Well, I was crazy about you then and now
The craziest thing of all,
Over ten years have gone by
And you're still mine,
We're locked in time
Let's rewind

Well, all these times they come and go
And alone don't seem so long
Over ten years have gone by
We can't rewind,
We're locked in time
But you're still mine

-Jack Johnson

Teddy walked down the crowded streets, his eyes on the magnificent white building at the end of the road: Gringotts. Victoire was in there. He knew it. Teddy continued marching forward, ignoring the sweltering dry heat. It seemed even hotter with the amount of wizards and witches crammed into the dusty street.

He spotted Victoire the instant she stepped through the large double doors of Gringotts and outside onto the steps. She looked around the packed streets and fanned herself.

"Victoire!" Teddy gasped, a smile breaking across his face.

She didn't hear him. Instead, she flipped her long hair back and carefully made her way down the marble steps and onto the busy street.

"VICTOIRE!" Teddy shouted. Several people turned to look at him irritably and covered their ears.

Victoire frowned and turned around, searching for who called her name.

"VIC!" Teddy gasped, pushing himself through the throngs of people and toward her.

Victoire gasped when she saw him. "Teddy? What are you doing here." She looked around wildly as if she couldn't believe the setting. "In Egypt?"

"It was a long trip," Teddy gasped, finally reaching her.

"I bet," Victoire replied. She frowned. "Shouldn't you be at work?"

Teddy shook his head. "No, long story. I'm not an auror anymore."

"You quit your job?" Victoire's eyes widened.

"Well, not exactly. Harry fired me…"

"Harry fired you?!"

"Yes, but it's alright!" Teddy said quickly. He shook his head. "Damn, I am not doing a good job at telling this story. Maybe Grace was right about rehearsing a speech."

Victoire looked confused. "Teddy, what's going on?"

He took a deep breath. "A few years ago, you asked me to quit my job and follow you to Egypt. And I told you I couldn't do that. Not after my parents died in the war and not while Harry and Ron were struggling so much to keep the death eaters from rising. I felt obligated to stay and fight."

Victoire nodded slowly. "I know this."

"But the third war is practically over. Most of the death eaters have been locked up. Most muggleborns are out of hiding. Harry and Ron don't need my help anymore."

Victoire's face slowly dawned with understanding. "B-but you love being an auror," she said, clearing her throat.

"There are aurors in Egypt."

"That's true," Victoire said slowly. "There are."

"I love you, Vic," Teddy said quickly, his eyes almost pleading with her. "I want to be with you. Let's give this a shot. I'm ready to finally do what you asked. I'm ready to move to Egypt."

Victoire shook her head. "You can't move to Egypt, Teddy."

Teddy felt his heart plummet. "I can't?"

Victoire smiled slightly. "How do you feel about Milan?"

"Milan?" Teddy repeated blankly.

"There are aurors there too!" Victoire said quickly, her blue eyes filling with excitement. "You'd love Milan, trust me!"

"I don't understand…"

Victoire almost laughed. "I got transferred after all…to Milan! I'm moving there in a week."

Teddy felt himself grin. "I do love Italian food."

Victoire beamed. "You really quit your job?"

"Well, I was fired."

She laughed. "And you're okay with that?"

"Don't get me wrong, I love London. I loved working with Harry and Ron. But I can be an auror anywhere in the world. And I want to be an auror wherever you are."

Victoire grinned. "Well," she said impatiently, "aren't you going to kiss me?"

Teddy laughed and stepped forward. He pulled her into his arms and finally kissed her. "I love you too," Victoire whispered before wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him again.

Victoire grinned as she watched Luke and Grace slow dance.

"To Luke and Gracie!" Henry said, holding up his glass of champagne. Aimee was sitting behind her son, her eyes narrowing as Henry chugged down his champagne.

"No more champagne, Henry!" she hissed. "You're underage!"

"To Luke and Gracie!" the rest of the wedding party chorused back, laughing slightly at Henry and Aimee's exchange.

Victoire smiled and took a sip of her own champagne.

"She is the most beautiful bride in the world," Skylar said, her eyes watering.

Alexander glanced over at Skylar and chuckled. "Skye, love, get it together. You're going to have to give your Maid of Honor speech soon."

Skylar took her napkin and delicately dabbed her eyes. "I just can't believe it. They're finally married and after everything they've been through! After Collin and the breakup and Will…"

"Collin?" Finn turned his head, looking slightly surprised. "I forgot about him. Godric, I hated that guy."

"Yeah, well, you also hated Luke," Sienna said with a snort.

Skylar stood up quickly. "Excuse me! I'm going to go find the lady's room. My mascara's running."

Victoire started to follow her, but Alexander stopped her. "It's okay. I'll go."

"Are you sure?" Victoire asked, laughing. "She's an emotional drunk mess."

"She's my fiancé. I reckon I should learn how to deal with her drunk crying."

"At least they're happy tears," Sienna told him positively.

Finn snorted. "Not until she sees that she's ruined her make up."

Alexander chuckled as he left. "Isn't she something? Godric, I love her…"

Finn looked impressed as Alexander's figure retreated. "You know, I'm starting to think Alexander is the right bloke for her. Any guy that would willingly take on Skylar…"

Sienna turned her attention back to Luke and Grace. More people had joined them on the dance floor. The song had changed into a more upbeat one. "I should go check on Eli…" Sienna murmured worriedly.

"We checked up on him thirty minutes ago!" Finn reminded her. "S, relax. We left him with your dad. What's he going to do. Love him to death?"

