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![]() Author has written 92 stories for Ninja Turtles, Twilight, Pirates of the Caribbean, Mythology, Biker Mice From Mars, Eureka Seven, Young Justice, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Thor. Hey everyone I have finally updated my FF profile. also face vehicles and motorcycles are the '1972 gran torino sport' and anything is commissioned to the 'harvey davidson motorcycle industrial company. I enjoy reading and watching mainly tmnt. I enjoy writing stories, poems and songs also drawing too. Australia is my home country. I am newly divorced single mother with two beautiful kids. I believe strongly in the old gods especially the Nordic gods as I recently been in hospital three times in 2012 and discovered my thyroid was severely toxic to my body and mental state which had toxically induced mental psychosis and had the doctors baffled and confused as why I was displaying signs of mental illness when never had any in the medical records in my family tree and family medical archive which became a huge mystery at first until they finally discovered it was my thyroid was the culprit and said it must be removed otherwise it would had killed me in the end. luckily it was removed in February 2014 but only just barely as if it was left longer, I surely would be dead now. and had been attending the gym for six months of this year as I received a huge awakening after my children that are strongly intuitive with mediumship because they had inherited from me as three generations before me also has the gift along with my sister and nephew. his dream was the reason that made me realise more, after he told me that had a dream of seeing me going to hospital again and never coming home again, this made me cry and deeply broken my heart as to hear this from my son and because of this ive decided to do what I can to be stronger, healthier for the sake of my children as they are rock and without them, I don't think id have the courage to leave my ex-husband which I have finally broken from but still have one other issue to break away from as ever since ive been divorced, trouble from others have come my way to challenge me. ive found new song that suits me all over ever though I adore these other songs from PINK and marilyn manson. but breaking Benjamin is new one I found as my music bible. 'I will not bow' is my strength song as the lyrics speak truthfully that i will not allow none to break me and i will show the world what I am made of so others will find their feet and become strong again for those whom depend on them (children). the world is starting change, we must learn to change with it as we can become better than we were before and better than those whom try to break our spirits. Say No to bullying, say No to Violence of all kinds (this includes silbing violence, sexual violence, child abuse, child sexual abuse, domestic violence and animal cruelty.) the more we stand together and say strongly, NO to violence even stand up for those whom can not stand up when small as that is where it all begins. the children are the most vulnerable. they need protection and cry for a savior. it only takes one to begin that abuse, and one to stand up for them and protect them. if one don't step in to do so, who will. this is where the power eludes on the victims and scars them forever. i have demons to conquer which I am half way there, and i want to show the world that whatever has to throw at me, i will succeed to the end and evil will fall. don't ever allow the abusers use excuses to keep you in fear, theyre weak and sick. there is no cure for their vile behavior. and the excuses they give to courts is despicable. I see it as, and ive written it in my story 'true friendship' as i will add more soon as it is time to say stand up and say enough is enough. who is with me? friendly note; if you dont like what i have written. fine, you dont have to read it. free of speech and free to write whatever just like everyone else. A poem about Child Abuse My name is Lucifer I am three, My eyes are swollen I cannot see, I must be stupid I must be bad, What else could have made My daddy so mad? I wish I were better I wish I weren’t ugly, Then maybe my mommy Would still want to hug me. I can’t do a wrong I can’t speak at all Or else im locked up All day long. When im awake im all alone The house is dark My folks aren’t home When my mommy does come home I'll try and be nice, So maybe ill just get One whipping tonight. I just heard a car My daddy is back From Charlie’s bar. I hear him curse