Author has written 2 stories for Naruto, One Piece, and Avatar: Last Airbender. Hello! I'm Irishauthor94 (you can call me just "Irish" if you want. as calling me "Author" would be a bit ambiguous on a sight dedicated to writing stories) all you need to know is that I'm a 18 year old guy, with a decent grasp of writing, a number of strong ideas in my head and not much to do with my spare time... I will mostly write Naruto, Avatar FMA, perhaps One Piece fics, maybe spreading out a bit now and again. You can find out more about my stories by (gasp) reading them! so i suppose I'll tell a little bit about myself instead! I'm a 18 year old dude living in Sidmouth, a small town in Devon, (which to all of you from across the pond, is in England) My mother was Irish, so that's where i get the moniker.( thought I'd state that, before i get a couple dozen inquiries.) I'm a strict atheist, but I'm by no means anti-religious, you can believe what you want, I just don't appreciate being told I'm going to eternal damnation for not agreeing with you. I can't abide by the double standards of most feminists and i believe that "Yaoi" is a blight upon this site. that being said let me make one thing clear. I am not a homophobe, I have no problem with Homosexuality in any form (especially lesbians [winks and gets head smashed open by older, MUCH stronger sister] I just believe that Yaoi is an annoyance for three reasons, 1. I myself am Straight, thus i cannot particularly enjoy Yaoi, due to my own inexperience with a gay relationship, and i cannot enjoy, shall we say the "more risque" stuff for very obvious reasons. 2. the pairings it brings (which are so irreverent that you can't take them seriously, for instance Naruto's Sasuke X Shikamaru, i mean... What the fuck? those two have maybe shared four or five lines of dialogue with each other across over 400 episodes of the anime, and fangirls STILL manage to find enough to fuel a homo-erotic story? i have no idea, Yaoi fangirls have mysterious powers.) 3. for the ineptitude of the writing, (only a straight individual can write a straight relationship and do it justice, and only a homosexual can write a homosexual relationship and do it justice, as lack of actual emotional experience with the subject matter will present itself in the writing.) now onto brighter subjects, (as i can feel the hypothetical glaring of 5 legions of this site's finest fangirls attempting to murder me with their eyes alone...) Top Ten Favourite Animated Series (only rules are only one per franchise, so no remakes, or sequel series will make it on the list if their brethren are present) 10. Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy: this show is just a classic, i remember it being part of a trio of cartoon network shows of the 90s which are like the nostalgic holy grail for people of my generation, the other two being Powerpuff girls and Dexter's Lab. however in my honest opinion neither of those shows even remotely compared to Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy, it was funny, the writing was sharp, the characters were varied, it was extremely creative, it's just a fantastic series which i can look back on with affection. 9. Teen Titans; okay. take everything i just said about Ed Edd n Eddy, then factor in great character development, great action, good animation and some incredibly strong genuine emotion (particular highpoints include Terra vs the Titans, and Raven's arc with her Father.) it's just a fantastic series. 8. Naruto. (the original); right. first things first, yes i think the original is better than shippuden, no, i don't think shippuden is bad,i just think that the original is better. the writing is fairly tight, the emotional connections are strong, the villains are well-developed and interesting, the characters (with the exclusion of a pink-haired ball of useless-ness) progress through well thought-out character arcs, the animation is below average usually, but occasionally stunning, the music is fantastic, what elevates it above shippuden is merely just a tighter plot and better use of it's secondary characters, whereas shippuden treats it's secondary characters like crap. 7. Digimon Tamers. (the 3rd season); Yup, Digimon's here, if you haven't watched Tamers then you're probably reading this shaking your head thinking "It's just a commercial in anime form!" if you have watched Tamers, then you're probably nodding along right now as you read,so yeah, moving on, this series is absolutely bloody phenomenal! the writing is tight as a drum, the characters are varied,well developed and entertaining, the action is great, the music is great, the animation is great, the darker tone of direction suits the series particularly well too, with some genuinely creepy stuff towards the end. (Jeri, just... just Jeri) if you haven't watched this series, WATCH IT NOW. 6. Cowboy Bebop: Ok this one is a bit of a mixed bag, The story, while no means bad is somewhat thin in terms of depth (i personally prefer a story with more layers to it), the characters, while they are all likeable and varied are a bit thin on development compared to some later on this list and some episodes are just plain DUMB (Feng Shui anyone?) but in spite of this, i love the series, episodes such as Ballad of Fallen Angels, and the final three episodes are simply incredible strong enough to make up for some of the boring "villain of the week" episodes throughout the series, it also contains one of my favourite characters in terms of enjoyability and humour, that being Ed. and then you get to the technical side, the animation is gorgeous, the direction is flawless and the music is some of the legendary Yoko Kanno's best. this series is simply fantastic, the high points easily making up for some of the shows weaknesses. 