![]() Author has written 32 stories for Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Harry Potter, and Hunger Games. About Me My name is Wren. I have two brothers, one older and in college, the other younger and annoying. I am fifteen and in tenth grade. I'm from the U.S., but wish with all my heart I was British. I have no real experience with the following: British school, proper english grammar, and romance. Singing is my life. I love musical theatre with an incredible passion, writing coming in close second. My dad's a chemist, and my mum is a librarian, so I am pure nerd. My brother was obsessed with Harry Potter when we were younger, and I saw the first movie in theatres and loved it too. I read the books for the first time in third grade, and I've read them over one hundred time since. I saw the last movie at midnight, and dressed up and it is to this day the best memory of my life. My Penname Okay, so I used to be Darke Wispers, but I sort outgrew the "dark and creepy" phase of my life, so I am now Laterose Vale. It's from Brian Jaques's Martin the Warrior. My favourite character is Laterose (Rose) of Noonvale. It is also the origin of my cat's name. I'm sorry if the change has confused anyone. My Stories So, I believe I'm up to about 30 stories? I'll warn you now, I think 25 of them are one-shots or two-shots. Read those if you like, there are some I'm really proud of, and some that are a little questionable. So, I'll quickly explain the other few stories! Last Glances So, this story, to be abbreviated LG, is just a bunch of one-shots about people dying. Exciting, right? Well, their about the last time couples, friends, parents, ect. see each other. Every one is about someone dying except for Alice and Frank, who are just too tragic to ignore. I do take requests for chapters so long as their cannon. No Sirius/Remus slash or anything. Woes of Primary School I always thought Teddy would go to Primary School until he go his letter, so this is kind of the struggles he has going through it without parents. Mother's Day, Playing House, Father' Day, VIP day, Writing Letters, and Memorial Day. Letters This one is actually my favourite story, which is sad because it doesn't really have many reviews or favourites. This is the story of Ted and Andromeda Tonks told through letters. Beginning with a short hatred and leading to a love. It's twenty-six chapters of my OTP, so... easily understandable as my favourite. Update for those who are curious: I AM still writing. I plan on getting Last Glances up and running again, and I'm also beginning a lovely plot-filled Tedromeda, which should be ready by the end of the summer. Thanks for anyone who's been waiting for an update! Life in Fanfiction So, I devote a lot of my time to fanfiction. Two of my best friends also write for fanfiction: Vernicy Psyche (a total Kativer shipper) and Neville Foreville. Read their stories. Tell them they're awesome. Tell them you're awesome. Tell them I'm awesome. God knows they don't hear it enough. I sign up for lots of challenges, but hardly ever follow through on them. Be warned. My favorite Pairings are as follows: Tedromeda- Andromeda is actually my favorite character, she's kind of inspiring, yeah?, so she makes my top pairing as well. Jily- All James/Lily stories are so well written, and their story is just perfect, even with arguments. Hope to hopeless romantics. Scorose- Most of these are modern and so they're kind of funny, and somehow you either get a Ron/Hermione or James/Lily story. Kativer- I blame Vernicy for this! I love mostly because I'm a HUGE Quidditch fanatic, and Oliver My favorite stories are: True Colors by TwiLyght Sans Sparkles Flower and Prongs by teenage.tradgedy She's a Liability by ultraviolet9 Alright! So I'm not the best author, but if you could at least read my Fanfics and give me some feedback or tips or something, that'd be great! I'm on every day, so PM's get to me just as fast as reviews... but people notice reviews... Thanks to anyone who actually read allllllllll of that. |