summary: This is set 3 years after deathly hallows, and ron and hermione are breaking up. Hermione's parents are dead. Set to the song 'ignorance' by paramore.

disclaimer: I do not own harry potter, or paramore's music (sadly)(Written from hermione's pov)

"I'm sorry hermione, but it's over." Ron said, moving towards the door of our apartment.

"But, why? I haven't done anything ron! I just came home and all of my stuff is gone!" I said tears in my eyes.

"It's not you hermione, it's-"

"'It's me' right? Yeah I've heard it before. But why ron? Why are you telling me to leave?" I said, latching onto his arm.

"Hermione, let go. Hermione, stop embarrasing yourself. It's time for you to leave. I've rented you an apartment near harry and ginny, and you need to leave." He said, trying to free himself of my grip on his arm.

"Ron, is hermione gone yet? I need to-" Lavender said, Cutting off her sentence when she saw me crying.

"You're breaking up with me for that tramp? NO! I'M NOT LEAVING!" I said, running towards our living room, but his hand caught my arm before I could get far.

"Oh yes you are!" He said, pulling me towards the door. I sunk to the ground trying to crawl away, until he grabbed me by my hair and pulled me out of our apartment. He shoved me out onto the wet pavement, before taking my engagement ring,and closed the door in my face.

"Ron! Please! Don't do this! D-Don't d-do this t-to me.'' I said, my sobs breaking on the last words I said. I stood up from the ground, still crying, and started walking, in the rain, down the sidewalk.

If i'm a bad person, you don't like me,

well I guess i'll make my own way.

It's a circle, a mean circle.i can't excite you anymore.

Where's your gavel? Where's you jury?

What's my offense this time?

you're not a judge, but if you're gonna judge me,

well, sentence me to another life.

I hadn't gotten far, when a familiar car pulled up beside me and rolled down the window.

"Hermione? Is that you? Why are you crying and walking in the rain?" harry potter said, turning off his car.

By this point I was already sitting on the ground, soaked and crying. He looked at me with pity, before picking me up off the ground, bridal style, and laid me in the back seat of his car. He then got in, and proceeded to drive to his and ginny's house. He didn't say a word to me on the way, probably fearing for my emotinal health. When we were at his house, he picked me up and set me on the couch in his living room. Then harry left, and returned with an 8 month pregnant ginny.

"Hermione! What's wrong! Did something happen with ron?" Ginny said, waddling over to where I sat. At the mention of ron's name, I started to cry hysterically, and ginny held me while I sobbed into her shirt. 5 minutes later, when I had calmed down, Harry came and took my hand, and looked me in the eye with an intense focus that almost radiated with pity.

"Hermione, what happened?" He said, trying to hide the intense amount of concern in his voice.

"R-Ron, k-kicked me o-out of the a-apartment." I said, still crying. Harry then wiped my tears and proceeded to ask more questions.

"Hermione, I know you, and I know that's not the entire truth. So please hemione, I've been your best friend for over 10 years now, and You know you can tell me anything, Right?" He said as I nodded. "Good. So what really happened?"

"I- I came home from work, and he was standing in our room, and all my stuff was gone. He then said we needed to talk,but instead of talking, he just said that it's over, and told me to get out. Then, lavender came in, and I tried to run into the living room, but he caught me before I could get far. So then I got on the floor, and he pulled me out of the apartment by my hair. Then he shoved me out in the rain, and closed the door in my face. Then I started walking down the road, until you picked me up and brought me here." I said, sadness in my voice. Harry and Ginny immediately tensed up, and Harry looked furious.

"I'M GOING TO KILL HIM! THAT VILE, TERRIBLE EXCUSE FOR A MAN!" Harry said, letting go of my hand, and stomping around the room.

"No Harry! You mustn't hurt him! I need to get through this on my own, and without the help of my friends." I said, turning toward Ginny.

"But Hermione, that's what friends are here for. We are supposed to help you get through the bad times, so you can get back to the good times." Ginny said, gripping my hand.

"Well, I still need you guy's help emotionally, but You can't hurt him. It will look like I can't take care of myself, so I had to tell my friends to go beat up my ex-fiancé." I said, lingering on the last word.

"Okay Hermione, but only if this is really what you want. We'll be here and please, don't hesitate to stop by if you ever need anything." He said taking my hand, and sitting beside me.

"Okay Harry. You never seem to disappoint anybody, what with your saving people thing." I said getting up. He caught me by my arm before I could leave, in the same spot I had bruises from Ron.

"My what?" Harry said, confused by my last statement. Is he really that clueless? I thought to myself, as I sat down with a slight smile on my face.

"Your 'saving people' thing. You always want to help everybody, but sometimes, it just cannot be done. Like now. I'll probably be sad for a couple days, but It beats staying there with Ron and getting h-" I said, breaking off my sentence, remembering I promised to never tell anyone what had happened to me.

"Getting what? Hermione, tell us, please." Harry said, taking Ginny's hand as well as mine.

