Author's Note: Yeah, sorry about the huge length of time since I last posted. I've seriously been losing steam with this story (sadness!), but now that I'm finished with Turncoat, I should hopefully have a bit more energy to spend on this story. Because I'm determined to never leave anything unfinished (not anything that I've started posting, that is… I have a ton of story-carcasses littering my fanfics folder that started but never caught on).

Anyway, hope you guys had a nice Christmas. Mine was rather tranquil. But I did get to go see The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, which was a pretty good movie. I like David Fincher movies, generally.

Chapter 5: Storm's Coming

Scorpius stepped out of the closet and heard her footsteps behind him. He turned and headed down the hall toward the dungeons, but her hand wrapped around his, spinning him around.

Rose's lips landed on his, and he couldn't hold back a smile.

He gripped her shoulders and pushed her back slightly. "Haven't had enough yet?" he teased.

"It's never enough," she responded, shaking her head.

Footfalls from farther down the hall alerted them to someone's approach, and they each backed up a step.

"What do you think you're doing here, Weasley?" Scorpius said, smirking. "Isn't it a bit out of your comfort zone?"

Rose placed her hands on her hips and gave Scorpius a defiant stare. Too fucking hot.

"Au contraire, I'm perfectly comfortable here," she said easily.

"Are you?" said Scorpius, raising an eyebrow and grinning at her with a lascivious glint in his eyes.

"Yes, I am. In fact, I think I'd be just as comfortable in the Slytherin Common Room," Rose said.

A mental image of Rose, sprawling naked over one of the green couches in the common room rose unbidden to the forefront of his mind, and he fought the urge to take her back into his arms.

"Good evening."

Scorpius turned his gaze away from Rose and saw Professor Lupin striding down the hall toward them.

"Professor Lupin," he said, nodding his head once. "What brings you down here?"

"I was going to visit old Slug," said Professor Lupin. Then he looked between the two of them. "No trouble, I expect?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Rose smiled angelically. "Of course not, Professor."

"Well, I'll be off," said Scorpius, starting toward the Slytherin Common Room.

"Good night, Malfoy," Professor Lupin said.

Scorpius nodded his head once without turning around and continued toward the dungeons. A few minutes later, he entered the Slytherin Common Room.

"Did you talk to her?" Apollo asked from his seat on the couch.

Scorpius cast a wary glance around the room to make sure it was empty before dropping into an armchair. He nodded, allowing himself a small grin.

"It went well, then, I suppose?"

"You could put it that way," Scorpius replied.

"I'm surprised," Apollo said, raising an eyebrow.

"I told you not to judge her so quickly. I'm not blind."

Apollo shrugged. "I suppose I see what you're attracted to in her."

"Do you?"

"She's not afraid to stand up to you. That's rare."

Scorpius didn't agree entirely, but he nodded anyway.

Rose wasn't just rare. She was one-of-a-kind.

"So, going to visit Professor Slughorn?" Rose said. "What about?"

"Do you really think you have the right to question me about anything, here?"

Rose smiled. "Of course, Professor Lupin. Sorry, I forgot."

He shook his head sternly. "Don't call me that when it's just the two of us. I swear, you make me feel so fucking old."

She laughed at this. "How've you been, Teddy?"

"Fantastic," he said, breaking into a grin. "I never knew how much I'd love teaching until I got started."

"My parents always said that your dad was the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher they ever had in school," Rose said with a smile.

"Yeah. But I was never cut out for that material. And besides, Finnigan seems to be doing a great job of it."

"Not on a first-name basis with him yet, are you?" Rose asked.

"It's strange, that's all. I mean, he's friends with your parents. And my godfather. I always looked at him sort of… like someone in my father's generation."

"Yes, I suppose you are caught between generations, aren't you?"

Teddy shrugged. Then he glanced down the hallway and said, "I get this feeling that you've been interested in someone lately."

"Who?" Rose asked innocently, pretending she had no idea what he was talking about.

"It's just a silly thought," said Teddy, shaking his head dismissively. "I might have heard some rumors going around about you and Malfoy…"

Rose rolled her eyes. "You know people love to talk," she said. "I've heard the rumors too. Everyone says I was staring at him during the match. Honestly, I don't remember ever staring at that arrogant git with a brain the size of a chickpea."

