Only two stories in the making?

Feels weird for me, so here comes some new stories

Including a sequel!

So enough talking and lets get this show on the road!

This story i don't foresee being really long, probably ten chapters or less

But yeah


I don't own TMNT

Chapter 1

Mikey shifted positions on the couch before flipping the page, he read the first strip, feeling more and more bored. He sighed, closed the comic book and tossed it on the cushion. He stood up and looked around the lair, wondering where Don could be. Last time he saw them was right before Leo, Raph and Splinter left on patrol, Mikey and Don were going to go later on in the evening, Leo and Raph wanted all of them to go with but Don wasn't feeling well and Mikey thought It would be better if he stayed with Don, so he wasn't alone. But know he can't find him, maybe he's in lab.

Mikey walked toward his lab and peeked inside, seeing an empty chair. Mikey turned his head in confusion, where could Don be?

He looked behind him and checked in the kitchen, empty. He couldn't have gone upstairs, wouldn't be in the dojo. Then he heard a noise that answered his question, the shower head running.

Mikey giggled and walked back to the couch and flipped the TV on. The news was calling for perfect weather tonight, good. Mikey flipped the channel to a cartoon channel and watched for a second. The little pink dog was running around trying to convince people that there was a monster outside.

"I want a talking dog" Mikey said to himself, "How awesome would that be"

He sighed and flipped the channel, it was a court show. Something about someone hitting their car and then taking off. Mikey hated these shows, it was nothing but paid actors reading off of scripts, stupid fake shows.

Mikey pressed the channel up button, but nothing happened. He looked at the remote and tried again, still nothing. He turned it around, opened the battery compartment and took the batteries out. Examining them, he grunted and stood up, placing the batteries on the coffee table and walked to the bathroom door, opening it slightly.

"Donnie!" Mikey said

"What?" Don answered

"Where are the batteries?" Mikey asked

"Umm…Check my desk, middle drawer" Don responded

Mikey closed the door and set the remote on the table as he passed it. He walked into Don's lab and toward his desk. Opening the middle drawer, he saw the box of batteries lying inside. He grabbed two and closed the drawer, walking out of the lab.

He sat back down and replaced the batteries. He pressed the channel up button and the channel switched. He smiled and flipped it again. Then he felt the lair begin to shake very lightly. 'Stupid Train' He thought.

After a couple minutes the shaking didn't stop, in fact, it slowly got harder. Mikey looked around and saw things start to fall over.

"What the?" Mikey said

Then all of a sudden the shaking got massive, Mikey grabbed onto the couch and looked around, frightened. He saw the books from the book case drop out onto the floor, his snow glob that he found fell and burst into pieces. Everything got hectic, things fell, things broke, and the shaking only got worse. He looked up and saw the light above his shake unnaturally, his heart jumped as he saw the light begin to fall toward him.

He jumped out of the way and heard the glass shatter as it hit the ground. Mikey lifted himself up only to fall over again, not being able to keep his balance. Then his fears got worse as he saw cracks begin to form in the ceiling.

"No!" Mikey shouted as a chunk on brick fell from the ceiling and smashed into the ground. Mikey didn't know what to do, he just sat there and watched the entire lair quickly get trashed. He looked over and saw the TV uneasily teetering, then hitting the ground, causing a large spark of white, Mikey covered his mouth as he leaned up against the wall, unknowing of what to do. And the shaking just kept going and going.

He saw the bathroom door swing open fast and Don ran out. "MIKEY!" He shouted, running toward him.

"Don!" Mikey said as Don wrapped his arms around him and protected him from falling chunks of the brick.

"What's going on?" Mikey shouted

"Earthquake!" Don shouted back

Mikey and Don both hung on to each other as the shaking got worse, to the point where they couldn't even hold themselves up. They both fell to the ground and stayed close to the wall.

"What do we do?" Mikey asked, feeling his fear rose higher and higher

Don tried to think of something that they could do, he read somewhere that you needed to get under a table or something. "Come on!" Don shouted as he grabbed Mikey's hand and helped him up. They both moved as fast as they could toward the kitchen, it was harder than they thought. The terrible shaking kept making them lose their balance.

They grabbed the kitchen doorway and pulled themselves in. "Mikey get under the table" Don shouted. Mikey nodded, got to the floor and crawled under the table. He grabbed one of the legs and stayed under the table.

Don grabbed the doorway and looked under the table, not seeing room for him anywhere. "Shit!" Don shouted

"Don what about you?" Mikey has to scream over the loud noise

Don looked around, "Just stay there, I'll go find somewhere else"

"Don no! Don't leave me!" Mikey pleaded

"I'll be fine Mikey, just stay there and don't come out until I come and get you" Don said

Mikey looked at him, and then nodded. He felt his fear get higher as Don disappeared from sight. He looked around franticly, feeling hopeless as the lair just gets worse. The shaking didn't stop, it just got worse and worse.

Mikey clenched his eyes shut and wished for it all to stop. Then the sound of a large chuck wall slamming to the ground made Mikey jump and yelp.

"DON!" He yelled

There was no response, which made Mikey fear even more to the point of tears falling out of his eyes.