"Yeah, well, you're forgetting that my mum is also there…"

Finn brushed her off. "We don't have to worry about your mum until Eli is old enough to talk and can understand the emotionally scarring things she says."

"He's not wrong," Victoire said.

"I just miss Eli," Sienna said miserably.

"He was at the wedding," Victoire reminded her. "Your dad didn't take him home until an hour ago."

"I miss Eli too," Finn said, his blue eyes drooping. "His chubby little cheeks and his sweet little laugh…"

"You know he's almost crawling now," Sienna told Victoire proudly.

Victoire grinned. "While I admit, my godson is quite possibly the most adorable baby on the planet—"

"Quite possibly?" Finn frowned. "He is."

"—but you're at Luke and Grace's wedding reception! You can't sit here and cry about Eli's chubby cheeks."

Finn clapped his hands together. "Sienna, she's right!"

"She is?" Sienna said sadly, staring out at the dance floor miserably.

"Come on! Let's dance!" Finn told her excitedly, jumping out of his seat. "I love this song!"

Sienna laughed as she watched Finn do a little jig. "Finn!" she hissed, turning bright red and looking around wildly at the people starting to stare at him.

"Am I embarrassing you?" he teased, holding his hand out for her.

"You always do," Sienna said with a small sigh as Finn pulled her out of her chair and twirled her around wildly.

Victoire laughed as she watched Finn and Sienna shimmy their way toward the dance floor. Moments later, Teddy appeared at the entrance. When he spotted Victoire, he grinned and made his way toward her.

"Teddy, where have you been?"

"Come on," Teddy whispered in her ear. "I have to show you something."

Victoire nodded slightly as Teddy firmly took her hand and led her away. He grabbed a bottle of wine off a table they passed.

"Where are we going?" Victoire asked him, shivering slightly as they stepped into the cool air outside.

Teddy glanced back at her and slipped off his jacket. "Here," he said, gently draping his coat over her shoulders. "It's cold."

Teddy took her hand again and led across the dark field where hours earlier Luke and Grace had been married. The music and laughter behind them got quieter the further away they walked. Teddy motioned for Victoire to sit down on one of the hundreds of white chairs still set up in rows. "I wanted a minute alone with my girl," Teddy told her as he took a seat beside Victoire.

Victoire grinned and took a sip of the wine they'd brought with them. Behind them, they could faintly hear the music. Victoire looked up at the sky, where the stars were shining brightly. "You don't really see the stars in Milan," she said softly.

"Or London," Teddy said as Victoire handed him the bottle of wine.

"Do you miss London?" she asked him, tearing her gaze away from the stars.

"All the time," Teddy admitted. He took her hand. "But I would miss you more if I were in London."

Victoire smiled. "So, you don't regret following me to Milan?"

"Are you kidding? The food in Italy is better than any food I think I've ever eaten, and that counts Grandma Weasley's cooking!"

"Don't let her hear you say that," Victoire said with a grin.

"And wine is so much better in Italy," Teddy continued enthusiastically. "And appretivos? How innovative! I can't believe we don't have that in England."

"Yes, you do love appretivos," Victoire nodded.

"And I don't think we will ever drink a cappuccino as delicious as the ones in Italy!"

Victoire snorted. "I never even knew you liked coffee that much."

"Don't even get me started on the fashion. I always feel inadequately dressed when we're in the fashion district."

"I told you my floppy hat wouldn't look stupid there."

"Plus, I get to wake up next to you every single day. There's no place I'd rather be." Teddy leaned forward and gave Victoire a long kiss, his hand resting gently on her knee.

"I didn't think it was possible for me to ever love you more," Victoire said softly.

Teddy smiled and rested his forehead against hers. "Look at you showing emotions! You hate that."

"You make it easier," she told him before giving him another sweet kiss. "I don't think I've ever been able to tell a boyfriend how I felt. Not like I can with you."

Teddy beamed and pulled Victoire onto his lap. He kissed her tenderly and the wine slipped out of their hands and fell to the floor with a soft thud. "That, my love, is because I'm your soulmate," Teddy said with such certainty that Victoire felt her face burn.

"You're quite confident," she said with a small laugh.

"You're saying I'm not?"

Victoire thought about it. "Do you really believe in that stuff? Soulmates?"

"Of course I do," Teddy said seriously. "You're mine. Don't you believe in it?"

"I think the whole concept seems a little far-fetched."

Teddy burst into laughter. "I love you, my little cynic," he muttered before kissing her intensely. Like usual, Victoire melted into his arms. It was remarkable how her heart still raced every time he kissed her.

The past couple of months with Teddy had been unbelievable. Victoire was blissfully happy. They were probably sickeningly happy to any outsiders watching them walking hand-in-hand down the streets Milan or snogging at one of the thousands of coffee shops in Milan. Victoire awoke every day with a stupid grin on her face when she turned and saw Teddy asleep beside her. They had lunch together every single day during the breaks. Their nights were spent exploring the nightlife of the hidden wizarding town in Milan. It was almost like they were teenagers in love again. Victoire had forgotten what that felt like. She couldn't stop smiling throughout the day and all she wanted to do was be by Teddy's side. It was like they were making up for lost time. It felt good to have him back.

"OI! Lovebirds!" Luke shouted from the doors, forcing Teddy and Victoire to break apart. "Break it up! Grace wants pictures!"

As Luke disappeared back inside, Teddy looked at Victoire. "We should head back inside," he said reluctantly. Victoire nodded, still breathless, as she slipped off his lap. They headed back into the party, their hands clasped tightly together.