![]() Author has written 16 stories for Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, Septimus Heap, Bible, How to Train Your Dragon, Silmarillion, X-Men: Evolution, X-Men, and Primeval. Hi! Welcome to my profile. :D Most of my stories are at least a year or two old; I was at a much more fangirl-y period in my life then, and I'm quite embarrassed of some of the results. I keep the X-Men Evo stories up because a couple people liked them. I'm rarely on FF anymore. I rarely write anymore in general. I want to try again in the future. In the meantime, you can find me at . :) Check out the forum X Men Evo Fanfiction Challenges About Me! - I'm a Christian. - Reality is a lovely place, but I wouldn't wanna live there. - I've been told I look and act like Miranda Cosgrove in iCarly. - My favorite things are drawing and reading and baby names and fantasy. - I'm quiet in real life, and when I open my mouth around people I don't know well I tend to stick my foot right into it. XD So apologies in advance. - Still awaiting an Artemis Fowl movie. Although at this point my sister and I are planning on making movies ourselves someday. My sister Wisteria Stargazer is on this site and has written some awesome stories. My very talented friends Wisdom Remaining and Swellerando are on FictionPress as well. Favorite Books: Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien; the Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede; The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis; 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne; Stories for a Teen's Heart; Starclimber by Kenneth Oppel; Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox by Eoin Colfer; Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame; Invasion by Jon S. Lewis; Fire and Hemlock by Dianna Wynne Jones; Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card Favorite Movies: Lord of the Rings; Wind in the Willows; The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe; Ramona and Beezus; Ratatouille; Whisper of the Heart; From Up on Poppy Hill; The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya; Julie and Julia; Arrietty; It's a Wonderful Life Favorite TV Shows: Wolverine and the X-Men; Avatar: The Last Airbender; Robin Hood BBC; Teen Titans; X-Men: Evolution; Mission Odyssey; Primeval; Ouran High School Host Club; Code Geass; the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya; Waiting in the Summer; Free!; Ookami-san and Her Seven Companions Favorite Comics: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Favorite X-Men: Domino; Cable; Nightcrawler; X-23; Rogue; Gambit; Angel; Alex; Kitty; Tabitha; Emma Frost; Cyclops (sometimes); Wanda; Lorna; Dani; Surge; Hope Summers; and Jubilee. Other favorite superpeople: Wally West; Harley Quinn; Tim Drake; Damian Wayne; Raven; Ravager and Jericho; Tam Fox (she's a normal person, but she's adorable); Megan Morse (comicsverse) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Favorite Quotes: You can't buy happiness. But you can buy ice cream. That's close enough. Jesus is my faith. He is with me. -Asia Bibi If you desire a crown at all, take a crown of roses and wear that: you will look smarter in that. -Epictetus A minor poet for a minor obstacle. -Beast, "Night of the Sentinels (Part 1)" If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world. -C.S. Lewis Some men see things as they are and say why. I dream things that never were and say why not. -Robert Kennedy When I pray, coincidences happen, and when I stop praying, coincidences stop. -William Temple (Pretty much the story of my life.) A good writer is someone who can take a little silver purse, stuff it to bursting, and still close it tight. -My sister Dom: Split the groups. Heavy hitters stay here to deal with the shake-and-bake, we'll go belly-of-the-beast and bring some antacid. Behind her, the cigar-smoking Milo tells her he did the math on this one. Calling her Beatrice, he tells her that someday she’s gonna be on a shadow op in Rio during carnival. She’s gonna fall madly in love over a bottle of Dom Perignon with a dark, handsome, expatriated genius. He asks what she thinks of that. 'Honestly,' she sighed, 'I don't know what kind of life we'll have together, with me always flying off in one direction and you in the other.' A man with some strange thing lodged on his hat Lex Luthor in Flash's body: If nothing else, I can at least learn the Flash's secret identity. *pulls off Wally's mask* ...I have no idea who this is. You're just jealous because I sound like a rockstar. -Beast Boy, "Revolution" The rose is a rose, ...animae dimidium meae [half of my soul]. ...in tuo complexu mori [to die in your arms]. (Merlin's mom is dying and she knows it; what she doesn't know is that he is planning to go trade his life for hers) Katara: Now that I know he's out there...now that I know we could find him, I feel like I have no choice. Katara: Tiny Zuko! You look so cute! That was weird for everybody, cuz you accidentally hugged him instead of me. (Being baked into a cake) Rogue: Don't you ever get tired of listening to yourself? Quotes from the commentary on Wolverine and the X-Men (Greg Johnson, Craig Kyle and Chris Yost, a.k.a. the best guys ever): Say something, Emma! Why are you so speechless? -Guardian Angel Beast, you go first. No one really likes you. -Guardian Angel That cracks me up. 'You look thirsty, burning skeleton. This should quench your thirst.' -Greetings from Genosha Geoff Johns created that character, but he writes for DC now, so we will not speak of him again. -X-Calibre -They stare at you from the sewers, you know. 'I saw the way you were looking at my daughter. I don't care what you do to Mellencamp; I don't even like him. But I said I would take all the mutants and he came, so what am I gonna do? But enough of that. About my daughter.' -Aces & Eights -No kissing allowed on Genosha. Lorna: "If I let you out, will you take me with you?" Watch the commentary. It's really funny. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx A lot of people have these in their profile so I decided to post my favorite pairings. X-Men: Evolution: X-Men comics: Wolverine and the X-Men: X-Men Movies: Avatar: The Last Airbender Final note: be blessed! Wherever you are, God is with you. Psalm 139. |