Teddy laughed. "Well, I certainly didn't see it with my own eyes," he admitted. "But it's still nice to hear it contradicted in person."

There was a brief pause, and Rose felt a stab of guilt—she was now actively lying to both Albus and Teddy. Who would be next, Janine?

Then Rose asked, "Didn't you have to see Slughorn—"

"Professor Slughorn, Rose," Teddy teased.

"Right, Professor Slughorn," she corrected herself, grinning at her friend.

"Yes, you're right," Teddy said. "It's actually rather important. It was nice talking to you, Rose."

"Very," Rose replied.

Teddy walked down the hall, moving deeper into the dungeons, while Rose made her way back up toward the Great Hall.

Merlin, she was ridiculously hungry. Since dinner was most likely over, she decided to go down to the kitchens and see if she could find any leftovers.

Hopefully she'd be able to snag a snack…

So she hadn't shown up to dinner, after all.

Hugo frowned as he absentmindedly made his way upstairs toward Gryffindor Tower, ignoring the people behind him who were grumbling about his slow pace.

Where could she be?

He wondered if she'd been upset enough to stay in her room all day…

Hugo still couldn't believe what he'd seen. Was she really that affected by Malfoy? There was no fucking way his sister… his sister! He shook his head furiously as the image of Rose standing together with Scorpius Malfoy arose in his mind.

He had to think about something else, and quick.

He changed course and went to the Head Dormitories. If Rose had really left, at least he might be able to catch Albus and ask him if he'd seen her…

Several minutes later found Hugo heading downstairs toward the kitchens.

Albus had informed him that Rose was helping Zabini with some girl issues and that she hadn't come back to the Head Dorms afterward. Knowing Rose as well as he did, Hugo decided to try the kitchens. She wouldn't be able to go almost a full day without food.

He finally reached the painting of fruit and tickled the pear, waiting impatiently for it to turn into a handle. At long last, the curved handle appeared, and he pulled the portrait open.

His sister was sitting at one of the long tables—the one that corresponded to Slytherin, Hugo noticed—eating an apple. If she noticed his entrance, she didn't acknowledge it.

"Rose," he said.

She looked up and smiled. "Hugo. What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I was erm, looking for you, actually."

"Oh, really? Did you need something?"

She seemed to be nicer than usual, Hugo observed. He wondered how he should broach the topic. He was unhappy, but he knew his sister well enough to know that she would lash out if he attacked her directly. He'd have to find a tactful way to bring it up…

"Well?" she prodded.

Hugo watched as she took another bite of the apple. "Can I have one of those?" he asked, moving closer to the table—a basket of fruit was sitting in front of Rose.

"Of course you can."

He sat down across from her, still extremely aware that this was the Slytherin table, and selected a green apple.

Rose smiled again and gestured toward her own half-eaten apple. "Thinking of Mother?" she said.

Hugo chuckled. "Yeah, sure."

He hadn't really been thinking about their mother, but he and Rose had noticed long ago that their mother had a preference for green apples. Their father, meanwhile, didn't care much for any particular kind of fruit.

"Hugo, I'm sure you didn't come down here for the fruit. What do you want?" Rose asked.

He took a bite out of his apple and chewed slowly, savoring the sweet, tangy flavor. Then he met the expectant eyes of his sister and sighed.

"Do you…" —tact, tact, tact; he had to be tactful— "…have a crush on Malfoy?"

Rose nearly spat out the bit of apple that was in her mouth, and Hugo flinched to the side instinctively. Had that been too blunt? It wasn't indelicate, though, was it?

"I thought I already told you that the rumors weren't true, Hugo," Rose said after she'd swallowed.

"This isn't about the rumors," Hugo said. "I saw you today, at the library."

"What did you see?" she asked.

"I saw you run away after you saw Malfoy snogging someone else."

His sister's face remained stolid, and Hugo was surprised. But the fact that she wasn't responding was a dead giveaway already. If she were innocent, she'd be telling him off right now.

"You saw, then," she finally said, softly.

Hugo's eyes widened. "So it's true!" he blurted.

Rose was silent.

"How could you? He's a bloody Malfoy," Hugo said, glaring at his sister.

She took another bite of her apple, looking at the table as she chewed and swallowed.

"Rose, answer me."