"DONNIE!" he shouted again

Still no response, then the lights went out and the shaking didn't stop. Mikey felt as if his skin were being torn inside out. He pulled his knee's in close and buried his face, trying to refrain himself from having a panic attack.

He clenched his teeth and tried to imagine himself in a better place. But the shaking wasn't helping. More and more loud noises entered Mikey's ears. He threw his hands up to his ears and held them tightly against his head. Only muffling the noise slightly.

He pressed them tighter and opened his eyes, seeing nothing but pure darkness. Then it all got abruptly silent, the shaking stopped, the darkness remained, the silence was threatening. Mikey slowly uncovered his ears and remained quiet.

"Don?" He said silently

There was no response.

He grabbed onto the table and slid himself out from underneath it. He pushed himself to his feet and supported himself with the table. Standing in the darkness, he felt an odd feeling, he couldn't explain it but something felt wrong.

He began to walk, sticking his hands out in front of him to feel around for the doorway. Once he grabbed it, he stepped out of the kitchen and into the main room. He couldn't see a thing, he felt around for the couch, but he jerked his leg back after feeling a sharp pain in his foot. He placed his hand on the wall and used his other hand to find whatever he stepped on. After rubbing his foot, he felt a large glass shard stuck in his foot.

He exhaled in pain and grabbed the shard, feeling move inside of him, clenched his teeth, and then quickly pulled it out. Yelping in pain.

He dropped the glass and heard it break as it hit the ground. "Don!" He tried again. But still no response, he tried to focus his vision in the darkness, but it didn't work, it was too dark to see anything. Then a small noise made him jump.

"Mikey" He heard Don say in a small voice

"Don! Don where are you?" Mikey asked

"Over here" his voice was small, like he was having trouble talking

Mikey turned around in the darkness, "Yeah that helps me"

It was silent for a second, "Keep talking" Don said

Mikey turn his head in confusion, "What?"

"Just keep talking and I'll find you eventually" Don said

"Umm…Well ok…What should I talk about?" Mikey asked

Mikey heard movement near him, he extended his arm and felt his hand bump into something, felt like a mouth.

"Ouch" Don said

"Sorry, didn't mean to punch you" Mikey said trying to hold in the giggle

He felt Don's hand wrap around his arm and pull him closer, "Ok good, at least we found each other" Don said

"What are we going to do now" Mikey asked worried

Don was quiet for a second.


"I'm thinking" Don said

He let go of Mikey's arm, "Don!"

"Don't worry, I'm right here" Don said, his voice was getting farther away

"What are you doing?" Mikey asked

Don didn't respond, he heard footsteps and sweeping sounds, Mikey squinted his eyes to try and get at least a peek at something, but it was no luck.

"Shit…You've got to be kidding" Don said, "This can't be happening"

"What?" Mikey asked quickly, his heart began to race in worry

"Do you have your shell cell?" He heard Don ask

"Umm" Mikey fumbled through his belt and pulled out his shell cell, "Yeah"

"Turn it on and let me see it" Don said

Mikey flipped it open and the small light hit his face, making him squint his eyes. He shined the small light in front of him, it made little difference. He saw Don's silhouette looking away from him and began to walk toward him, but then stopped when he felt a something wet rub against his skin. He shined the light down and saw a small blood puddle. Was it from his foot?

He jumped when he looked up and saw Don standing in front of him Don came into the light. He took the phone and Mikey saw the light go farther from him. He quickly followed the light and stopped near Don's silhouette.

"Mikey look at this" Don said, holding the phone up toward the wall, revealing a large chuck of the ceiling that covered up most of the wall.

"So?" Mikey said

Don sighed, giving the phone to Mikey, "Look where it is" Don said

Mikey took the phone and held it up to the wall near the rock, seeing the broken sign 'Lair sweet Lair'. Mikey felt a lump in his throat.

"No" He said softly, walking past Don and looking on the other wall, seeing the brick wall with one brick that was broken.

"Oh my god" Mikey whispered, "It's blocking the lair door Don…It's in front of the god damn door"

"I know Mikey" Don said softly

"You know! Don what the hell we are going to do!" Mikey shouted

"I don't know but shouting isn't going to help" Don said calmly

Mikey took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts, the lair is drowned out in darkness, the lair door is blocked by a large boulder, and his brothers were up ground.

His brothers.

"Don what about Leo and Raph!" Mikey shouted again

"Would you stop shouting, it's not helping my headache" Don said in a rough voice

"Don! Leo and Raph are still up there" Mikey shouted

"Mikey you're telling me things I already know" Don said

"Well if you're such a genius then what are you going to do about it?" Mikey continued to shout

"I don't know Mikey! I'm just as scared as you are! So stop screaming at me and just calm down!" Don shouted

Mikey stopped talking, he felt a tear begin to form. He inhaled sharply and wiped it away. Then he felt Don grab him and wrap his arms around him, "I'm sorry, please don't cry" Don said softly, taking the phone out of Mikey's hands and closing it shut.

"I'm not crying…It's just" Mikey couldn't think, thoughts were speeding through his head to the point of pain. "I'm scared" Mikey said softly

Don closed his eyes, feeling his heart being squeezed, "I am too Mikey"