
Blood stained the front of his blue tunic, but Dom barely noticed. It was dried on his hands and neck. Whether it was his own or someone else's, he couldn't say. His normally bright blue eyes were dull as he made his way up the rows of casualties. The enemy dead were left in a heap on the battlefield, waiting to be lit into a funeral pyre or left for the stormwings, but their own, his own men were laid out in lines within the walls of Northwatch. His feet were careful not to step on one hair, one toe as Dom forced himself to look each man in the face.

Unbeknownst to the dark haired sergeant, Lady Knight Keladry of Mindelan watched him from where she sat outside the infirmary. Her best friend and fellow knight Neal had his hand on her side, inspecting a nasty cut just below her ribs. It could have easily been fatal, had it been an inch or two to the right, but Kel had no thoughts for her own mortality at the moment. As Dom let a dirty hand rub at his tired eyes, Kel's own wouldn't leave him for a second. She had been reassured of his safety the moment she'd ridden through the gate, her eyes having caught his, both letting out a sigh of relief to see the other unharmed. Dom's physical health accounted for by a forced hand on Neal's part, Kel only needed to look for less obvious, less physical wounds from her love's run in with the Kraken.

This had not been the first battle with either had fought in since they'd started courting at Raoul's wedding. While they had been separated at spans during the past two years, each had been in service to Tortall and both had scars to show for it. Of course it hadn't been the first time they'd fought side by side, either. There had been the numerous fights and skirmishes while Kel had ridden with the Own, not to mention their little excursion over enemy lines. What made this one different? For the first time when Kel glanced up during battle, it was not a sergeant of the Own, a comrade in arms she saw in Dom, but the man who could weaken her knees with one kiss, the man who saw behind her face of stone, the man she loved.

"He's fine, Kel," Neal assured under his breath. Even as he concentrated on healing his friend, Neal could still tell where her thoughts and eyes must be wandering. "I checked him myself."

Kel trusted Neal, of course, but she had to try harder than usual to keep from reminding Neal that he would feel exactly the same if it was his 'Yamani blossom' out there fighting Scanrans. "I know," Kel replied instead, a weak sigh escaping her lips. The fight and healing were making her eyes droop as she finally tore them away from Dom.

"Lady Kel." Tobe's worried face suddenly came into her line of vision. The now twelve-year-old boy had refused to stay at New Hope when Kel was finally ordered to defend Northwatch against one of the last futile attempts of the enemy. After having taken care of Peachblossom, the boy had quickly rushed to bring a canteen to his mistress and check on her for himself. Not far behind him was Jump who rested his paws on Kel's knee, giving her an inspection of his own.

"I'm alright." Kel gave them both a weak smile and took the water jug with a nod of thanks, emptying nearly half of its contents in one gulp. Swallowing took some effort, but when she finally wiped her mouth on the back of her hand and looked back up at her boy, Tobe was still looking from her to Neal with suspicious eyes. "It's just a cut. Barely broke skin." His mouth opened to argue, but Kel quickly cut him off. "Don't worry about me, Tobe. You should rest. You almost look worse than Neal."

In response, Neal made the last bit of healing sting just a little bit more than it should have, but Kel kept silent as she watched Tobe force a lopsided smile. "Go get something to eat, Tobe. Then go rest."

The young boy took a second to agree but finally he nodded and trotted off. "C'mon, Jump!" With one last weary look at Kel, the dog followed. Kel watched the two go as Neal helped her to her feet. Once her hazel eyes left the two retreating forms, they instantly met Dom's. His face was filled with more worry than Tobe's had been but Kel simply smiled at him, too, and told herself she was fine in an effort to make everyone else believe it. She waved at him, before wrenching her eyes away to turn to Neal.

"Thanks," she said quietly to her friend. Neal's eye looked as dull as his cousin's, but Kel didn't mention it. Neal only got the chance to nod to her before he was called to for another healing. Kel watched him go as well before she turned away herself, careful not to meet those blue eyes she was so longing to see up close. Instead, she searched for Raoul or haMinch, anyone who would have orders for her. But upon finding her old knight master, he gave her the same orders she'd given her young servant.

"Go get some food, Kel. Then go get some rest."

What she ate, she couldn't remember as she finally made her way to her room. It was all she could do to scrub the blood and dirt off of herself, trying her best to ignore the smell of burning flesh that was coming in through her window. Before she knew it, she had fallen onto her bed without so much as changing clothes and was asleep before her head hit the pillow.

Kel wasn't sure what time it was or how long she had been asleep when sudden chirping in her ear woke her. As she blinked and reluctantly turned her head to see what was the matter with her sparrows, she felt a strong arm wrap around her waist.

