Hello! Well, this is my first Assassin's Creed fanfiction. It takes place in Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. This story is rated M for language and future smut. Yes, my darlings, there will be smut. Haha, anyways, don't read if you don't like such things. Thank you for taking the time to read it, I really appreciate it! Anyways, if my Italian is mistranslated then please, correct me! Enjoy!

I DO NOT OWN ASSASSIN'S CREED I simply own my oc's.

Lia raced down the street, shoving pedestrians aside, which they didn't quite appreciate. Not that she cared much, right now she had to get away, far away. The frantic girl could hear the yells of the guards getting closer, this fueled her to run faster. Her boot covered feet pounded the ground, sometimes shooting pains up her legs. "Merda,(shit)" she cursed under her breath but the pain didn't slow her down.

"Basta!(Stop) Fermala!(Stop her)" the angry guards screeched at the confused civilians. Lia could see a blockade of guards ahead, this day was just not in her favor. With a quick wit, she launched herself at the wall, scrambling to climb up. With a grunt she pulled up and resumed her fast pace of running from building to building. The money, she had just pickpockted, jostled around in her pockets. The guards were obviously not going to stop chasing her, they pursued her up the buildings. All of the sudden crossbow bolts started raining around her.

"Maledizione,(god damn it)" she growled, why were they so damn persistant? It was only about 200 florins she had stolen, maybe it was from the wrong person. They did look like a high official person, she cringed, I should be more careful. Lia slid to a stop, the gap lying in front of her was far to wide to jump. She was also on a three story building, could this get any worse? With a quick glance backwards confirmed her statement before, it was going to get a lot worse. A sick feeling swam in her stomach as she caught sight of the pile of hay below her. Lia turned, should she fight or fall? First, she didn't have any weapons. Second, the guards had an array of weapons. She took a deep breath and fell backwards, tumbling through the air.

The impact came sooner then Lia expected, it wasn't a rough landing. Actually, it was quite pleasant. Being smart she stayed in the hay for awhile, the guards would think her dead and leave, hopefully. For once the world decided to shift to her liking and they didn't disturbe the golden stack. She grumbled incoherent words as she noticed all the minuscule pieces of hay sticking to her clothes, and hair.

For about 5 minutes the tallish, slender girl stood there, picking pieces of the straw out of her hair. Then she thought it was futile, she could be there an hour. That was vaulable time she couldn't afford to lose. Lia replaced her hood on her head before swiftly joining a crowd on the streets. She had to hurry to see her uncle, he was certainly impatient by now. She rolled her blue eyes, but knowing her uncle he probably already knew where she was, with his team of "elite" thieves. Yes, he was the one and only La Volpe. He'd taught her the basics of pickpocketing, ha, that's a nice thing to teach your niece.

Lia smiled at the thought of her uncle, he was quite a crazy man. She loved him anyways, that's why she was here, to see him specifically. When she had wrote him a letter he answered with delight that she should come see him. They had all lived in Firenze, her, him, her parents, brother and sister. Then her uncle fled to Roma once Monteriggioni fell. Firenze suffered hardships, mostly poverty. Although her uncle always sent money to help since Savina, her sister, was extremely ill. Lia didn't quite understand why he left but her father said it was something about business.

That didn't matter now, she hadn't seen him in 7 years and she was more than ready to reunited with him. A huge grin presented itself on her youthful face as she caught sight of her uncle's guild in the distance. She instantly sprinted towards it, the anticipation was too much for her. The place was crawling with thieves, each one gazed at her with interest. She felt out of place but that didn't stop her as her eyes searched around.

"Ah, you finally decide to arrive Lia," called an amused voice behind her.

"Uncle!" she exclaimed and turned to see the older version of her uncle, he had a wide smile.

"Well come here," he motioned with open arms "give your uncle a hug," she obliged quickly, with one step she was in his arms.

"Come," he escorted towards his personal office "We have much to talk about,"

Lia spent about an hour with him in his office, talking about all sorts of things, the main interest was her life. He didn't say much about himself, especially the affairs he dabbled in. That's what she was looking forward to, he could always tell the best stories. "How's Savina?" he asked as he sipped his wine.