5. One Piece: Easily, EASILY the best of the "big three" this epic simply never suffers from the deficiencies with filler and plotlines that plague it's two main competitors. it has somehow managed to weave one of the most tightly cohesive and imaginative worlds and plotlines that i've ever seen over the course of over 600 episodes. with hardly an inconsistency in sight. now that, is impressive. the characters are just wonderful, Luffy is iconic as a shonen protagonist and rightly so, if you want lessons on how to make a likeable badass, character who's also a few knives sharp of a cutlery drawer without screwing up the characterisation then follow him as an example. the show does have it's weak points, some arcs such as Skypiea tend to drag on a bit, but then an arc like Enies Lobby comes along, grips you by the short hairs and doesn't let go. As long as you don't mind the prospect of watching over 200 hours of anime for one series, then watch it. 4. Dragonball: Yup, once again it's the original, this time for reasons mostly reliant on tone and pacing, the feel of adventure emanating from this series is just fantastic! the characters are great, Goku in particular has become an anime icon, being the banner followed by the next generation of manga authors. as like Luffy (one of many characters that were heavily inspired by Goku) he balances dopey naivete and fun-loving wonderment well while still being a complete badass. the series escalates brilliantly and naturally to an incredible climax and makes good use of it's secondary characters, which is something that, while i regret saying it as i love it too, cannot be said of it's sequel series Dragonball Z. the animation and music may have dated, but great timeless characters remain great timeless characters. 3. Attack On Titan (Shingeki No Kyojin): Where to start? ok, story, the premise, while basic is executed incredibly, the creativity in regards to how the characters adapt to the circumstances of what they're fighting is borderline genius, the terror and tension created by the titans is incredible, the characters are wonderful, both entertaining and holding plenty of depth, the world-building and lore are fantastic, the animation is INCREDIBLE, the action sequences are stunning, the music is INCREDIBLE. just a phenomenal series. 2. Avatar: The Last Airbender: ok, deep breath time, *sucks in air* the animation is fantastic, the story is pretty much flawlessly written and interwoven, the music is great, the characters are just INCREDIBLE, this series LIVES on it's characters, on their struggles and on their own respective circumstance. the production quality is incredible, the philosophy is genuine and intelligent, the world-building is tight as a drum. the dialogue is sharp, the protagonist is both deep and entertaining. the action is both visually impressive and creative. simply an incredible series. but... it still isn't quite my favourite. right. my favourite anime is one which sparks debate, left, right and centre. as at one point it was remade, to better adapt the manga storyline after licensing disputes caused the original to split away from the manga storyline half way through. since then a passive turf war has existed between those who prefer the original and those who prefer the source-faithful remake. i am referring to... 1.Fullmetal Alchemist (the 2003 variety): yep, i prefer FMA to FMAB. that being said, why do i love this series so much? SO MANY REASONS. this is one of the tightest stories ever written, every character action has an adequate consequence, every plot mechanic has a strong purpose, every character is WONDERFULLY brought to life and the balance between logical decisions and emotional decisions made by characters is better than any series i've ever seen, production-wise the series is also incredible, with a wonderfully vibrant art-style, great animation, and a fantastic soundtrack. (look up the FMA soundtrack "Kyoudai" on youtube) the anime works on every level, as an emotional account of the lives of two brothers, (the main protagonists; Edward and Alphonse.) as a military conspiracy thriller, as an world-roaming adventure story. it just works on EVERY BLOODY LEVEL. it is simply the perfect anime. and some anime i'm GOING to watch (including any anime i've watched less than half of and in no particular order.) Deadman Wonderland Gankutsuo: Count of Monte Cristo Paranoia Agent Baccano Wolf’s Rain Ergo Proxy Gurenn Lagann Fairy Tail Rainbow: Nisha Rokubō no Shichinin Durarara Star Driver Code Geass Soul Eater Neon Genesis Evangelion BECK Claymore Last Exile Hellsing Ao No Exorcist Sengoku Basara Bleach Reborn! Samurai Champloo (feel free to make further suggestions based on what you see here.) The original Search for the Avatar: PEACE OUT! |
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