Alright, so here's my first story on the site. If you want to skip right to the good stuff, feel free, if you want some more information and background about the story, I'll try to answer it here. But first, a disclaimer:

I do not own either the Halo franchise or the Mass Effect franchise. The non-original characters in this story belong to their respective publishers. Any original characters are mine; please ask permission if you wish to use any of them, I doubt I'll have any objections. Any similarities between any characters in this story and a person in real life are purely coincidental unless otherwise noted.


Lots of Mass Effect reading on the site. I enjoy the Halo games, and I enjoy Jorge's character in Reach. I also enjoy fantasizing about crossovers, what would happen if X was in Y universe. In this case, Jorge in the Mass Effect universe. Unfortunately, I have not read any of the books in either the Mass Effect universe or the Halo universe. This story was inspired by the games, and all the info that I can find will come from the wikis. The rest I will try to reasonably make up. And yes, this is also partially inspired by the other two stories in this category so far, Make It Count by JeanDaBean and The New Guy by Theano.

General Facts:

I don't intend for Jorge to be a Mary Sue, and please tell me if I'm headed that way. He is, in many respects, superior to Shepard in terms of combat, reflexes, and any physical attributes, and I intend to stay true to his Spartan nature as close as I can. However, he is woefully lacking in social skills, tact, subtlety, and general lifestyle knowledge. It's a balance, and I'll try to keep it that way, or at least have Jorge learn at a reasonable rate.

Jorge isn't going to be the SPECTRE, the leader, the man who gets it all done. That's still Shepard's job. Jorge is a companion, and I aim to make him as lively and believable in that role as Garrus, Wrex, Tali, and all the other squadmates are. This also means that, as a companion, he won't be taken along for every mission. I am going to change it so that more than just two companions can follow Shepard, though.

I'll try to stay as close as I can to the characterizations of the supporting cast, but I am human and I do make mistakes. Characterization may or may not be my strong point, I don't know yet, so if you see something that you believe is way out of character, please PM or email me


No. This isn't a romance story, Jorge will not be falling for Shepard, nor will he be in a romantic situation with anyone else. He's a Spartan, he's essentially had his sex drive suppressed by the augmentation procedure, and I intend to reflect that. I've been considering possibly unrequited love, one-way Female-Shepard to Jorge, so that may or may not turn up. Shepard may also have a love interest, but since this story is mostly from Jorge's perspective, we aren't really going to see any courting or really intimate situations, but it might be mentioned.


I really don't want to go down this argumentative road, but I'll have to go there for a little bit I suppose. Jorge is, at least initially, keeping his armor and nothing else. That means plasma shields. I haven't found any solid numbers on the wikis, so I'm using a little artistic license in this case. Jorge's shielding, on a scale of 1 to 10, is going to be rated a 4, while mass effect shielding will run the whole spectrum. So later, when Shepard has upgraded, he/she'll have much stronger shields. On the other hand, Jorge's shields will recharge much faster naturally than the kinetic barriers, so Jorge has a slight advantage there.

Other than that, his armor is essentially made out of starship-grade hull armor. As such, he's going to have a serious advantage once his shields fail, his armor is as heavy duty as a small vehicle. Think Mako levels of toughness.

I see no problems with his exoskeleton, nor his reaction times, in keeping with his Spartan background.

If anyone has any serious problems with this, please PM me so we can have a reasonable discussion on the matter.

Update Schedule:

I am doing this on my free time, between college and work and family and all that other stuff called 'life'. As such, updates are going to be spotty. If you want me to work on this story, review it or send me a message telling me that you enjoy this story and want me to continue.