Reviews for Five Minutes
Derpy potato chapter 23 . 6/26
I'm still on chapter 23, but who knows? Maybe Sophie is a cute flobberworm.
DucttapedCheshireCat chapter 82 . 9/6/2019
I'm not sure if this comment is gonna reach you, if you're still active here, but here goes

I love this story and how you've captured everyone's personalities. it's a really fun story and at times I've been actually laughing loudly, not just smiling or snorting, lol.
there's a few grammar and spelling errors, but usually not too bad.

ans I love the details you've put into it, that you've really taken the time and not rushed through the story.

really amazing fic
franceskofrancesco chapter 82 . 4/21/2019
i love this fic so much 33 of course there are a few things i dont really like in this fic but its still amazing anyways :)) you're a great writer and this is absolutely amazing
Sarah bayomy chapter 83 . 12/9/2018
Guest chapter 86 . 3/13/2018
this story was absolutely amazing. hands down the most entertaining JILY series i have ever read.
Guest chapter 77 . 9/3/2015
A pregnant pause?
iDigCheetos chapter 9 . 5/31/2015
This is a wonderful fan fiction covering the Marauder period. I've read quite a few and this one and The James Potter Chronicles are by far my favorite. I'm only a short way into this amazing story and I've already found myself addicted. Thank you for writing this and I hope to read more from you in the future. :)
Luxastuff chapter 28 . 5/1/2015
Hey , I really like that you write about the marauders era, It's always cheering me up when I read your story!
still what I wish for is that you maybe do not cling to the stereotypes.
I mean Slytherins in your story are always mean and eager to kill someone, I am sure that is not everybody and also I think that not the whole school hates the Slytherins so much as you presented...
Additionally I do not believe Peter to be such a whimp, I believe he was shy and sure happy to be with the marauders, still he was a full member of their group! I do not think Sirius hated and bullied him that much, I think they are more friendly and Peter is definetely smarter, but still I really love reading your story! You write wonderfully, do not stop! Just maybe alter some of the pictures you are painting..
Me chapter 21 . 3/31/2015
Sophie's his broom isn't she
d3l3t3M3N0w chapter 72 . 3/18/2015
James would be better off replying, "Yes, but they're not my secrets to share."
d3l3t3M3N0w chapter 59 . 3/17/2015
That last part with James and Mr Evans at the fridge was inspired... Brilliant!
Guest chapter 31 . 12/12/2014
I love how the story is going so far even though I think the fact that lily and James liked each other could have been revealed later so there isn't this long waiting period. The writing is excellent however I would like to see more relationship storys between the other marauders or lilys friends. I am also not a fan of the way sirius is portrayed in this either, he is too childish and not serious (no pun intended) enough. It's okay for him to have a joke once and a while but the fact that he is always joking and whining is slightly annoying. Peter is also treated unfairly as even though he does betray them at school he was their friend and they did like him.
Good effort though
Guest chapter 75 . 10/26/2014
you BETTER choose james. Hestia is being an all out bitch right now and i can't stand her
Guest chapter 53 . 10/25/2014
OHMYGOD I want to kill Hestia right now ugh
Guest chapter 21 . 10/23/2014
Sophie's a frickin owl, isn't she
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