Hello! Firstly I am sorry that I have not posted recently but its because I've been working for ages on this epilogue and it is Christmas themed so I wanted to post it at more of an appropriate time. And the reason to why I didn't post this on Christmas, well I was celebrating it duh. And yes I am a bitch for making everyone wait this long, but its here finally! So stop complaining :(
Now I am very sad to say that this story is coming to a close :(
This is the epilogue chapter now, and I've not decided whether to do a long one or two short ones. So I'm just gonna write this and then afterwards ask if you guys want more or think it ends nicely.
On with the epilogue now! Enjoy! It's a long chapter set ten years later as voted :)
Disclaimer – For the last time, I do not own Harry Potter xx
~ 10 years later (2013) ~ (Well its approximately 10 years, I'd say about 10 and a half ish…) ~
"Draco! Hurry up! We're going to be late if you don't get your butt down here this instant!" Hermione yelled at the bottom of the staircase. In her arms she was cradling a sleeping baby, clothed in bundles of dark green silk blankets and the tiniest red velvet baby grow. The baby looked up at Hermione from the sudden outburst of sound and her eyelashes fluttered, hardly noticeable though due to them being so fair, like pieces of angelic thread extending from her eyes.
Hermione rocked the baby back and forth producing a gurgling sound, "Are you excited, Evangeline? Its Christmas!" she cooed and the baby giggled, her little lips pursing together into a red crescent. Hermione continued to walk down the hall, taking a last inspection, making sure everything was in order.
A flustered Draco manoeuvred himself down the stairs, sweeping his hair back and standing tall to gain his composure.
"Remind me again why we are going to the Potters' for Christmas?" Draco said sarcastically and kissed Hermione on the cheek before proceeding to the mirror to check his hair.
"Because they happen to be our friends, Draco." Hermione replied, almost laughing at his ridiculous question.
"Sure, that's the reason," he retorted under his breath and walked up the stairs again, "I'm just going to get Scorpius and Ellie from upstairs," he said and rushed up the wooden steps, his expensive and sharp pointed shoes clicking as he went.
~ At the Potters' (Let's assume they live at Grimauld Place) ~
"Gin, what time are the Malfoys getting here?" Harry pondered, slightly raising his voice at the end of his sentence.
Ginny appeared from behind one of the doorways and into the dining room where Harry was calmly drinking his tea, "In about… fifteen minutes." Ginny said, she started to breath heavily noticing that her guests would arrive soon and she was no way near prepared.
"Okay well do you want any help?" Harry asked, an encouraging look on his face.
"That would be nice seeing as our guests are going to be here any minute and half of the meal isn't even cooked!" Ginny screeched at the end of her statement and flew back into the kitchen, an apprehensive Harry following.
~ Twenty minutes later ~
"Shouldn't they be here by now?" Ginny asked Harry and continued to stress and scuttle around the kitchen trying to get everything ready.
"Yeah, it's not like Draco or Hermione to be late…" Harry answered concernly but appropriately and ironically their magical doorbell sung.
Harry and Ginny exchanged relieved looks and he walked over to their old rusty door and turned the brass doorknob, Harry didn't even need to look through the peep hole as he could hear arguing from outside. Hermione's angry high pitched squeals matched with Draco's posh and deep voice were unmistakeable.
"Draco! Hermione!" Harry greeted first and then bent down to do the same with their children, "Hello Scorpius and Ellie!"
Harry being the perfect gentleman ushered them all inside and took their coats for them, "James, Lily and Albus are upstairs if you kids want to join them." Scorpius and Ellie took off immediately, probably wanting to escape from more of their parent's stupid quarrelling.
"Sorry that we are so late, Harry. You see when one has an extremely vain husband it can be quite difficult to be on time." Hermione joked and smiled at Draco.
"Yes, let's all blame Draco then." Draco laughed with Harry and Hermione and all of them walked into the kitchen to be met with a very red and panicking Ginny.
"HERMIONE! I've not seen you in so long!" Ginny exclaimed once she saw her best friend enter the room. Hermione placed the baby cradle onto the table carefully and was enveloped into a bone crushing hug.