"I don't have to explain myself to you, Hugo," she said. "You're not my keeper. Frankly, it's none of your business who I'm sleeping with—"

Rose interrupted herself and dropped her apple, clapping both hands over her mouth. But it was already too late—the damage was done.

Hugo's jaw dropped. "You've slept with him?"

His sister groaned miserably and dropped her head onto the table.

"Are you… is he your boyfriend?" Hugo asked, disgusted.

Rose sighed miserably and mumbled her response into the table. "Sort of."

Hugo took a moment to process this information. How… she was his sister. How could she ever have decided to like Malfoy? Of all the foul gits in the world…

He looked at Rose and saw that she was avoiding his gaze. How long had this been going on? He longed to interrogate her about the… the relationship—he thought the word disgustedly—but he could see that she wasn't too keen on having that conversation.

Hugo hated to see his sister upset. It screamed injustice to him. He was the only one who had the right to needle her and make her angry. Remembering how she'd run away after seeing Malfoy with the other girl made his insides twist uncomfortably.

Maybe it'd be best to focus on the fact that Malfoy was a lying cheat rather than the fact that Rose had decided to like him. That could be saved for later, he supposed. First, there was his sister's pride to protect.

"And he had the nerve to go snogging someone else?" Hugo said. "I'll pummel him."

He set the bitten apple down and got to his feet, but Rose's hand jerked forward, catching his arm before he could leave.

"Don't," she said, her voice a little muffled by the table.

"Why the bloody hell not? I don't approve of you two being together, but between the two of you, if anyone is allowed to cheat, it's you."

"I'm not angry with him, Hugo."

He sat back down, staring at the top of her head with a dumbfounded expression. "Rose… I never thought of you as a pushover, but—"

"It's not that," she interrupted tiredly. "It's hard to explain, but… he did it because of me."

"No bloody way. You'd never want—"

"Yes, I know," said Rose, lifting her head to look at him. "Look, I just… well, you know the circumstances under which you found out. I didn't mean for it to happen."

Hugo nodded.

"I didn't want people to know about us because of how Mum and Dad would react."

"Dad would kill him," Hugo said.


"That's a good thing."

Hugo received a venomous stare from his sister and decided that it'd be best to keep such thoughts to himself, at least until she got over this… this insanity.

"Scorpius heard—"

"Scorpius?" Hugo said, cringing.

"Yes, Scorpius. I already told you that he's my boyfriend—sort of. Do you honestly think I wouldn't be on a first name basis with him?" Rose said, exasperated. Then she continued, "Scorpius heard the rumors going around and didn't want people to think they were true, so he wanted to kiss another girl so that it'd be clear that he was taken. Or interested in someone else."

Hugo supposed that that would have worked, if the girl was a blabbermouth. Most of the rumors going around had said that Rose and Scorpius had been secret lovers for a long time. Seeing Scorpius kissing someone else would have gotten rid of those notions.

Bloody hell… Hugo still couldn't believe that his sister was dating that grade-A prat.

"Aren't you going to say something?"

Hugo looked back at his sister. Had she kept on talking? He'd stopped listening already.

"No one's going to like this," he said.

"We're not going to tell anyone," said Rose.

"So what, are you just going to stay in a secret relationship forever?"

"No. It's just… I'm not ready to tell people. And I don't think Dad is ready to see Scorpius as anything more than a spoiled heir to the Malfoy fortune."

"Fine," said Hugo. "Do what you want. It's not as though I have a right to control your life or anything."

"I hope you'll see what I see, eventually," said Rose.

Hugo managed a snort. "I sure hope not. If I start lusting after Malfoy, I think I'll throw myself off the Astronomy Tower."

Rose laughed heartily, and Hugo could see that his sister was sincerely happy. That had to mean that she and Malfoy had made up, after all. But he'd been cheating, whatever the reasons. How could Rose just forgive him like that?

It wasn't right for someone to have so much influence over his sister. One action from him could make her despair, but it seemed just as easy for him to win her back over. Hugo didn't like the thought of his sister being manipulated by some sneaky Slytherin.

He had to do something about this.

Loud banging on the door to the Common Room roused Albus from his nap, and he groaned, lifting a hand to rub his eyes. Albus sat up slowly. He must have fallen asleep on the couch, waiting for Rose to get back.