Her eyes fell to the table, a somber expression dominated her face. "Non bene,(not well)" she murmured "the doctor says her death is soon approaching. Mama sta facendo male,(Mama is doing bad)"

La Volpe sighed "Come siamo tutti,(As we all are)" he told her. He rested his hand on hers, his was double the size. She looked up at him, his chocolate eyes meeting with her blue orbs. "Everything will be okay, we must keep hope." he said.

She nodded, knowing full well he was right. "Si, papa says the same thing," she replied with a soft smile.

He chuckled "A wise man, I knew we were alike in some way," he joked.

Lia giggled at that comment "Uncle Gilberto, I must ask you for a favor, would you mind?" she questioned, her voice was full of excitement.

"Do ask, I'll do whatever I can," he stated to his anxious niece, his curiousty was also peeked at what she would want.

A blush tinted her cheeks "As you know Mama doesn't like it when I practice combat at home, and I was thinking maybe you could teach me some moves. Not many! But enough to allow me to survive the streets of Roma," she quickly said, she sucked in a breath of air and held it. Never had she wanted something so much, never. For once Lia wanted to be good at something, and that didn't happen often.

La Volpe seemed to be deep in thought, he was pondering whether he should or shouldn't. Then a grin broke out on his aging face "Alright, we'll start tomorrow morning, early. So go to bed at a reasonable time tonight," he advised and stood.

Lia stood with him, a smile planted on her face "Oh grazie(thank you) uncle!" she jumped up and hugged him.

He chuckled "Now go, I'm sure you want to explore Roma and I have business to attend too," he told her. She nodded vigourously and skipped out of the guild. The young girl caught sight of a man dressed in white robes leaning up against the outside wall. Odd. Lia tugged up her hood and jumped on a vacant horse in the stables before riding off.

La Volpe traveled outside to see his friend Ezio Auditore, he smiled and they embraced quickly. "What brings you here, mi amico?(my friend)"

"I need locations on a few people," Ezio replied but his gaze flickered back to the girl who was riding away "Who is she?" he questioned.

La Volpe raised his eyebrows at his question towards his niece. "Her name is Lia Niccosai," he watched as a smile crept onto Ezio's face. La Volpe shook his head "Do not get any ideas, she is my niece. Prometto che se voi farle del male io ti farà male,(I promise if you hurt her I will hurt you)" he warned the younger male.

Ezio laughed "Non preoccuparti,(Do not worry) I would never do such a thing," he replied, but it didn't convince the wry elder man.

"I am sure," La Volpe commented with sarcasim "Now, who do you need to find?"

Lia explored the winding streets of the large, lively city of Roma. It was beautiful, life was everywhere! Firenze wasn't like this at night, everyone was boarded up in their houses. Lia dismounted the horse and wandered around on foot for awhile. She ogled at the elegantly made dresses in the tailors shop window. Maybe one day she could done a dress such as those, but now she would stick to trousers. They were much easier to run and climb in, something the girl did a lot.

Along her stroll she found a restaraunt that sold delicious meat pies, they were irresistable to the hungry Lia. She sat down with one and some ale and dug in. A content sigh left her lips, Roma was turning out to be fantastic. Much better than the falling apart Firenze. After downing the food and drink she hopped back out onto the street, a new pep in her step. She froze as cries of distress reached her ears. Her sudden stop caused a few people trouble, they grumbled a few warnings before continuing about their business.

Lia turned in the sound of the cries and sprinted towards them, weaving throughout the slow civilians. That's when a man, standing in front of his fruit stand with guards standing in front of him, came into her view. He was shouting at them while they were growling replies. "This is my stand! I paid my rent! Begone!" the man shouted.

"I don't think so, the Banker says otherwise," the guard on the right hissed.

"Che cosa?(What)" the man screeched "È oltraggioso!(This is outrageous)"

"Move, we have commands to destroy your stand," the left guard demanded.

"No! You cannot!" the man said with fear and angst swirling in his eyes.

"If you do not move, I suppose we will have to teach you a lesson," the right guard said with a wicked grin. He raised his fist, Lia could see it start to condemn the man.

Lia swiftly moved, she was there in an instant, blocking the man and the stand with her arms out wide. "No," she said harshly "there shall be none of this." The fist stopped centimeters away from her face. The man shook fiercly from behind her, mostly out of fear.

"Move, donna(woman), I'll hurt you if I must," threatened the right guard with unforgiving eyes.

