I don't own Avatar
As you all should know
But someday I'll have a star
And a plot on Pluto.
Ty Lee's Grand Scheme
Ty Lee was a girl with a long ponytail
She smiled and showed her white teeth
Life was a cheer, always fun without fail
That was the blissful Ty Lee.
She was very attractive, the guys seemed to know
Her demeanor and good looks unmatched
They all flocked around her wherever she'd go
Thank goodness none had attached!
But there was this one that she knew right away
Was the best of those she'd ever meet
She'd think about nothing but him night and day
That was the loving Ty Lee
But one day it happened. Her heart sadly fell.
A thing that made all her hopes end
A girl from Kioshi had noticed his spell
And now she was more than a friend
And so Ty Lee cursed. And so Ty Lee cried.
It was something she'd prayed not to see
But the one guy she wanted she dumbly let slide
That was the foolish Ty Lee
The rag-tag invasion force, beaten with ease
Caused not a blink from Ty Lee
But one single thought of her manly man tease
Bought her to cry up a sea.
But then, deep inside the inner workings of her brain, Ty Lee had an idea.
A horrible, awful, brilliant idea.
Ty Lee ran home and drew up a list
Shaking and laughing with glee
Her foolproof plan to get herself kissed
That was the hopeful Ty Lee
Step one was a cinch, for which she thanked Mai
Angry and loving and pale
They fought with their mutual friend on that day
And together they wound up in jail
Step two was much harder, Ty Lee had to say
To find the made-up captive girls
The warden did not allow makeup, no way
But Ty Lee would find them for sure
Even this Ty Lee did not find a challenge
She had to ask all what they do
She used all the charm she could possibly manage
And so quickly ended step two
Being a friend was not a hard task
She performed quite well for step three
She bonded with them, with no questions asked
That was the cunning Ty Lee
Not in the plan, she added step four
To adjust as fast as she could
She'd be glad when she needed no more
Of that terrible prison-style food
Step five took some time, but Ty Lee could wait
She knew what the girls planned to do
After a long enough time to relate
They asked her to join in their group
Step six, of the steps, was the strangest of all
She talked to a large lion-turtle
Beforehand she'd worked on her animal calls
So she easily cleared the sixth hurdle
Step seven was boring: wait, wait, and wait
For the beast with her message to send
She worried that Aang got the message too late
But the Avatar won in the end
Step eight was a key, quite literally
Again, far from where she could see
The prisoners were slowly but surely set free
Including the joyous Ty Lee
As for step nine, that step went by fine
When Ty Lee had met up with her
She hit Suki's pressure points over her spine
And Ty Lee then dressed up as her
Then, only then, at long last, step ten!
Once she had secured Suki's place
Her guy asked if she had some free time to spend
Alone, in his room, face to face
Ty Lee giggled. Ty Lee gasped.
Her time was finally here!
She followed him in, not so out of her grasp
The goal of her plan was so near!
"Looky here, Suki, dear,"
He said as he flexed his biceps,
"There's something you won't like, but I think you should hear.
I've thought hard, and it's high time I left."
Ty Lee's jaw dropped, her heart broken up
So close, so close but so far…
"Is there somebody else? Am I not enough?"
She asked, her jaw still ajar
"Is it some girl you met on your journeys?"
She gasped. "Is it Ty Lee?"
The guy shook his head. "Hear me, Suki, please.
And no, it's not that circus freak.
"There's someone I love who is harsh in a way,
But I know that inside she is soft."
Ty Lee screamed, "Stop it! I know what you'll say!
I can see that you're in love with Toph!"
Ty Lee was a girl with a long ponytail
She used to smile wide with white teeth
Love was a test that she'd always fail
That was the lonely Ty Lee.
Sorry about the sad ending. I don't really see a sad ending in store for Ty Lee, but then again I also don't see her obsessing over Sokka in this way. This was just fun (and exhausting) to write.
Response to, "Sokka would recognize it's not Suki! He does in the show!" 1) You're looking too much into this little poem. 2) Mozart operas do that sort of thing all the time, so it's perfectly valid. Actually Mozart usually goes farther, with cross-dressing and such.
Sokka: Wait, I meant to rhyme "soft" with "Yue." Oh, well. Toph will do.
Toph: Yay!
Suki: Mph! Mmmmph!
Ty Lee: Maybe I should untie her now.
Toph and Ty Lee: [together] Nah…
Suki: Mmmph!!! Mmph!!!!
Sokka: What rhymes with "Yue," anyway? "Glue?" No…
P.S. Did you catch the thing about the Lion-Turtle? Let me know if that was a little unclear.
Sokka: I've got it! "Toothpaste!"