings, Appreciated: (Including, but not limited) Fire Emblem 7: Lyn/Tactician, Lyn/Kent, Kent/Fiora, Hector/Florina, Eliwood/Ninian. There are others that I enjoy, just not enough to list. (Warning: Hector/Lyn is NOT appreciated. If you gush at me with that pairing, I take no responsibility for the end result. Or Rath/Lyn. Rath is like, the Lone Warrior with Wil for his sidekick companion. Hi-ho Silver! Away!) Fire Emblem 8: Seth/Eirika (OTP.) Joshua/Natasha, Joshua/Marissa. Again, I like reading others, but not enough to list them. Plus I do mix and match a lot for all the weird ideas that come to mind. But I really love Seth and Eirika, so... yeah. Stories Ongoing (Things I still have to do... too many things...) All stories that are not complete will be updated as I finish new chapters. Thank you for your understanding. (Having trouble writing anything other than drabble these days. Not to say that I have any intentions of abandoning things, but it does tend to take away from writing if I have no ideas.) Note: You all may have noted a rather... long absence from the writing scene. It has been prompted by the unique challenges of life, mostly that of dealing with work, relationships, and things that take up time. Through that, I've had very little time for myself, let alone to write or draw or anything else. Adding to that conundrum, I've recently lost the laptop that had all of my stories, drafts, and unfinished chapters on it. I'm uncertain if or when I'll be able to revive it and recover what I'm missing. That being said, I'm of the firm opinion that I need to be back in the my writer's chair. So while I borrow the resources to do so, please bear with me. Thanks for taking the time to continue favorite and follows on my tales. It was the last thing I expected after being gone for so long. Trevor x Quotes: "And the monkey flips the switch." Major West - Lost In Space "Urk… That look of Tear’s always makes me nervous. So hopeful…affectionate…and sadistic…" - Mormo, Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology |