![]() Author has written 12 stories for Twilight, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Sherlock, Pirates of the Caribbean, Supernatural, and Harry Potter. About me: I thought it would be a good idea to have a little something about me here. I am a twenty-something year old living in South East London with my fiancé and all of our dvd’s, my books, and mostly my cd’s. I have been a Buffy fan since the movie came out in the 90's, and love most things Sci-Fi and Occult. One of my major Obsessions is the Twilight saga the other is BBC's Sherlock (Thank you Mark Gatiss/Stephen Moffat/ACD - you legends). I have a boring job... Thats all I can bear to say right now, I'd rather write. I am a Pagan, I love to learn... like everything! That's why I am studying for a Certificate in Humanities to get me on the way to my degree! And why I watch really strange programmes on tv. I love Harry Potter books (another renewed obsession), and the Night Watch quadrilogy, and have a soft spot for shows like House, NCIS, Grey's Anatomy, Ally McBeal, The Mentalist (yummy Simon Baker) and the BBC series Sherlock (yummy Benedict Cumberbatch). I am also addicted to the Charlie Parker crime novels by John Connolly - they are awesome being all dark and twisty! Favourite colours: Red, Pink, Silver and Purple... in any order on any given day but starting with Red is usually a good start! _ Favourite Artists: Incubus, Paramore, B.R.M.C, David Bowie, Led Zepplin, and quite a few more. Musical Taste: I am eclectic. Look through my ipod and you will see punk, rock, metal, soul, RnB, easy listening, and abusive comedy styles along with musicals like "Wicked" and "Jerry Springer the Musical". But surprising to some, I also have a thing for classical music - calms my soul - I'm listening to loads of Bach and Vivaldi at the moment. ;-) Follow Me: What with the purges, I am letting everyone know you can keep in contact with me below. On Twitter: @witchravenfox - ask me anything, or follow for fun On Tumblr: http:// - Ask me questions, see who I follow and my reposts. Sometimes I post little drabbles from pictures or just rant. :) On AO3: search for WitchRavenFox On LJ: http:// UPDATES: 02.07.12 - I am working on ficlets alongside the main fics I am working on (and my studies) so please enjoy as your leisure and let me knwo what you think. I am working on a new one-shot in the Sherlock fandom called My Immortal. It is still WIP, but I am hoping that in the next week or so it will be ready for posting. It will be post Reichenbach, and thats all I can say for now. As a fan of Sherlock, BBC's tv series, and a fan of Sherlock and John (as they would be a perfect couple - JohnLock) I have written Against the Counter in 221B. It was going to be a one off slash... but I think it may become drabbles or shorts from their life, where things happen against the counter... and not just the kitchen!More chapters are in the pipelin so please keep an eye out. I have posted the first 2 chapters of my Twilight inspired story - based on Jacob, called United I'm excited, and nervous. If you are a Jacob lover please take a look. It is A/U as Jacob does not imprint on Renesmee - that is the only spoiler you get!! *UPDATE: Very sorry to say that this is on hiatus. It will be continued, but it is suspended for now my muse got carried away on extended holiday, judging by the absence. *sniff* Please read and review if you so wish, I like the feedback to know where I am going right or wrong as long as its constructive - no flamers please!! Love and thanks, RavenFox 20th March 2012 I have to put this on here, because it made me chuckle. My logic is not like other people. Or at least... very few that I have met, and poor Mr Fox has to deal with this - because thats what you do when you love someone! Last week he made an observation re me and my obsessions... Mr Fox: I notice that I am always at the bottom of the list, if I even make the list. You said you wouldn't put me to one side for Sherlock. RF: Honey, I don't put you to one side for Sherlock. It's split, between Sherlock and studying. Mr Fox: *snorts* Yeah, right. RF: No really. I read, I write, I study. I watch Sherlock, I read Sherlock, but they're not more important than you. Plus it's not like it's just Sherlock... There's House, Grey's Anatomy, Farscape... I'm waiting for Breaking Dawn part 2, and when that comes out I'll be writing Twilight again. Then there's always Charmed... Mr Fox: And These all come before me?!? *really shocked now* RF: Nu uh. Not before. You are more important, but they are ... well... you're all in this tied position, and they are obsessions... Not making this any better am I? You see me at bedtime! Mr Fox: Uh huh. |