"Attention!" McGonagall yelled from the podium in front of the teachers table.

Immediatly everyone looked at McGonagall. No one wanted a detention from not paying a detention.

"Now that you are all listening I have an importent topic to discuss." Here looks were shered as people wondered what the topic could possibly be.

"The Magical Institute of Beauty and Fashion has offered schools all over the world a special oppurtunity. We were the only school selected in all of Britain."McGonagalls lips thinned."Any witch or wizard between the age of 16 and 18 - so in your 6th or 7th year- is allowed to submit an entry to the International Beauty, Fashion and Style Contest." The Headmistress stated this with displeasure.

"The reward for winning the competition is a set of new library books." She continued despite the screams of excitement. "As well as brand new brooms for the whole school - Nimbus 2011's." Here all Quidditch fans gaped in excitement.

"Each school enters a witch and a wizard. There are several different tasks they will part take in. Tomorrow morning all classes before lunch will be cancelled for the sixth and seventh years. Instead you will be meeting me here. That is all. Good evening." McGonagall dismissed everyone from dinner.

"OMP*! Hermione!" Ginny squealed.

"What Gin?" Hermione said, lacking the excitement all other girls seemed to contain that night.

"Can you believe Hogwarts is actually entering a fashion competetition?"Ginny flopped down on a couch as Hermione read through her Astrononomy notes.

"Mmmm-hmmm." Hermione nodded.

"Plus we have holidays for what - a whole semester!" Ginny squealed with excitement.

"We still have classes." Hermione pointed out."They are employing professionals to train us."

"Don't be such a downer!" Ginny huffded good-naturedly. Rolling her yeyes she walked upstairs to the 6th year girls dorms.

"Honestly." Hermione said before returning to her class notes.

Brand new story! WOO! Dramione. . . don't know about this. . . still I like the idea. Please review so I know what you think! Tell me if I should continue!

* OMP- Oh My Potter! Just incase you didn't know!