How long had he been asleep?

He got to his feet and went to the door, pulling it open.

"Gosh, what took you so long?"

Albus rolled his eyes. "Hey, Lily. Did you need something?"

"I was just wondering if you'd seen Hugo anywhere," she said. "He promised we'd go flying together."

Albus frowned. "Now? Tonight?"

Lily immediately shook her head. "No, of course not."

"It's against the rules," said Albus. "Were you two planning—"

"No, no. Definitely not," said Lily.

Albus grinned and folded his arms across his chest. "Yeah right you weren't."

"Well, you wouldn't let me on the team," Lily said. "We've always got class, and it's hard to find times when the pitch isn't occupied. And—oh, never mind. Do you know where Hugo is or not?"

"No, I don't," said Albus.

His little sister rolled her eyes at him exasperatedly. "Ugh, what a waste of time. Bye."

"Wait—I know where he might be."

"Then why didn't you say so?"

"Because I like pissing you off."

Lily groaned. "You're getting to be more and more like James. I thought people were supposed to get more mature when they grew up."

"Hey, I'm still a long way off from grown up. And don't compare me to James. At least I haven't forced first years to do stupid dares by threatening to take away house points."

"That was just one time," said Lily, rising to their elder brother's defense.

"Yeah, but only because Professor Finnigan threatened to thrash him if he did it again," said Albus.

"I suppose that's true," Lily conceded. "But still, what happened to my wonderful, considerate, shy big brother? James fills the role of obnoxious, rude, overprotective brother more than enough."

Albus frowned. "Really? Wonderful, considerate, and shy? Did you think I was a girl, Lily?"

She burst into laughter, and he stared at her for a moment before joining her—it was almost impossible not to find Lily's laugh both amusing and adorable. As she was catching her breath, she inadvertently snorted, which sent both her and Albus into renewed peals of laughter.

"What's so funny?" Rose asked from down the hall.

Albus managed to suppress his mirth and replied, "Lily Luna."

Rose smiled as she reached them. "Of course."

"Did Hugo find you?" Albus asked her. "Lily was looking for him."

"Still am, actually," said Lily—she'd gotten her laughter under control and was now focusing on taking deep, slow breaths.

"Yes, he did," Rose said. "I think he's headed back up to Gryffindor Tower."

"Ugh!" Lily groaned. "I can't believe—"

"What's wrong?" asked Rose.

"Oh, nothing," said Lily quickly.

Rose narrowed her eyes at Lily. "Are you two up to something?"

"No," said Lily, shaking her head but glancing at Albus out of the corner of her eye.

Albus smiled. His sister was an awful liar. But who was he to talk? He knew himself to be a dreadful liar as well—they'd definitely gotten that trait from their father. He could never keep secrets from anyone, especially not from their mother. Of the three siblings, James was the only skilled liar.

"Well, be careful," said Rose.

Lily gave Rose a nervous smile. "We will."

"Just don't get anyone killed, and most importantly, don't get caught."

All three of them laughed at this last statement from Rose. Then Lily bade them good night and headed down the hall, presumably to have a nice talk with Hugo about forgetting to meet her.

As soon as Lily's footsteps faded, Albus noticed that Rose was avoiding his eyes.

"We still need to talk," he said.

Rose sighed. "Yes, we do."

She pushed past him and entered their common room, and he pushed the door shut behind her. Then he turned back around to see her sitting down on one of their couches, hands twisting nervously in her lap.

"What were you so upset about this afternoon?" Albus asked.

"Oh, that. That doesn't… it doesn't matter anymore," said Rose.

"Then what did you have to talk to me about?"

Rose took a deep breath and seemed to prepare herself for what she was about to say.

Albus frowned. "Should I sit down for this or something?" he asked.

Rose laughed nervously. "You can sit."

He crossed the room and sat on the couch that faced hers—they had three couches that formed a U-shape. Why this was the case Albus had no idea, seeing as the Head Dormitories only housed two students each year.

"I'm dating Scorpius Malfoy."

Albus' mouth was suddenly very dry. So he'd been right. Well… almost right. He hadn't thought that they were actually dating, that they considered themselves a couple.

How long had they been together? She must have been lying through her teeth all year.

He supposed he could understand why she wouldn't want him to know, but the fact that she'd kept on lying ate at him. He thought she trusted him more than that.

