Author has written 4 stories for Inuyasha. I have returned, my 'temporary' hiatus becoming a very long one due to unexpected health reasons. I'm never really sure what to write in the 'about you' section... I'm a Southern girl with a tongue known for its sarcastic comments. I love to sing and listen to jokes-if you tell one, I'll most likely laugh because I honestly think it's funny. Laughter is the best medicine. My favorite subjects in school are English and History with my two language courses, Spanish and Chinese, coming in a close second. I love making friends. The more I have, the merrier I am. I am Southern (like I said before), so expect some y'alls coming from this corner. Ah, yes. I love any Shoujo and Drama anime. If you have any suggestions, please please please suggest them to me! I need new ones! My Fics: Contact will be updated every day if I remember to do so. It's an experimental style, so I'll see how it goes and adjust according to my thoughts and constructive criticism given. This is downright humor and fluff with an occasional taste of angst. Nominated for Best Serial 3rd Quarter 2011 at Dokuga Awards and Winner 3rd Best Serial at the 3rd Quarter Dokuga Awards, Winner 1st Best Serial and 1st Best Canon
[Complete] All that Glitters is a short, fun fic that revolves around a simple misunderstanding. Is Sesshomaru cheating with Inuyasha's wife like Kagome thinks he is? What's up with Miroku, the squatter, in the back alleyway? It takes place all at Kazurahana's, a jewelry shop, that Kagome owns. [Complete] Defrost is a twelve-part Christmas fic that is almost completed. Due to an incident in the past, Kagome hates Chrimstas. A sunny Rin and her Sesshomaru-sama are determined to bring some holiday cheer to her, because everyone deserves a happy holiday, ne? |