"He- he used to... Hit me. It's nothing. I'm fine." I said, trying to reassure them, despite the fear in my voice. Harry then carefully pulled up my long sleeves, when I made no attempt to stop him. I knew better than that. After 10 years of friendship, I knew that when Harry potter had his mind set on something, there was nothing stopping him. When he saw the bruises and marks that covered my arms, his eyes went wide, and he pulled my sleeves back down.

"Hermione! Why didn't you tell us! That doesn't look fine to me!" He said, taking out his wand. "Hetrifocus maralous." He said, waving his wand over both of my arms, where all of my bruises disappeared.

"Harry! When did you learn to do that?" I said, still staring at my arms in disbelief.

"I made it up. I had to. During the war, I was the one that got hurt the most. If I hadn't made this spell, I would have had more scars than I can count. It's bad enough being stuck with this scar forever," He said, pointing to the lightning- shaped scar on his forehead,

"But I would not look like I had just fallen off a cliff if I had anything to say about it." He said, smiling on the last words.

"So that explains it! I always wondered how you managed to stay bruise-free." I said, trying to change the subject.

"Hermione, you have to do something. Press charges against the git! You can't just do nothing." He said, urgency in his voice.

"Oh, but it's exactly what I plan to do. I- I can't go and tell anyone what he did to me, Harry! I just can't! It was hard enough telling me best friends, but for the ministry to know, I just CAN'T!" I said, getting off the couch, and running towards the door. Harry couldn't catch me this time, as I ran out into the pouring rain.

"Hermione!" Harry called, stopping at his porch. He watched me run down the street, before going inside to console a now crying Ginny. I didn't even know where I was going, but I just kept running until I tripped over a curb, and fell face first into a puddle of mud colored water. I then sat up, not realizing I broke my nose, and cried on the sidewalk. Just as I was about to get up, someone I never expected to see again walked down the street, and stopped in front of me, putting his umbrella over the both of us.

"Granger? Is that you? What are you doing out here in the rain?" He said, looking at the blood on my face.

"Just leave me alone, Malfoy. I thought you didn't like me anyway. Just- just leave me out h-here t-to die." I said, crying even louder.

"If you think I'm going to leave you out here to die, you are sadly mistaken. I may not be the nicest person ever, but I do have a heart. Last time I checked." Draco said, trying to make me laugh. I cracked a slight smile, and he just sighed. He then took off his jacket and put it around my shoulders. He then proceeded to take me to his car.

"Why are you helping me mal- Draco." I said, correcting myself on his name.

"Because gra- Hermione, I saw you and thought you needed help. I can take you back to my house, and fix up that nose of yours, If you don't mind, that is." He said opening his car door. I gladly got in, as he walked around and got into the driver's seat. Before driving, he slicked back his now soaked hair, and put a reassuring hand on my knee.

Don't want to hear your sad song,

Don't want to feel your pain.

you swear that it's my fault,

Cause you know we're no the we're not the same,

oh we're not the same.

Yeah i've got friends who stuck together,

We wrote our names in blood,

But I guess you can't accept that the change is good,

It's good, It's good.

When we pulled up in front of Draco's apartment, He got out and led me to his door. I was rather surprised to see that The door next his, had a key taped to it, that said my name.

"Oh Hermione, You live here now too. Come in." He said, opening his door, and ushering me in. I was surprised to see that it had a nice, homey feel to it, with a few spots of color here and there. He then told me to sit on his couch.

"Okay, Hermione, just sit still and this won't hurt a bit." He said, taking out his wand. I then sat down facing him, and shutting my eyes.

"Episkey" He said, just before My nose cracked rather sharply, and I let out a small scream.

"I thought you said it wouldn't hurt!" I said, holding my nose.

"I know, but it hurts less if you don't see the pain coming." He said, grabbing my hand.

"Um, I think I'll just go then." I said, getting up and stopping at his door. "But thank you for your help, Draco. I really do appreciate it." I said, biting my lip.

"Anytime Hermione. Just, come by and see me again. Please." He said, getting up and hugging me.

"Goodbye Draco. I guess I'll see you around then."

"See you around, Draco." I said, going to my door. As I stepped inside the apartment, I felt warmth in my heart again, knowing that I had 3 friends who would help me through this break-up.

And then it hit me. The pain. Like a million knives stabbing into my heart at once. As I sunk to the floor, and started to cry again.

"You know what, NO! I will NOT CRY ANYMORE! Not over that foul, loathsome, evil, little troll! HERMIONE GRANGER IS NOT WEAK! I WILL NOT WASTE ANOTHER MINUTE THINKING ABOUT RONALD WEASLY!" I said, getting up off the floor, and walking to my bathroom.

As I looked in the mirror and dried my tears, I took out my wand. "Accio parchment and quill." I said, as a quill and parchment flew into my hands. I went into my living room, and started writing on the parchment.

Dear Luna,

Well yeah. That's it. Thanks for reading! Onto chapter two! -nikki a.k.a.-Twipotterfreak28