"Albus…" she said in a soft voice, "say something."

He kept his eyes on the ground. "How long?"

"How long, what?"

"How long have you and Malfoy been together?"

When Rose didn't respond immediately, Albus knew that she was conflicted, trying to decide whether or not to lie to him.

"Please don't lie to me again," he said. "It's enough that you've been lying to me all term. It was Malfoy in your room on the first night back, wasn't it?"

He glanced up in time to see her guilty nod.

"Albus, I'm sorry," said Rose. "I just… I knew that you never liked Scorpius. I thought you'd be pissed if you found out that we—"

He took a deep breath. "I don't know what I'm more upset about. The fact that you're actually dating a Malfoy or that you lied to me for such a long time—you still haven't told me exactly how long you've been… how long you and him have been together."

Rose sighed. "It started a little after the beginning of sixth year," she admitted.

"Wow. Over a year," said Albus, nodding because he wasn't sure what to do with himself. "And you kept it from me all this time because you thought I wouldn't approve? Is that it?"

She threw an angry glance in his direction. "Well? Would you approve? Do you approve? I doubt it."

"You act as though not getting my approval would affect your decision. You've never let other people's opinions change your mind. My opinion doesn't count all that much to you, anyway, does it?" he said, bitterness filling his mouth.

"Albus, you're one of my best friends, and my closest cousin. Your opinion does matter to me."


"Just let me get this out, okay? And then you can… berate me however you want."

Albus sighed and waved a hand, gesturing for her to continue.

"Look, the main reason why I didn't want you to know was so that you wouldn't have to lie to your parents about me. I know that you don't keep secrets from them—at least, not about big things. And this would probably be a pretty big deal, considering our family histories."

Albus nodded.

"I thought it'd be best if you just didn't know at all, that way you wouldn't be able to accidentally—"

"I'm not stupid, Rose. I'm a careful person," said Albus.

"Yes, I know that. I just thought it'd be better if you didn't have to worry about it."

"Was that really your main reason?" said Albus doubtfully.

"Well, I was also a bit worried about your reaction. I mean, we've been rivals with him for most of our time at school, and I know that you two have had it out on the Quidditch pitch more than once. And last year there was the whole… Lily fiasco, and—"

"I still haven't—"

"I know, I know. He hasn't brought it up either, though."

"Are you—you're not on his side, are you?"

Rose shook her head hurriedly. "No, of course not."

Albus narrowed his eyes. "Somehow I doubt you're telling the truth."

"Look, I was one of the only people who heard both sides of the story—truthfully," Rose said. "I know who was in the right, and it was Lily."

Albus only grunted in response.

Last year, Malfoy had repeatedly insulted Lily's friends for about the span of a week, and Lily, finally fed up with his needling, had cornered him for a talk. But he'd only continued to piss her off, and she'd attacked him.

Malfoy hadn't been carrying a wand, and the spectators who saw Lily attacking blamed it all on her because Malfoy had been defenseless. It had taken a lot of effort for Albus to convince all of the professors that Lily wasn't solely to blame—the picture painted by eyewitnesses wasn't favorable to Lily at all.

Albus knew why he'd done it. Slytherin had just lost to Gryffindor, and Malfoy had wanted some form of revenge on their team. Provoking Lily into attacking him had been his way of getting back at Albus because the professors had forced her to publicly apologize to him, even though Albus had successfully convinced them that Malfoy wasn't completely innocent.

Nasty little bugger, that Malfoy.

"We cannot give students the impression that it is acceptable to attack an unarmed opponent simply because he or she is mouthing off," Professor McGonagall had said.

And when Albus had stressed for what felt like the millionth time that Malfoy had been doing it intentionally, McGonagall had pointed out several instances in which Adam, Hugo, and Dane had picked fights with members of the Slytherin team.

"Are you only saying that because—" Albus began.

Rose shot to her feet, and Albus looked up at her, a bit startled.

"This is exactly what I didn't want to happen. Before I told you that I was dating Scorpius, you would never have insinuated that I would deny the truth in favor of a blatant lie," she said angrily.

"Well, you've been lying. What am I supposed to expect?"

