A/N: Kay! :D so this is my new short story (That i AM going to continue :P) and, INDEED, 'tis draco and hermione cuteness :) anyway, i'll be updating...soon i hope :P i love reviews (PLEEEEEEEEEEASE PLEASE REVIEW)... faves are okay ;D anyway! Enjoy! R & R!


I smiled at the mirror. Great, I thought. I knew Ron would love the dress; he liked butterflies. He said they looked nice in the air and on me. I slipped on my beaded bracelet that Ron had given me and grabbed my clutch.

When I arrived at the park we were going to meet at, I sat at our bench. The one where he first kissed me under the moon. What a romantic he is.

I sat down, fidgeting with excitement. And then, fifteen long minutes later, he finally came into view and I jumped up with an ecstatic smile on my face.

"Ron!" I cried happily, giving him a hug. "I'm so happy to see-!" I looked over his shoulder and saw a girl. Standing. Tapping her toe. And I knew in an instant she was with Ron.

"What-?" I start, bewildered. Ron gave a weary sigh, but when he looked up, it wasn't to glare at the girl… it was to give me an exasperated glance.

"Um, Hermione," he muttered. "This is… Lavender. And I love her."

"But what about… us," I whispered, the clutch almost snapping in my hand.

"It's… I don't really… love you anymore. I'm with another woman now. I think we should end… 'us' right here," he explained. "I'll see you around, Hermione. Merlin, Lav, I'm coming." He walked hurriedly over to Lavender and gave her a quick, loving kiss on the cheek and they disappeared.

*End of flashback*

Hermione Granger. Age twenty one. Receptionist.

You'd believe being the Golden Girl of the Golden Trio made life easier. I can tell you it does not.

It was just two months ago that Ronald and I broke up; when things went public and Rita was allowed to insult me again. In two months, all my dresses went to the dump; I also quit Muggle contacts and let my hair go bushy again. I wanted to wear nothing but bulky suites and knee-length skirts. Everything about me seemed unattractive but I didn't care. The less attractive I was, the less of men I would get.

Everything from Ron was gone… Except for the bracelet, which I just couldn't throw away… just couldn't get over.

I'm done with love. Sick of it. Every thought of romance and love life and… sweethearts… was appalling.

And yet, I sit here a receptionist to LoveWizards Inc. A matchmaking company.

It is the gag of my life.

"Hey," Padma called to me. "Hermione, why don't you rest a bit with us? We have some pasties and we can… talk for a bit before returning to work."

"No thank you, Padma," I replied stiffly. I think I also forgot to mention I don't like to gossip… or shop… or do any normal girly things.

"Come, now, Hermione," Katy called. "Let loose; you never even give us zee chance to have a small break wit' you wizzout an argument." I sighed and narrowed my eyes. We go over this almost every day, and every day, I end up listening to them gossip about a bunch of famous British wizards.

Today, I was in no mood to fight, so I removed my glasses, rubbed my eyes and got up, walking over to the group of girls. As soon as she sat down, they began chattering about the Minister's son.

"Did you hear? Malfoy! Lucius Malfoy! They made him Minister of Magic! Has something to do Dumbledore, I think," Parvati squeaked.

"Mm," Lucy agreed. "And did you see 'is son? Draco Malfoy? Mmm, I wish I could bed a man like him." Katy giggled. I heard nothing but "Draco Malfoy". Huh. What a prat he was. He was probably still himself; arrogant and thought with his… nether regions instead of his heart.

"We went to school with him," Hannah Abbot boasted. "Didn't we, Hermione?" Both Lucy and Katy were French, Beauxbaton girls, mind you. Katy gasped and Lucy gave a delighted smile.

"Ooh," Katy squealed. "So you knew him, zen?" I rolled my eyes. Fanatical French witches.

"Why, yes, we did. He was just as charming," Parvati cut in dreamily. I tried my best not to gag. What planet had the Patil sisters been living on through all our years in Hogwarts?

The clocks struck five and, thank Merlin; it was almost time to leave. We all got up hurriedly, walking to our desks. The girls still chattered loudly about Ferret; Ugh, what a sod.

I settled into my desk next to the door, waving my wand and clearing the paperwork from my desk and vanishing them into the drawers below. As I was doing this, there was a shadow at the door. Ah, another late visitor.

I set my things down and stood near the door, ready to let, whoever it was, in. The door swung open and a tall, blonde man walked in.

"Erm, are you still open?" He asked in a familiar silky voice.

"Yes, sir. Are you…?" I didn't get to finish.

"Draco Malfoy?" Padma screeched.

A/N: :) how you liiiikeee? please drop a review! thanks for reading!... wait for the next chapter ;D