"So do I not get a welcome then, red?" Draco teased and walked up to Ginny to receive a hug also.
"Wow not heard that since about fifth year Draco!" she remarked, "Well I need Hermione's expertise in the kitchen so you boys leave and do something useful with yourself!" Ginny bossily commanded and shooed Draco and Harry away.
"You seem a little stressed…" Hermione pointed out the obvious.
"I'm always stressed at this time of year and you know that." Ginny half-heartedly laughed and walked over to the cradle, staring at the beautiful baby inside. "You know it's undoubtedly unfair that all of your children are gorgeous."
"Well what can I say…." Hermione joked alongside Ginny.
"What's her full name?"
"Evangaline Grace Malfoy, chosen by that blonde thing in your living room." Hermione said resulting in Ginny erupting into laughter.
"Aww a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." Ginny added, "Well we better get cooking!"
~ Lunchtime ~
The food was all beautifully laid out on the table. The expensive silver lined plates with intricate designs were covered in Christmas trimmings from roast potatoes to sautéed mushrooms from the deepest grounds of the forbidden forest. Draco and Harry walked in to see ermioHermionHermione fretting over whether the centrepiece on the table was truly in the centre.
"The table looks lovely," Harry said and smiled, he sat down at the head of the table trying to look as powerful as he could muster.
"Yes indeed," Draco added, "Hermione love the table looks fine, would you sit down already?"
"Sorry what? I was concentrating on this vase of flowers, it doesn't look quite right…" she pondered aloud, a look of confusion spreading on her face.
Draco tugged at Hermione's arm, ushering her to sit down next to him. The children came bustling in during all of this and interrupted their small talk conversation.
"CHRISTMAS LUNCH! YAY!" Lily exclaimed and bounded over to her father to sit down beside James. Albus followed behind and sat down, soon everyone was seated and Ginny exploded into the room, a golden dish in her hands.
"And dinner is now fully served," she announced and smiled brightly. Setting the tray carefully on the table she sat down by Harry who stood up to carve the precariously bubbling roasted bird in front of him.
"Daddy you're awful at carving turkey," Lily bluntly stated, "why don't you let Uncle Draco do it?"
"No it's alright, Lily. I'm sure your dad can manage," Draco politely tried to answer.
"Don't lie to us, Uncle Draco; we all know that during school you beat him at almost everything." James replied, a large grin extending on his face.
"That's not true son," Harry tried to dismiss the subject by shaking his head but it seemed as if his children weren't quite satisfied with his answer.
"But mummy said that Uncle Draco was so much better looking than you were, Daddy." Albus input, his cute voice being so difficult to be angry at.
"Did she now?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow teasingly at Ginny.
"It's true, kids." Hermione said and burst into giggles along with Ginny.
"Being bullied by my own children, how lovely," Harry sighed and continued to carve the turkey.
"What can I say? Potter wasn't much competition, isn't that right, Hermione?" Draco chuckled and put his arm around Hermione's chair.
"Daddy is always telling us how he used to beat you at Quidditch, Uncle Harry," Scorpius input, smiling proudly at his father.
"Did he? Don't believe what your father tells you kids, I was the best seeker that Hogwarts had ever seen," Harry said smugly.
"And that would be the reason that Draco is now a famous Quidditch player and you can't even slice a turkey properly." Ginny teased.
"Okay dinner is served!" Harry said randomly, "and this conversation has ended."
All of the children just laughed, it was obvious that Harry wanted to dismiss the conversation to avoid further embarrassment onto himself.
Hermione looked over the situation; it was so bizarre to think that these two childhood enemies were now chuckling along about their Christmas dinner carving skills. If someone had told her years ago that she would be married to her school bully she would have tested them under veritaserum but now it seemed like she wouldn't want her life to be any other way. It was miraculous to witness Draco and Harry re-living their days at Hogwarts in a humorous way as oppose to threatening to kill each other after every statement. It was a truly pleasant experience to see them get along. To see everyone getting along so well.
~ Afterwards ~
The children had all departed from the table now. James and Scorpius had both received small versions of old nimbus broomsticks and were playing with them inside the conservatory with Lily, Albus and Ellie watching them miraculously.
