![]() Author has written 6 stories for Harry Potter. Hey everyone! Enter the cupcake universe ;) And yes, I am a proud Dramione shipper :) Or Feltson or whatever you want to call it. Basics, I love Draco and Hermione together. Its quite weird because I really do enjoy writing fanfiction but I kept it to myself and then realised that loads of my friends were on here too! So a big shout out to my friends on here: Solenoid, CraZYmiNDeD and jogan4ever. But don't search for them because they are all meanie pants and won't post anything :( HOWEVER a special shoutout to my bezzie Going.Going. Its Gone. who has two awesome stories even though she will most likely kill me for saying that... And my BFF called look-at-me-now who has a justin bieber story *pukes* so if you are a hardcore JB fan, go check that out. If not, well while you're still sane, don't check it out :P BUT! Don't think that Harry Potter its the only thing that I read. I LOVE Galactik Football, like most people think that HP fans can't like anything else and I know that GF isn't exactly similar but I still love it. I'm sorry but its like the most awesome cartoon/tv show ever! If I didn't have sky plus I would actually stay up still 2am and watch it then. AND, I LOVE One direction fanfiction. Its not even fanfiction because they are real people but I still love it and its filed under Misc. Tv Shows and its AWESOME. Harry Potter - Favourite Pairings - (In order) Draco/Hermione - I mean, these guys are such a cute couple! They compliment each other so well and to be honest I hate canon couples. DRAMIONE FOREVER! And true Dramione shippers like myself would have been like OMG when we found out that Emma Watson had a crush on Tom Felton because thats probably as close to any real life Feltson action we're ever gonna get. Which is funny because lower down it says the same thing that I had copied and pasted from somewhere else. Obviously us Dramione shippers think alike ;) Luna/Neville - I just LOVE Neville so much and Luna is awesome! They are a very cute couple! Ginny/Harry - Okay, this is the exception to canon couples being suckish. Except it was awkward when in 7.2 Ginny had to wear flats the whole time because Dan Racliffe is quite short. Aw bless. Ginny/Blaise - Well I read loads of Dramione so this couple kept coming up and they go really well together! Ron/Pansy - These guys make me lol so much. Hermione/Neville - Even though I am a Dramione shipper, I do like this couple. Because Matt Lewis used to have the hots for Emma too. Isn't she lucky? Snape/Lily - I don't actually read much of this couple but I think they are cute. And I feel so bad for snape! James Potter bullied him... :( which is just rude. Least Favourite Pairings - Hermione/Ron - Like seriously? Really? They just don't go well together! They should just stay friends... Hermione/Harry - These guys are like brother and sister! They shouldn't be a couple! Draco/Ginny - Sorry but really??? I just don't get this pairing. Hermione/Snape - Hello? Emma Watson is young enough to be Alan Rickman's granddaughter so NO WAY! And then there are all of these really weird couples like Ginny/Viktor Krum or Cho/Draco, like seriously, what is that all about? Galactik Football - Favourite Pairings - D'Jok/Mei - I LOVE THIS COUPLE! I actually skipped ahead to the season 3 finale and watched it in french (I understood like every other word) and they don't get together! Sorry for spoilers but seriously I was seething that they didn't get together. Stupid Sinedd. Like they are such a cute couple, I think that D'Jok's arrogance really goes nicely with Mei. Even though people would argue that Sinedd is a better match for her, I STRONGLY disagree. Sinedd may turn good but seriously I HATE HIM!! D'Jok/Mei forever!!! Rocket/Tia - They are soooo sweet! They are a little more subdued than D'Jok/Mei but still. Tia and Rocket are both shy characters and I just think that they come to life when they are together. Tia is my favourite character as well so kinda adds to the awesomeness. Least Favourite Pairings - Sinedd/Mei - As stated above, this is SO WRONG! Like in season 1 he totally bullied her, and suddenly they are all lovey dovey! LIKE WTF MAN?? And I love D'Jok so naturally I have this burning hatred towards Sinedd. I think Mei just wanted to annoy D'Jok tbh... but seeing as Mei and Sinedd end up together... *sigh* Its just too depressing... Micro-Ice/Mei - I personally think that Mice should go with Yuki, I'm not a big fan of the pairing but I still think him with Mei is wrong... And these prove how much I want Mei with D'Jok and Tia with Rocket Tia/D'Jok - NO NO NO!! Shes meant to go with Rocket and him with Mei. NUFF SAID. Anime - I'm not hardcore about reading anime fics but there are some pairings