![]() Author has written 12 stories for Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Ironman, Avengers, Assassin's Creed, Captain America, Gorillaz, Big Hero 6, and How to Train Your Dragon. Hey hey hey hey whats up party people? Real simple: Things I like: 1. Marvel heros 2. Batman 3. Writing fanfictions/fictions 4. Fruit flavored herbal teas from a tea pot 5. Rocky Road or Cherry Garcia ice cream 6. FFVII 7. FFVIII 8. Kirby games 9. All types of Anime 10. Legend of Zelda Things I hate: 1. Superman (hes too over used!) 2. Certain members of my family 3. Courage the Cowardly Dog because the show gives me nightmares 4. People who have no reason to harass me but do it anyway 5. People who get pop culture references wrong intentionally 6. People who call Daft Punk dubstep 7. Bielibers and 1directioners who think they were ripped off by Queen and The Beatles 8. M.Night Shamalan's Avatar the Last Airbender 9. The Room (look it up if you dare) 10. Guys who are never around and cancel all the time and who never care about their lady's feelings! My Music listing: Bands: 1. Nightwish 2. E Nomine 3. Daft Punk 4. Brentalfloss (look him up on youtube) 5. BabyMetal 6. Eiffel 65 Movies!: 1. Interstella 5555 the 5ecret of the 5tar 5ystem (look it up please!) 2. Tim Burton's Sweeney Todd 3. Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland 4. First Squad (although I still don't understand it. . . . . . .) 5. The Emperor's New Groove 6. Any film with Hao Miyazaki's name on it (I have seen most of his movies but Princess Mononoke is my personal fav.) I am just a girl trying to live life I love writing fanfictions although I mostly do shitty oneshots and never finish any stories so I can't exactly post them if they aren't or never will be finished can I? I really want to go to Emerson College and get in their creative writing program because I want to change the world with words! That aside... Tony Stark is my favorite avenger he's got the best super power: Money I enjoy the satisfaction of playing with my four lightsabres despite owning only half of a Darth Maul one... I own a variety of plushies and legos and currently have decorated my bathroom from top to bottom with both. My current goal in life is to obtain a completed assassin's robe from Assassin's Creed with hidden blades and everything and run around doing parkour. I an willing to openly admit I have never seen a classic animated Disney film other than Lilo and Stitch (I still cry) so no snow white no little mermaid or even lion king I feel I may have seen them once but don't recall a thing. I cry during Lilo and Stitch (you know Ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind?), Monsters Inc. the ending gets me every time even though I have seen it a million times, and I also cry during Hao Miyazaki films. I also take enjoyment in haikus: Who threw that blue shell? What the f*ck I was in first Hope you crash and lose! Why am I sharing all of this with you? I still haven't the slightest clue... |