"Why do I find that every time I come over here, it feels like I've gained a stone?" Draco remarked sarcastically, grinning over at Ginny.
"Well I may be a Potter but the Weasley blood still runs through me, and we Weasleys have a thing about feeding our guests well…" she replied, rubbing her belly at her fullness.
"Don't our children look adorable playing on their little broomsticks?" Hermione input, smiling as she looked down at Evangaline in her arms.
"I reckon Scorp will be on the Quidditch team for Slytherin," Draco said, a cocky grin emerging on his lips.
"How do you know that?" Harry asked, "he might not even be in Slytherin!"
"I doubt he'll be in Gryffindor if that's what you're implying," Draco replied.
"Not sure if that's what you want to be saying around a table of former Gryffindors." Ginny reminded him, Hermione and Harry chuckling alongside her.
"You're right, bad move on my part," Draco said, looking slightly embarrassed at his foolishness.
The four friends were still giggling at the table, Hermione having to put Evangaline back in her cradle in case she dropped her due to the impact of laughter. They were all sipping their coffee and reminiscing on old memories back at Hogwarts, Draco occasionally dropping some casual insults about Ron through his work tales. And surprisingly everyone laughed at them too.
The doorbell sung out again much to Ginny's surprise. She looked to Harry with a confused look on her face who just responded with a shrug and an equally befuddled expression.
"Expecting anyone?" Draco questioned, the doorbell ringing again and proceeded by strong thuds on the door.
"GINNY!" a voice yelled out followed by more doorbell ringing and thudding of the golden lion knocker.
"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Ginny stressfully shouted and leaped to her feet, running quickly to the door. It was obvious from the impatient calls to who the unexpected visitor was.
Hermione, Draco and Harry simply looked at each other. It was an awkward time when no one knew what to say. It was obvious who it was, it didn't take a genius to work it out. And even if it did, Hogwarts' three finest pupils were the ones pondering, so it wasn't overly difficult.
Ginny reappeared into the room with an unimpressed face, her hands twisting nervously as two people followed her through the dining room doorway.
"Ron's here," she choked out. Ginny obviously was not thrilled to see him, she hadn't spoken to him in almost a decade since he went off on some international Quidditch tournament. Ron was stood there behind his petite sister, looking larger than the last time, with an unshaven face and dressed in slightly dull and old clothing. He coughed trying to break the silence then finally spoke, the glares were probably getting too much for him.
"Hi everyone, how are we all?" he tried cheerily. Draco was eyeing him like a piece of rotten meat lying on the pavement that everyone was avoiding stepping upon.
"How are we all? We haven't seen you in years Ron and you're here now asking how we are?" Harry seemed annoyed, it was strange to see him and his former best friend glaring at each other, uneasily in each other's company.
When Ginny and Harry had discovered what Ron had done to Hermione all those years ago, they tried to speak to him. They tried to reason with him. They even tried apologizing to him but obviously all of their efforts had failed. Ron had turned into such a beast that night when he saw his 'beloved' Hermione in another man's arms. Especially because they were the arms of his enemy, and he couldn't even begin to comprehend how Hermione and Draco of all people were getting along so well. At the time he had demanded that Hermione apologize to him for abandoning him and showing up with someone else. Everybody else realising that Ron was a douche bag who needed some mental help just disowned him from the family.
And here he was today, on Christmas day, asking them how everyone was doing. He had flown off to different places in Europe for this international Quidditch tournament, Draco's team was chosen to play too. And so he did, but he did do one thing differently to Ron. He returned.
Ron sat down awkwardly, a girl following behind him. Someone that they all recognised to be Lavender Brown who was smiling, oblivious to the tension at the table.
"What are you doing here, Ron?" Hermione breathed out, she didn't sound angry, just confused and impatient for answers.
"It's Christmas and all, family is supposed to be together." He replied, smiling back at Hermione only to be met by a tense and disgusted stare.
"Exactly, so I'm going to ask again, what are you doing here?" Hermione spat again, the Christmas cheer dying out like a candle's wick disintegrating.
"I've just come back from my Quidditch tour so I thought you'd be happy to see me," he replied shakily.