which I just love SOOO MUCH. Ouran High School Host Club (what a long title! its ridiculous!) - Favourite Pairing - Tamaki/Haruhi OMG THEY ARE SO FRICKIN AMAZING IF YOU DON'T WATCH OURAN YOU SUCK SO MUCH AND IF YOU DO THEN WOOOOO BUT IF YOU DON'T LIKE THIS PAIRING THEN GET.OFF.MY.PROFILE. :D TWINCESSED! Its so wrong and so right at the same time :P Naruto - Favourite Pairings - ShikaIno - BEST.NARUTO.COUPLE.EVER. Temari can just go to hell as far as I'm concerned. I love this couple because of how contrasting they are, Shikamaru is carefree and chilled out, he's always asleep! Yet Ino is spunky and peppy all the time. They are best friends too which is another aspect I like, they are just destined (haha oh Neji) to go together! I guess it is quite apparent how much I like the whole 'opposites attract' kinda couples :P TENJI (Nejiten) - Tenji is amazing, just love them together! But oh my gosh Neji can you STFU about flipping destiny? Gaara/Sakura - Do they even have a name? Not my favourite naruto ship but I still think its cute :) Least Favourite Pairings - Temari/Shikamaru though, JUST GO WITH INO MAN, GET LOST TEMARI. She is such an arrogant and annoying character urgh how she irks me :/ And no slash couples please... thats just not how I roll... Prince of Tennis - My sister is such a big fan of this and I don't like the romance couples but my favourite pairing (like non slash wise) has to be Eiji/Fuji!!! WOOOP They have a cute team name... errr dream pair? I don't even know if thats right but I still love this pairing :) You say Twlilight I say Harry Potter You say Vampires I say Wizards You say Jacob Black I say Sirius Black You say Team Edward I say Team Potter You say Robert Pattison I'll say 'Is Cedric Diggory' You say Pattison is hot I'll say Tom Felton is HOTTER You think Bella and Edward are the Perfect dream couple? I think thats Draco and Hermione are the Perfect dream couple You say Edward I'll say "Harry, now shut Up!" Copy/Paste this if you agree that Twilight is nothing compared with HP and it's magical glory If you are totally and completely in love with Draco Malfoy and/or Tom Felton, post this on your profile. (From Cherriluvsmusic's profile) GO TEAM DRACO!!! You know you're a devoted Dramione shipper when: 1. You get pissed (at least a little) at any Hermione/other shipper. (Especially Hermione/Ron.) 2. When re-reading Deathly Hallows, you purposefully skip the Hermione/Ron kiss. 3. You think that every little curly-haired blonde kid is Draco and Hermione's child. 4. Even if a Dramione fic completely SUCKS, you respect them for trying anyway. 5. You admire all other enemy-to-couple ships out there because they are so much like Dramione. 6. You truly believe that Draco secretly enjoyed the punch Hermione gave him. 7. It makes your day when your favorite Dramione author posts another chapter and you get that update alert email. 8. You noticed that Dramione is the only cute HP couple name that isn't slash. 9. You FREAKED OUT when you found out that Emma Watson had a crush on Tom Felton. (Because we all know that's the closest we're getting to real-life Dramione.) 10. You found it funny when you realized that there are more Dramione fics than any other CANON couple. :) Hahahaha TAKE THAT DRACOxGINNY/ DRACOxHARRY / HERMIONExRON FANS!!! ••) .•) .•.•) .•) The white man said, "Colored people are not allowed here." The black man turned around and stood up. He then said: "Listen sir...when I was born I was BLACK, When I grew up I was BLACK, When I'm sick I'm BLACK, When I go in the sun I'm BLACK, When I'm cold I'm BLACK, When I die I'll be BLACK. But you sir, When you're born you're PINK, When you grow up you're WHITE, When you're sick, you're GREEN, When you go in the sun you turn RED, When you're cold you turn BLUE, And when you die you turn PURPLE. And you have the nerve to call me colored?" The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away... Post this on your profile if you hate racism. Random Favourite song of the moment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GG0raOJCWX0&list=UUa_rA5IqSPbspXiQ2vMaqzg&index=0&feature=plcp (Woo its R5, my new band obsession ;)) And randomly... ONE DIRECTION WOOP! (It has no relevance but just thought I'd add the fact that I'm a directioner ;) TEAM CARROT FOREVER!!) So yes, please enjoy my fics :) And add me on Pottermore! My name is LumosNettle205. I'm in HUFFELPUFF. Like seriously. HUFFELPUFF????? You kidding me??? Yeah I wasn't very happy when I was sorted. But ya know, what ya gonna do eh? Still. HUFFELPUFF???? I wanted to be in Slytherin. Or Gryffindor. Maybe Ravenclaw at the worst. BUT HUFFELPUFF??? Argh it irks me so... So please add me on there :) And we can be wfriends wforever and ever :P xxxx - cupcake.universe xxx |