Chapter 1
Mei s P.O.V
It was one of those winters' nights at akilian but then again it those nights were very common on this planet I was wondering around my room trying to find something to entertain myself since Tia was staying over in Rockets room and D'jok was gone to genesis stadium to see his da…..
Knock! knock! Knock!
"What was that" I wondered aloud to my self even though I wasn't worth wasting my breath since no one is here.
I went to the window pulled back the curtains to see who it was….
It was the face I haven't seen in eight years I unlocked the sliding window and hauled myself out and into her arms.
"MELODY!" I cried as I hugged her tight
"Hey little sis I missed you" Melody said to her little sister
Melody was just how I remembered her, the long wavy hair down to her solders, her blue eyes and her soft face that in some ways was similar to my own Mei thought
"I missed you to melly" Mei started to sob with joy from seeing her sister again for the first time in eight years.
"what are you doing here?" I asked wondering what brought her back from her job on the shadows planet – she owned a clothes shop and even has her own clothing line over there
"I missed my baby sister" she said and gave me another hug "you know I cant go long about seeing my own family I missed you guys so much even though I haven't seen mom and dad ye...what is that"
She was pointing to my right hand to the ring that laid on my finger – my engagement ring – in other words I forgot I had it on I wasn't expecting some one to drop by to visit tonight since every one was busy.
"Ammm….well…..that's a ring" I was trying to keep it simple but wasn't working to well.
"Ammm I see that and I also see a diamond on the ring" she looked up from the ring so she could see my face when she asked me "is this an engagement ring?" she looked shocked
"Uhh there's no easy answer to this because anything I say your just going to think it is" Melody nodded as is yes gesture *sigh* "yes this is an engagement ring me and D'jok are getting married. Happy now"
She looked at me in shock for a few moments before saying "OH MY GOD! I cant believe your getting married before me don't get me wrong I'm so happy for you of course but still your my baby sister and your getting married before me… Mom and Dad know?" she asked in wonder
"amm no not exactly I mean Sonny, D'jok's dad know but that's how far we got I mean we only got engaged like tow weeks ago" I sat down on my bed and melody sat down beside me "and we agreed to keep it on the down low for a while and then tell everyone but we agreed to tell out parents"
"but we didn't get around to mom and dad yet mostly because I know they don't like D'jok so coming home and saying hey mom hey dad guess what me and D'jok are engaged isn't that great" she looked at melody "yaw not going to go down to well is it?"
"No guess not but can I ask you for a favour?" she asked me
"Yaw sure shoot" I said only wondering what she was going to ask
"Can I crash hear tonight please" she begged me
"yes you can sleep in Tia's bed, she's staying at her boyfriends tonight" I said and pointed to Tia's bed and went looking for some pyjamas for her to wear in my closet.
"And where's your lovely fiancée?" she asked half joking half serious "he hasn't ditched you has he?"
"He's gone to genesis to meet Sonny for the weekend hell be back tomorrow evening and I'm still not going to see him because its going to be non-stop practice for the match agents the Rykers on Monday" I said as I handed he the pair of pyjamas and got into bed myself
Melody came beside and sat down on the bed beside her and looked worried "your lucky to have D'jok, hell your lucky to have anyone that cares about you so much" she said and I have never seen her this serious/sad.
I sat up on the bed "are you ok Mel?"
She sniffled and looked at me "yaw sure go to sleep see you in the morning babes" she said as she got of my bed and walked over to Tia's bed and just said "good night"
"Good night" I answered
It was different sleeping alone I usually have D'JOK with me and its just different without him hear
After a while I let the tiredness take over and fell asleep excited that I was going to se D'jok the next day …
Chapter 2
Melody's P.O.V
I was twisting and turning in my bed out Tia's bed I was so happy to see Mei again as I was thinking I dident know id fallen asleep till I was remembering that one night that changed my life
I was walking down the street from my shop going home to my condo it wasn't to far away just about ten minutes walk.
I was thinking that I should go to see my mom and dad this weekend I did have a few day of as there is a public holiday and I had a choice to close the shop.
Then out of nowhere someone step in front of me I didn't know who it was until….
"Hey babe what are you doing walking that streets at this hour of the night" it was my friend Jason I often hang around with him but he wouldn't be the top of my list that best friends
"Jason you scared the crap out of my I was just walking home from work" I answered him a make a move to go around him a walk away because by the smell of him he had been drinking and a lot to that matter. "I'll se you later Jas I really got to go" I said as I walked around him but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back into the place I started god he was strong.
"where do you think you are going Mel I thought we were having a great conversation" he was getting way to closer for comfort so I pushed him away getting angry now
"Jason your drunk get away from me now" I pushed him away but not to far, I'm not that strong
He grabbed me and pushed me agents the wall of the building we were standing beside, the breath was knocked out of me and I went to the ground, I tried to open my eyes but everything was a blur now then I noticed Jason was carrying me into the alleyway and let me down on the ground.
It took me a while to realise what he was doing and when I did I started hitting and punching him in the face to get off of me when he hit me back hard – I knew there was going to be a burse after that the next day- I just wanted to die I wanted to get out of there as fast as I could and cry for days.
When he was done he got up and walked away and left me lying on the ground
I wanted to die so bad I wanted t make the pain stop.
After a while I got up afraid he was going to comeback I ran home but when I got there it felt dull like there was no life and then out of impulse I went to my room and got my suite case from under the bed and started packing it with all my clothes
I was going home