"The Quidditch tour finished six months ago, Weasel. I accept that it was a long tour; it lasted just under 10 years. But don't forget that there was over a month in-between each match, and I managed to return home, so what's your excuse?" Draco input, his British accented voice sounding raspy and irritated.
Ron was about to answer when all of the children flooded into the dining room. James and Scorpius holding their broomsticks and brushing off some snow from them. Scorpius shaking his blonde hair to release snow and James wiping his glasses. Ellie, Lily and Albus walking behind chatting amongst themselves but abruptly stopping when they saw everyone in the dining room.
"I thought I told you kids to stay inside," Ginny said, she didn't sound annoyed, more like surprised.
"Are these your… your… your children?" Ron interrupted.
"Yes they are, but you wouldn't know because you've not even been here!" Harry screeched again, the children looked around the room nervously, James, Lily and Albus feeling awkward that their father was shouting. Scorpius and Ellie feeling out of place at the sight of this ginger man who they didn't recognise.
"Who's that?" Scorpius boldly said, walking over to his mother.
"He used to be friends with mummy and Uncle Harry," Hermione replied sweetly.
"And what about daddy and Auntie Ginny?" Ellie asked, resting her arms on the back of her father's chair.
"We never saw eye to eye, let's just say that," Draco answered bitterly. James, Lily and Albus remained silent, they knew who this mysterious stranger was, yet Ellie was still confused, flicking her curly blonde hair over he shoulder, she looked over to Ginny, her warm chocolate eyes nudging Ginny for an answer.
"He's my brother," Ginny said at last. Ron sheepishly smiled at Scorpius and Ellie only for them to look away.
"I'm Ron," he said, all of the children still not saying anything until Ellie broke the silence.
"Oh is that the guy who was an ass to mummy who was a douche in school?" she asked innocently.
"Elizah! We don't use such language!" Hermione scolded, and Draco simply nodded along.
"Why don't you kids go upstairs, us adults need to discuss things," Harry offered and they all fled up the stairs immediately, wanting to escape from the tension and awkward atmosphere in the room.
"Look I just came to say that I'm sorry." Ron blurted out, "I was an ass to all of you but I feel bad and it was totally stupid of me to do all of that shit to you guys. But bloody hell we all haven't spoken in ages and I miss having my friends, my companions, and I'm just truly sorry. Please, its Christmas and I just wanna spend it with people I love. I'm so sorry." He finished, a puppy dog face making everyone lose their tense glares and loosen up.
"Well after all it is Christmas, and as you said it's a time of family. I guess we can forgive you…" Ginny said and smiled at Ron, Harry, Hermione and Draco looked a little unsure but all eventually dropped their stares.
"And one more thing, you guys have been getting busy eh? What beautiful children you have!" he said.
Draco and Hermione simply smiled at each other and stood up. Harry and Ginny stood up also to hug Ron who was looking slightly lost. If Christmas wasn't a good time for family to come together and for forgiveness, Ron was never going to be reaccepted into the family.
And as for Lavender? She just stood there looking awkward for the whole conversation because she's a bitch who no one likes.
OH MY FUCKING GOSH THIS STORY IS FINISHED I AM SO HAPPY! :D Sorry but this last part of the story has taken me about… hmmm…. 3 months to write so I wasn't exactly having the time of my life. Sorry if the ending was shit or whatever, interpret it how you want. But I wanted the end to just be happy but have a little angst thrown in there too because everyone who knows my writing style, we just gotta have some plot twists!
Hope you enjoyed that! I'm so sorry if I disappointed anyone or you're all thinking, THIS IS THE END? WHAT A LONG WAIT FOR A CRAP ENDING! Well stuff you haters because it took me bloody long and a bloody amount of effort too!
Bye bye readers! Love you all :)
Look out for my new story too which will probably be posted some time soon… jokes knowing me it won't be up until march. I still have to finish house unity too ARGGH SO MUCH STRESS! But if you guys think this doesn't end incredibly and want a bit more, let me know! Maybe if I get enough requests there might be a new year sequel epilogue thing or valentines day or something :)
Hope you all had a merry Christmas and a happy new year! Cupcake Universe OUT : XXXXXXXXXX