"Shush, Nari."

Prying open one eye, Kel couldn't help but smile as the sparrows descended onto Dom, some preening through his hair, others pecking at his pockets. Kel had warned him that bringing treats to gain their trust might not be the best idea. Now it was hard for him to be within a few feet without the small birds demanding mixed nuts. Kel waved at them, and with a common dejected last look at her amongst their little black eyes, they took flight to go land on Jump who was snoring underneath the window.

Kel shut her eyes and moved closer to Dom. Relief flooded through her as her hands inspected nearly every inch of him for injuries or scars. His did the same to her until finally they both lay still, just enjoying the warmth of the other.

"When I saw that mage—"

"When I saw that archer—"

They both spoke at the same time, their eyes opening. Hazel met blue for what felt like hours more than mere moments. While Kel's eyes were filled with relief and fear for the next battle they'd be forced to fight, Dom's were filled with a kind of determination that only made Kel more frightened. The dazzling blue of his eyes was no longer dull but vibrant. She swallowed as she pulled him closer, nervous about what was wrong, what he was thinking.

"Kel," Dom started, but Kel quickly cut him off.

"I'm fine. Neal said there was hardly any chance of infection."

Dom's normally smiling lips were turned into a frown as he searched her gaze. For what, Kel didn't know but she hid her confusion and worry with a mask, if only a vague one. She was nearly certain that by now Dom would be able to see through it anyways.

"What about next time?"

They were silent for a few minutes, each lost in thought. Kel knew there was no answer she could give him, not one he would like anyways.

"What about it?"

Dom groaned. Of course it was the answer he was expecting. This was Kel after all, but he couldn't help hoping for something different. Kel blinked up at him as he pulled away from her and sat up, staring first at the wall before looking back down at her, his eyes filled with an emotion Kel still couldn't place. What came next, she hadn't been prepared for or expecting.

"What if I told you—what if—what if I asked you to marry me?"

Kel's breath faltered and her eyes widened. While Cleon had spoken of marriage and made his hopes of marrying Kel clear, Dom had been different. Vows of love had been exchanged, yes. They were committed to each other, of course, despite what anyone else had said. Marriage, however, for the both of them had been taboo.

"But Dom, what about the Own—"

"To the Black God with the Own!"

Silence fell between the two once more. Dom looked at Kel for another second before turning back to stare at a spot on the wall. The room was suddenly very still and as Kel sat up, she was aware that Jump and the sparrows were all watching curiously, looks of something between worry or concern on their faces. Kel swallowed once more, her hand reaching out to grasp Dom's shoulder tightly. It was as much to get his attention as to steady herself. For some reason, her fingers shook beyond her control.

After a few seconds, Dom carefully looked back at her. Kel could see on his face how disparate he was. By just looking into his eyes, she knew he meant it when he implied he'd give up the Own for her. But did she want him to? Kel frowned uncontrollably. She didn't want to be the reason he gave up his career. She couldn't be. He was a promising commander; Raoul had told her so many years ago when she had been his squire. How could she forgive herself if she took Dom away from the job she knew he loved, from a country that needed him?

There was also her own career to consider. She hadn't had her shield for more than three years. There was still a war with Scanra to worry about. No matter how much she loved Dom, could she really give that up? The idea of being his wife, of even starting a family with him gave her an excited feeling deep in her chest, but could she really be ready for that? Now?

"You haven't given me an answer, Protector." He was giving her that smile, that smile that always made her weak inside and out. It wasn't fair, Kel thought vaguely as she tried to resist him, expecting her to answer when he was looking at her like that.

"What was the question?"

Dom stood up and at first Kel thought he was leaving. A few seconds later, however, he was on one knee beside her as she moved to sit on the side of the bed. Taking her hands in his, he fixed her with the most hopeful, most transfixed stare that she could barely trust her voice let alone her ability not to faint like a court lady.

"Keladry," Dom started. His voice was shaky, Kel realized with a start. "I love you. More than anything. More than the Own. More than life. More than the Goddess."

"That's blasphemy…" Kel mumbled softly, getting a small chuckle out of Dom.

"Will you marry me?"

It was silence once more within the room. Gruff voices drifted below her window. In the barracks below her room, a door slammed. A horse whined in its stall at the other end of the fort. Kel's mind ran wild. Her shield? The Own? Her career? And as much as she wished she could simply concentrate on what her heart was saying and the amazing man on his knees in front of her, her mouth voiced the thoughts of her ever-practical mind:

"I can't."