Disclaimer: I promise, I don't own any of the recognizable characters, though I don't know what I wouldn't do to get them.

Author's note: Hi! Thank you so much for reading, this is our first fanfiction . Please read and review, we are really excited to hear whatever you have to say ;) Thank you. Also, notice that this Alice is not the Alice that becomes Alice Longbottom and Neville's mom. Enjoy!

Lily Evans briskly walked down the halls, her auburn hair whipped our behind her as she furiously searched for her tormentor.

"James Potter, the moment I find you, your life ends!" she growled.

"Really, Evans? And why might that be?" James stepped out of the shadows of the corridor and faced our agonized heroine.

"My bag is charmed, my clothes are neon pink, my shoes are 5 frickin inch heels, and my textbooks read 'I love James Potter!' "announced Lily in a dangerously low tone. James flinched inwardly, an angry Lily was definitely not someone he enjoyed facing.

"Oh... Yeah..." he rubbed his messy black hair in mild amusement.

"OH YEAH? THATS ALL YOU CAN SAY?" she shrieked at the top of her lungs. Several innocent first years jumped back in fright, being new to the majestic magic school Hogwarts they had very rarely seen a Lily/James argument. The second years and above simply glanced at the two and walked off as this was daily life for them, ever since first year James had been absolutely smitten with the lovely Lily and had made it his life goal to ask her out every day in first year, six times a week in second year, five times a week in third year, four out of seven days in fourth year, three times a week in fifth, twice in sixth year, and now in seventh year he had suddenly jumped to once just about every hour.

Almost magically Remus appeared behind Lily, "James are you bugging dear Lily again?"

"...No... Well... Maybe..."

"Heck yeah!" muttered Lily.

"Ah, Lily-doll, you mustn't be upset! And what happened to your outfit? It's rather… pink," chimed in a sweet voice, Alice waltzed in dreamily and grabbed Lily's hand in an attempt to start a waltz with her.

"Hullo Remus, James," she greeted, beaming she grabbed their hands as well to start a sort of circle where they skipped around in a circle to her tune.

"Um Alice, what exactly are we doing?" asked Lily cautiously, knowing Alice they were probably doing some sort of ritual to summon a crumple horned snorkack.

"Getting rid of Nargles, of course..." was the only response.

"...Ah, well I have to go now, I promised Lara to help her with the charms work."

"She already got help from Sirius." replied Alice vaguely.

"Oh..." Lily smirked, knowing that that probably wasn't quite what Lara and Sirius were doing.

"Oh! I know, why don't we all go together to the lake? I heard the Great Squid was out today." cried Alice in delight.

"It is rather warm and that sounds like a lovely idea, Alice! Tell you what, Remus and I will go and grab food from the kitchens so we can have a picnic- today is Saturday, so no work to excuse you Lily- and you two can go grab Sirius and Lara!" reasoned James happily.

"Wait a minute, Potter!" exclaimed Lily sharply.

James winced, knowing what was coming, "Ye-es?"

"You, my dear, are not moving a single step until My outfit, bag, and books are restored!"

"But you look so much cuter this way!"


"James, she looks horrible, change her back!" added Remus kindly.

Alice unexpectedly interrupted, "Well, his favorite color is hot pink, and his favorite person is Lily, so I suppose that for him this is a double package..."

An awkward silence followed.

"Wait a moment! I do not like pi-"James began to protest, when Lily interrupted, "Ahem, the reversing charm, Potter?"

"Woah, slow down. I have a condition!" smirked James triumphantly.


"I wanna be able to call you Lily and you should call me James." he said with a flourish.

"I don't really care right now, just get the bloody stuff out of my way!"

"Oh goody!" with his deal set James removed the charm with a wink and marched off with a bemused Remus in tow.

"How fun. A picnic in the sun..." murmured Alice happily.

A/N: Well, how was the first chapter? Yeah, it's sort of short, but definitely more to come! Thank you.