"Just because I've lied about one thing doesn't mean I'm a habitual liar! Liking Malfoy does not change my character at all. I'm still the same Rose who grew up with you, Albus. Are you seriously going to start looking at me differently just because I fell for a childhood rival?"

Unhappy with the fact that he had to crane his neck to look at her, Albus got to his feet.

"I'm looking at you differently because you lied to me about something so big for so long. If you—"

"Oh, so if I'd told you right after the very first time that it happened that I'd slept with Scorpius, you would have been fine with it? Is that what you're trying to say?"

"No! It's just… I know I wouldn't have been okay with you and Malfoy. But it would have made me feel better that you were being honest—"

"Oh, that's a load of bollocks," said Rose, shaking her head. "You wouldn't have wanted to hear that."

"Of course not, but I'd rather have the truth than a lie."

"Technically I didn't lie to you at all last year. You didn't have a clue anything was going on. Was I supposed to just tell you, out of the blue?"

Albus sighed. "Fine. I'll forget about last year. What about the first night? You could have—"

"I wasn't ready, okay? Hell, I'm still not ready. I didn't want to tell you, but you seemed to have guessed it already anyway. And Hugo saw…"

"Saw what?"

"Nothing. But he knows now, too."

"Was it Malfoy's idea for you two to keep the relationship secret?" asked Albus. "It'd be typical of him as a Malfoy—not wanting to associate with people who didn't have pure blood."

Rose sighed. "No. It was my choice. Scorpius has wanted us to go public for a little while, now."

"What about at the beginning, then?"

"I still didn't want anyone to know. And I'm not saying this just to protect him. This is the truth."

"How am I supposed to know that you're not lying right now?"

"Damn it, Albus! If I was going to lie to you, then I would have kept up the old lie. There is no good reason for me to poke a hole in the trust that you have—had—for me. I'm telling you the truth, now."

He sighed. "Did you feel guilty?"

"Of course I did. I know that it's not enough to make up for it, but I did feel guilty. Especially when we spoke in private after the match—you apologized for accusing me of being attracted to Scorpius, and I… I almost told you right then."

"Why didn't you?"

"Because you would have exploded in my face."

He nodded. "I guess you're right. I would have been furious. But I'm already pissed right now, as it is. I just…"

"I'm sorry, Albus."

"Sorry doesn't quite cut it."

"I don't know what else to tell you, then. These are my emotions. I really like him, and he really likes me. I'm not going to let anything come between us."

Albus couldn't deny that she looked very serious about this—she wasn't messing around.

"I just… I don't want my parents to know yet. At least, I don't want them to hear about this from someone else. I'll tell them myself, when I see them."

"Over winter break then, you mean?"

She nodded. "Yes, I'll talk to them over break."

"So you want me to keep your secret until then?"


"All right," said Albus. "Who else knows about it?"


Albus thought back to what had happened when he tried to speak to Rose earlier, how Zabini had appeared and interrupted them. He knew that Zabini and Malfoy were close—their fathers co-owned a large multinational conglomerate, and the two boys had grown up together.

"Does Zabini know, too?" he asked.

Rose sighed, a small smile on her face. "Yes, that bastard knows too."

"How long has he known?"

"He only knows because he and Scorpius are close."

"Oh, and I'm not close to you? Is that it? Is Nadine not close enough either?"

"Albus, don't do this."

He held both palms out to her. "All right, fine. Are we done here, then?"

"I'm sorry, Albus. Really."

"Are we done?" he repeated.


Albus got to his feet and headed up the staircase that led to his room. She didn't try to stop him, and he couldn't tell whether this made him angrier or not. He slammed the door behind him and moved to his bed, where he sat down and stared at the ground.

He knew that he'd forgive Rose later, but he was still too wound up about how long she'd kept all this from him. It didn't help that he'd had a crush on her for quite a while, but he knew how she felt about that and had kept his feelings on a leash.

Knowing that Rose was dating Scorpius Malfoy… that she had been sleeping with him for over a year already… it was too much.

Too damn much.

Author's Note: Again, sorry about the uber lag in posting this story! I usually have several chapters lined up as a buffer, but I'm going to have to come clean and admit that I didn't do it this time around. Fudgecakes! Hahaha. So I'm currently working on Chapter 6… hopefully it won't be another month before I post again. Sorry, sorry, sorry!

If it helps, you guys are awesome and I love you for reading!