Author has written 7 stories for Ninja Turtles, Avengers, and Sherlock.
Favorite fanfic quotes, sorry that the proper credits aren't there I have an awful memory, and I read a lot :P TMNT: "If I sit on a whoopee cushion, you will lose a hand," he promised darkly. "And then I'll slap you with it." - Leo; The more things change. "Jack Daniels is a horrible man, and if I ever meet him, I'm going to kill him." - Leo; The more things change. "The last thing you told me to drink tasted like…like poor life choices," he said accusingly. - Leo "You couldn't kill us if we handed you a sword an' ran at it headfirst," - Raph Then there's Raph, our resident hothead. Think of the most impulsive guy you know, give him an attitude and the Hulk's temper, and you've got Raph." - Mikey "Why isn't there coffee in my cup?" - Don; Of brothers and bronchitis. “But since he's the hothead of the group, it's only (il)logical that he react to everything in a violent, irrational way. It makes sense when you don't think about it.” "You don't have the ovaries to do it." “Some things weren't meant to be teased: a turtle's sound machine is one of them.” “Never trust the odds. It became Mikey's new motto. That, and Leonardo is a devious liar. Never trust him either.” - Mikey Mikey leaned forward, deepening his voice. "We have anticipated your return to the dark side, Donatello. Come, immerse yourself in sugar and caffeine." Mikey's eyes gleamed. "Diet-smiet. All those health buff people change their minds every week. But ice cream, my dear brother, is the staple of all junk food. It will always be bad for you. And if they try to tell you that it is good for you, then you know it's not ice cream. It's frozen yogurt in disguise. There is no place for secret agent snacks on my food pyramid." "We'll get you some food, a little sunshine, something alive to talk to for a change. You'll feel like a new turtle." even the creature itself had not realized it was dead "I didn't know Raph could read," Mikey snorted. "Ow! Stop hitting me!" He glared threateningly at his older brother, who merely scoffed at him. "Yeah, we can tell Splinter about Raph getting the shell kicked out of him by a hooker," "Is there anything you wish to tell me?" Splinter asked, gazing at his two other sons standing in the doorway."No," Mikey said, "Except that Leo's been touching me in places that make me feel uncomfortable, and Raph got beat up by a hooker." "he couldn't remember, at that moment, what possible use he had for a brain, but he supposed that it must be important, or it wouldn't be behind his eyes…" - Donatello Avengers: "I call Bruce!" Tony says, wrapping a hand around the arm of the other. "We're both men of science, and by men of science I mean I'm a man of science who dies when hit by bullets and he's a man of science who can turn into a bulletproof tank monster." - Caught with his pants down Natasha shrugs. "I'm just gonna go kill people now." She raises an eyebrow at Steve. "Is that alright?"- Caught with his pants down "It's true!" Thor says excitedly. "Loki is a very talented wielder of knives, daggers and all things pointy." - Caught with his pants down |
44TayLo (7) | dysprositos (29) |