![]() Author has written 33 stories for Avatar: Last Airbender. It seems that I'm still inactive. I didn't mean for it to be this way, but things spiraled out of control. But I just found a couple old pieces I never published, so I put them up for you all. This doesn't mean that I'm back. If you leave a review or a message, I'll be sure to respond, but don't expect new stories anytime soon, or for me to complete my epic 100 Confessions quest. I've failed the world. -samtana I'm samtana. I'm a musician. I have short hair. I enjoy swimming and playing basketball. I may be insane. I am told I am tall and walk fast. I am too old to be on this site and too young to realize it. I play music. It's a habit. I am running out of interesting things to say about myself. I like dialogue and commas. You'll see. I also like the words "the" and "that." I find myself writing them when it would be better for no word to be there at all. I find most adverbs irresistible. Really. -samtana P.S. Did you know you can't even choose Koh as a character in the character bar when you're creating a story? That's a travesty. Story Guide: The one's I'm most proud of: 1) Echo (Kataang) 2) Yeah, I'm Fire Lady Mai (Maiko, sort of) 3) Confusion vs. Romance (A Kataang rap-off! Companion to Long Feng vs. Aang) 4) Confessions (All sorts of pairings, collection of sudden fiction, lots of humor. Especially Bumi's is good.) Up to 300 reviews! 5) Bag of Chips (Humor) Confessions Challenge: Is Toph allergic to Mayo? Is Sokka undeniably attracted Momo but doesn't have the guts to admit it to Suki? Is Katara's secret lifelong dream to someday make a palace made entirely out of silly putty? How many confessions can you come up with? 100? Good! Song Challenge: Most song fics have the lyrics run alongside the story for association. Either that or the characters sing to each other. Well, how about using the lyrics inside the story? Check out "Echo Slowly" for an example and a complete list of guidelines! Warning: This challenge is not for the squeamish! It's a real challenge! Rapper Challenge: How awesomely can Aang school the other characters in rhyme battles? Check out Long Feng vs. Aang and Confusion vs. Romance for examples. Echo Challenge: Use the all day echo chamber that Aang mentions in passing at the Western Air Temple, and make it count! Examples: Echo, Echo Echo, and (soon to come) Falling Slowly. Confusion Challenge: The most important challenge of all! The most troubling problem for those of us who pair Katara and Aang together is the resolution (or existence in the first place) of Katara's confusion in the Ember Island Players episode. How does she work out her confusion? Why was she confused in the first place? Let's get some answers, people! Examples: Echo, Katara's Plan, Something not so Easy, Confusion, Confusion vs. Romance, etc. (Beware: some of these examples aren't all that great...) |