A/N: So this is the epilogue, sad stuff. Everyone just remember to stay strong with all this Enjonine hate. I can't believe how some people are stereotyping us, and most of it isn't true. Oh well, here is a virtual hug to my fellow shipmates. Anyways, I didn't think that I would be able to update this so soon, but I decided I should end it before I started to really study for exams.

A little girl with dark, curly hair and stormy eyes impatiently tugged on her mother's skirt. Her mother looked down at the girl fondly and patted her head gently. The little girl, Marie, pouted by sticking out her lip and crossing her cubby, toddler arms.

"One minute, ma fille. We have to wait for your brother and your father," Eponine assured. Marie sulked, and Eponine had to stifle her laughter at the sight of her adorable daughter. Marie did not appreciated being laughed at just like her father, Enjolras.

"Oh all right, let me go find them," Eponine said going to find her husband and son. She called out their names and heard Enjolras reply from the library. Of course he was in the library; it was his favorite room in the house after all. Upon entering the room, Eponine saw Enjolras sitting with their five year old son, Julian, on his lap. He was reading to him out of a yellowing book with a black leather binding. Julian looked exactly like Enjolras; in fact the only thing he had inherited from Eponine was her dimples. Both of their children had Enjolras' exact fierce, blue eyes and Eponine often joked about being the odd one out.

"Marie is growing restless, we should leave for Colin and Marielle's soon. She wants to see little Madelaine and Elliot, and I myself cannot wait to tell everyone about the new baby," Eponine smiled and tapped her small tummy that held a new life inside. Enjolras' face broke out into a grin when Eponine mentioned her pregnancy; he was thrilled about the baby and couldn't wait to hold him or her in his arms for the first time.

"Of course, my love. Up we go, Julian," Enjolras said scooping up his son. Eponine beamed at the two and fell into step behind them.

"Come, Marie," Eponine said reached for the girl's hand. Marie beamed up at her mother.

"Are you looking forward to telling them about the baby?" she asked innocently.

"I am very much looking forward to it. Are you excited that you get to see Madelaine and Elliot?" Eponine replied. Giddily, Marie jumped up and down exclaimed 'yes!'

"I think it would be darling if Marie ended up marrying Elliot and Madelaine ended up with Julian," Eponine sighed. She had acquired a soft spot for love and romance over the years.

"Nobody is going to marry my little girl, ever," Enjolras said possessively but Eponine just laughed at his expense. Enjolras stiffened.

"Of course she's going to get married off one day," Eponine stated obviously. Marie looked confused.

"Who is getting married?" she asked.

"Nobody yet," Enjolras grumbled, but his bitterness faded fast.

"It is rather convenient that Colin and Marielle are our neighbors, wouldn't you agree? If they lived any further away it would be quite difficult to come to and fro from their home," Eponine said gratefully as they walked up the cobblestone path. Months after the barricades, Eponine, Enjolras, Colin, and Marielle had all packed their bags and moved to Provence. Enjolras had never felt more serene, but sometimes he missed the hustle and bustle of Paris. He knew that his wife also missed the streets like a fish missed the water, but she had adjusted magnificently to her new surroundings. They family was well off, Enjolras still had his inheritance, and he had accumulated even more money after the revolution through his government job that he had been assigned. For a year or two he worked so hard to do his part, but when Julian was born he retired simply because he wanted to be around his family more.

"Ah, the Enjolras'! You are always welcome here!" Marielle exclaimed in delight as she kissed Eponine and Enjolras' cheeks in greeting. The children ran inside to go find their friends, and the adults drifted into the living room to have a chat.

"So, how are you two? We haven't seen each other all week, though work has been busy for Colin and I have been preoccupied with the children," Marielle said. Even in the summertime, Marielle always wore long sleeved dresses to conceal her battle scar that she received from the bullet wound. It would raise some questions if anyone were ever to see it.

Eponine and Enjolras looked knowingly at each other and Eponine's lips tugged upwards as she prepared herself to tell them the news.

"Enjolras and I are expecting again!" she exclaimed erratically. Colin and Marielle enveloped the grinning couple in 'congratulations.'

"I suspected something, you two were very obvious upon your arrival," Marielle confessed.

"I did not notice a thing," Colin said in confusion.

"That is because men are oblivious," Eponine teased, earning a laugh from Marielle.

"Amen to that!" she shouted.

At that moment, the four children suddenly filed into the room, giggling and squealing as they came.

"Did you tell them yet?" Marie asked expectantly as she wiggled her eyebrows. Eponine nodded, and Colin and Marielle chuckled at Marie's expressions.

"Though I never did meet Enjolras as a child, I have a feeling he would be exactly like Marie," Colin pondered, but Eponine and Enjolras disagreed.

"I can see how you might think that, but Marie reminds me of myself," Eponine said.

