Reviews for Hidden Past
Little-Miss-Sass chapter 19 . 6/26/2012
Little-Miss-Sass chapter 17 . 6/26/2012
Little-Miss-Sass chapter 16 . 6/26/2012
Little-Miss-Sass chapter 10 . 6/26/2012
Little-Miss-Sass chapter 8 . 6/26/2012
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i wonder what happened...(impolse taking over) :-0 I HAD TO ITS LIKE MY THING NOW
Little-Miss-Sass chapter 7 . 6/26/2012
I dont know what to say it was really good and hi to all the pepple
Little-Miss-Sass chapter 6 . 6/26/2012
:-0...I am obsesed with these :-0 faces
Little-Miss-Sass chapter 4 . 6/26/2012
"Sir, I would like you to know that your guest is on fire." the AI system informed them.


Little-Miss-Sass chapter 3 . 6/26/2012
Little-Miss-Sass chapter 1 . 6/26/2012
that was totaly and compleatly random...BUT I LOVED IT i did think that should have come a little later but it is good so far
Bella Cuore chapter 15 . 2/27/2012
Haha! LOVE the nod to Princess Bride!
Winteroses chapter 23 . 11/10/2009
This story was awsome! I loved it and I'm off to read the sequel now...
IcePrincess013 chapter 23 . 9/30/2009
OMG! This is such a great story! I really love the idea of Tony Stark having a daughter! Very nicely done. and I'm glad that your doing a sequel :)
Animekitty47 chapter 22 . 3/7/2009

Sarah's like Superman but without the Kryptonnite. Did you intentionally reuse "For you, Miss Stark? Always"?
IronAnatomy21 chapter 23 . 1/5/2009
Well I've read your story on recommendation and I must say it was very well written. I have to admit that you had me in some tears in the first chapter when you introduced Sarah. Her story was so sad. But that's just me so yeah, I hope you don't think that's weird. Your not so bad at writing action; I think it's way better than mine. Lol. So yeah, I'll start reading the sequel and I'll give you my thoughts on that.

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