But Lia didn't budge, her arms still spread in defense, her gaze full of determination and defiancy. "It isn't right to hurt a defenseless, innocent man. He says he paid his rent so he is at no fault," she stated in a calm, even voice. "Don't test me, leave before I have to use force," she warned them.

The left guard scoffed while the right one was outraged. His fury blazed in his copper eyes, his intense gaze seared through Lia, but still she didn't move. "Why you little!" he screeched and his fist came at blurring speed at her face. Lia was quick though, she caught his hand and turned to the gawking stand keeper.

"Vai, a uscire di qui,(Go, get out of here)" she told him, he nodded and flashed out of there. With her strength she flipped the guard to the ground and crushed his head under her foot, not enough to kill him or knock him unconcious. The other guard was into action now, Lia didn't falter though. She kept her foot on the others head while, cleanly dodging the flying sword and knocking him to the ground. Her other foot slammed on his head, both squirmed in pain underneath her. Lia spoke in a menacing, steady tone "You will never bother this man again, do you understand me?"

The men grumbled something she couldn't hear, as a response she pressed harder. "What'd you say?" she growled.

"Si! Si, we'll never bother this man again!" the left guard squealed like a girl. Lia smiled, satisfied with her work, quickly she was off them and down an alley. She shoved her hands into her pockets and whistled a happy tune.

It was about a quater after 11 when Lia returned to the guild. The place was still bustling with thieves, most of them drunk and playing poker or bragging about how many pockets they picked. Lia giggled as she listened to one thief slur all his words as he lied about practically everything he did in a fight. She knew from his scrawny size he could do no such thing. The story was still entertaining. Then she joined a poker game for the heck of it, the men accepted her in with happiness. Probably because she was a woman.

She set out 30 florins and she was dealed in, all the while the game was going on they joked. Lia laughed and laughed, she was glad they were so nice. After about an hour she saw her uncle enter the guild looking troubled, he was joined by the stranger from earlier, but that didn't stop her from hugging her uncle.

"Uncle! I have so much to tell about my journey through Roma!" she exclaimed with sparkling eyes. He returned her smile, his troubled look dissipated quickly.

"I'm sure, mio caro,(my dear) I suppose we can discuss it tomorrow." he told her "You must be tired from your long, eventful day. My house is just a few doors down, it should be unlocked. A sleeping gown will be waiting in your room, so don't worry." it seemed like he was desperatly trying to get rid of her.

A small frown graced her features "Alright uncle, buonanotte,(good night)" she placed a light kiss on his cheek before passing by the stranger and out the door.

Sure, she was a little tired, but not enough to go to sleep. Lia found his house without a problem, it wasn't big, but it was only for one or two people. She found her room just as quick, sure enough a sleeping gown was laid out across the quilt covered bed. Lia slipped out of her clothes and donned the plain gown, she then washed her face and hands off in the water basin before laying down.

Her long, curly, dark brown hair flowed out from her head on the pillow like a sea of silk. Lia was told that she was molto bello,(very beautiful) a lot. Her mother was French while her father was Italian, obviously. She inherited her mothers features and stature while she inherited her father personality.

Lia began to think of her family, were they alright? Would they be okay? Would Salvina be alive when she went back? A pang of sadness hit her, she loved her younger sister, more than anything. Life without her didn't seem possible, she was sure everyone thought the same.

Lia was the eldest child at the age of 17, her sister followed at 15, and her brother was 11. So naturally, she felt protective of her sibilings and would do anything for them. She pushed her thoughts aside and tried to find sleep, which didn't come till an hour later. But even then her rest was fitful and unrefreshing. Worry seemed to plauge her overactive mind. Soon she was able to calm herself down. Hopefully the next day would be good. Lia wanted, no, needed to learn from her uncle.

She wanted more to do in life, she wanted to change the world. Leave an imprint of her own, not rot away in Firenze like her parents were doing. She didn't want to be like her mother, afraid of everything, even the outdoors. And leave an imprint she would, all in time though.

Not to bad, eh? I hope not. If I made any errors in spelling and such please tell me. I hope you liked it! If you review and ask for more I will post it soon! Oh and the timeline might be a little tweaked. I might put a few things before they actually happened. Anyway, thanks again for reading! Have a great day(or night)!