"Julian is precisely how I was a child, though. His general curiosity in the world and his thirst for knowledge will take him far," Enjolras declared proudly.

"How did I land myself such a modest husband?" Eponine giggled, and Enjolras playfully bowed.

"After all these years, you two haven't changed at all. Why, I remember your first and second wedding like it was just yesterday," Colin reminisced. His words seemed to intrigue Marie and Julian.

"Two weddings?" Marie asked in wonderment, her tiny brain trying to perceive if that was even possible. She knew that people only got married once to the same person, so how did her parents get married twice?

"That is unlikely," Julian said disbelieving.

"You haven't told your children the story of your weddings?" Marielle asked in shock. "They know about the barricades, why didn't you mention your first wedding?"

"Well, I suppose we thought it was a bad example of sorts…" Enjolras explained.

"Tell us, Papa!" Marie pleaded. Enjolras took one look at his daughter and completely crumbled; she had him wrapped around her little finger. She was the poster child for daddy's little princess.

"I don't see why we shouldn't! Oh let's see, it started in the middle of the battle, love arose from the pile of broken furniture…" Enjolras delved into the tale of his first wedding, the wedding that he and Eponine considered to be their real wedding, adding some exaggerations and toning down the violence a bit. The children concentrated their eyes on their father as he spoke, completely engrossed in his tale as he talked about the barricades, Eponine, and Jean Valjean.

"And we kept getting interrupted, but eventually Jean Valjean shouted 'JUST KISS!' and in the moment our lips met, we officially become united forever by the bonds of marriage and love," he said finishing the best story to yet be told.

"That sounds like the perfect wedding," Julian said seriously and everyone laughed.

"No, it was far from perfect, yet it was perfect for your mother and I. It was… for lack of better phrasing, it was perfectly imperfect. We realized that we would have to have another wedding to make everything official, but that first wedding has always been my favorite. It was spontaneous and passionate, just like your mother," Enjolras said earnestly as he grabbed his wife's hand.

"We were thrown into a great surprise when we had heard that Enjolras and Eponine had just been wed. There we were, celebrating the end of the barricades, when our these two had casually mentioned that they tied the knot!" Colin chuckled at the fond memory.

"Well, now you know the real story of our wedding," Eponine sniffled. Enjolras turned to face his wife and was mildly alarmed when he saw tears pouring down her face.

"What's wrong, my love?" he asked urgently as he attempted to wipe away the tears.

"I suppose it is mostly the hormones, but the way you told our story brought me to tears. I-It was beautiful!" she cried, though her tears were happy.

"Don't cry, Mama," Marie said worriedly.

"Oh, Marie. You shouldn't worry about your mother right now; everything is wonderful and all will be well. Go off and have your fun with Madelaine, Elliot, and Julian," Enjolras ushered. The children ran off with a newfound energy. Eponine had quickly calmed down.

"I'm turning soft," she whined.

"Being a mother can do that to a person, even someone as tough as you," Enjolras said.

"Do you four, or five now I suppose, want to stay here for dinner?" Colin offered. Eponine and Enjolras joyfully accepted the invitation, glad for their best friends.

As they ate dinner, Eponine couldn't help but notice how much her life had changed just because she met Enjolras. Her little life became big and important; now a wife and a mother. Without Enjolras, she would have died alone. And without Eponine, Enjolras and countless others would have died. Eponine knew she made the right decision all those years ago back in Paris when she let Enjolras stay with her for a week, and later that night in bed when she and Enjolras were discussing baby names, Eponine thought life couldn't get any better.

"I know it's going to be a girl, I have a feeling," Eponine admitted.

"I agree with you. I can just feel it," Enjolras said as he softly stroked Eponine's barely there baby bump. "I think we should name our baby François."

"No, I am not naming Baby after France," Eponine deadpanned.




"Keep trying."


"I swear if you suggest one more-"

"What about Lucienne? It means 'light,'" Enjolras suggested at last, trying to rapidly steer the topic away from French names.

"Lucienne, huh. I rather like that name… Lucienne Enjolras; it flows! I think you may have found the perfect name!" Eponine exclaimed.

"Don't say perfect because you and I will never be perfect. I prefer: perfectly imperfect ," Enjolras chuckled to himself.

"For a perfectly imperfect family and their perfectly imperfect baby," Eponine yawned, exhaustion finally taking over.

And so maybe they were perfectly imperfect, but they were happy and free and loving, and at the end of the day, nothing was better than that.

A/N: WHOA, FLUFF ALERT! Excuse me while I go cry about how this is over…

AAAND I'm back from my cry break. I'm estimating that in about 3 weeks I will post my new Enjonine modern au story called The Swan Song. Or maybe I'll call it Perfectly Imperfect… Who knows? See you all again soon if you ever read my next story!