My name is called I press myself Against the wall I try to hide From his evil eyes I’m so afraid now I’m starting to cry He finds me weeping Calls me ugly words, He says its my fault He suffers at work. He slaps and hits me And yells at me more, I finally get free And run to the door He’s already locked it And i start to bawl, He takes me and throws me Against the hard wall I fall to the floor With my bones nearly broken, And my daddy continues With more bad words spoken, "I’m sorry!", I scream But its now much to late His face has been twisted Into a unimaginable shape The hurt and the pain Again and again O please God, have mercy! O please let it end! And he finally stops And heads for the door While i lay there motionless Brawled on the floor My name is Lucifer I am three, Tonight my daddy Murdered me Now i roam the underworld, to help those in need. I may seem evil, but i'm not. And if you read this and don’t pass it on I pray for your forgiveness Because you would have to be A heartless person To not be effected By this Poem And because you are effected, Do something about it! So all i ask you to do Is pass this on! IF YOU ARE AGAINST CHILD ABUSE note: WARNING!!! There is more than just one kind of abuse. Emotional, mental, spiritual, physical and one kind of abuse THAT I disapprove and absolutely despise the most. I’m sure everyone out there is intelligent enough to know what it could be as it is not a pleasant SUBJECT; that no one likes to talk about. Must understand this kind of abuse happens everyday to so may children all over the world, depending on the child’s age some are abused from the extreme tender age of just 12 months old to 12years of age. This is very evil and it can happen to anyone no matter sex and nationality. I know this sounds bad but this will give you wake up call to understand how the victims experienced when their childhood is stolen from them. I apologise if I frightened anyone but this is a true fact that happens every day. IF YOU ARE AGAINST THIS KIND OF CHILD ABUSE THAT YOU WEREN’T AWARE OF; JOIN THE FORCE TO STOP THIS EVIL ACT AND PUT THOSE EVIL PERPS BEHIND BARS. DON’T FORGET SOMETIMES HALF OF THE VICTIMS DO BECOME PERPS TOO AND SOME DON’T. JUST DEPENDS WHICH ONES ARE WILLING TO CALL FOR HELP FOR THEMSELVES AND NOT BECOME A EVIL MONSTERS LIKE OTHERS WILL JUST ADAPT TO THEIR INNER DEMONS AND INFLICT THE ABUSE ON OTHER INNOCENT SOULS. BUT USUALLY IT DON’T MAKE NO DIFFERENCE. ONCE A PERP ALWAYS A PERP. SORRY IF I FRIGHTENED ANYONE. THE WORLD IS NOT WHAT YOU BELIEVE IT TO BE; IT IS TIME TO SEE THROUGH THE EYES OF VICTIMS THAT NEED OUR HELP TO SAVE AND PROTECT THEM FROM THESE MONSTERS THAT WEAR A MASK TO HIDE THEIR TRUE FACE. COPY AND PASTE THIS TO SUPPORT THOSE WHO WERE ABUSED IN ALL FORMS AND HOPE ONE DAY GOOD PEOPLE WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE TO STOP IT BEFORE ANOTHER POOR SOUL IS BROKEN BEYOND REPAIR. Your pain is gone, you're with God now, You fought for our freedom and made our home safe, Forever will you live on in our hearts and in our memories, The love you gave us will be forever lasting. I love you Grandpa Arthur Charles, uncle Neville Charles and uncle Barry Charles, and I know you'll keep watching over us in heaven... If you lost someone in your family to cancer and wish for a cure to be found, copy and past this onto your site. 98 per cent of teenagers do or have tried smoking pot. If you are the 2 per cent that haven't, copy and paste this in your profile, please If you love rain, copy and paste this into your profile. Too many people are on crack. If you're not, then add this to your bio. Too many people have smoked marijuana. If you haven't, write this to your profile Ninety-five percent of the kids out there are concerned with being popular and fitting in. If you're part of the five percent who aren't, copy this, put it in your profile, and add your name to the list. AnimeKittyCafe, Hyperactivley Bored, Gem W, Bara-Minamino, Yavie Aelinel, Crazy Billie Joe Loving Freak, Shadow929, The Astrology Nerd, brown-eyed angelofmusic, piratesswriter/fairy to be, The Gypsy-Pirate Queen,xGabriellaxBoltonx, xEarlySunsetsOverMonroevillex, Smartest Girl In The World, GatorPups95, 'rEd RoSe-StArFiRe-RoSeFiRe', TitanRavenFreak, Bewarethedarkness, Demonchild99, randomlass, lilninjapig, Trickster91, Breezy411, Elita1Angel,Tealana, If you think that writing Fanfic stories is fun then copy this onto your profile! If you have ever had a mad laughing fit for no reason put this on your profile. If you think that Captain Jack Sparrow is the BEST CHARACTER IN PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN, copy this and paste it onto your profile! If you've been on the computer for hours on end, reading numerous fanfictions, copy this onto your profile, and add your name to this list: Danyan, Avatarwolf, Shifter-youkai, AkatsukiFan, Elmocrazy,XxKimimaro's-little-stalkerxX. SakuraUmeTheDeadSheNinja, Sabaku no Kurai, Breezy411, Elita1Angel,Tealana, RIP Steve Irwin. Copy and paste this into your profile as a memorium. If, for any particular reason, you have laughed during a movie that wasn't funny, put this in your profile. If you almost always have a song stuck in your head, copy and paste this into your profile 90 percent of the teen population has done drugs, smoked or drunk underage. Put this in your profile and add your name to this list if you're one of the lucky godblessed 10 percent who haven't. -Mew Cherry-RandomQueenofMiddleEarth-Jazzy Kat-Breezy411- Elita1Angel,Tealana(im grown now but I never tried drugs ever and never will.), If you have a very wide range of interests, copy and paste this into your profile If you don't have a problem with homosexuals, copy and paste this into your profile. If you believe that everyone has the right to be who they are inside no matter where they come from, what they believe in, become what they wish to be, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have felt like a outsider, different, the black sheep of the flock, copy and paste this into your profile. If you believe there is no difference whether if you dress, talk, think, believe in different things means you are freak or weirdo! Being different among the rest of crowd is ok, copy and paste this into your profile. If you believe some things have a purpose and a reason why they happen, copy and paste this into your profile. If there was something you regretted doing in your past, would you go back and changed it. Copy and paste this into your profile, add your name and what you wish could change if could go back in time to the list: Tealana (dropping out of high school), If you have ever burst out laughing for no good reason copy and paste this into your profile. If you have a tendency to talk to yourself, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever seen a movie (or show) so many times that you can quote it word for word. And you do at random moments; copy and paste this in your profile. wowlookatthisimtypingthisveryoddlinebreakifyoucanreaditcopyandpasteyousmartperson eliforp ruoy otni etsap dna ypoc ,sdrawkcab siht daer ot hguone trams era uoy fI If you believe teenagers are steryotyped, put this on your profile. Weird is good, strange is bad, and odd is when you don't know which to call someone. Weird is the same as different, which is the same as unique, so weird is good. If you are weird and proud of it, copy this onto your profile The white man said, "Colored people are not allowed here." The black man turned around and stood up. He then said: "Listen sir...when I was born I was BLACK, When I grew up I was BLACK, When I'm sick I'm BLACK, When I go in the sun I'm BLACK, When I'm cold I'm BL ACK, When I die I'll be BLACK. But you sir, When you're born you're PINK, When you grow up you're WHITE, When you're sick, you're GREEN, When you go in the sun you turn RED, When you're cold you turn BLUE, And when you die you turn PURPLE. And you have the nerve to call me colored?" The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away... If you are obsessed with fanfiction copy this into your profile. I'm that kinda girl who will burst out laughing in dead silence at something that happened yesterday. If you've ever read past two in the morning, copy this into your profile If you read peoples profiles, looking for things to copy and paste into your profile, copy this into your profile If you have ever said something that has nothing to do with the current conversation, copy and paste this into your profile. If you hate those irritating mosquitoes giving you mosquito bites copy this in your profile. If you hate those obnoxious snobby people, PLEASE copy this into your profile. Paste this in your profile if you've ever tripped where there is a WATCH YOUR STEP sign. If you are against drunk driving please copy this onto your profile! If you think child abuse is wrong and needs to stop, copy and paste this into your profile. If you are anti-social sometimes, post this on your profile. If you've ever slammed your little finger in a locked car door really, really hard, post this on your profile. If you believe there is another world then the one we already live in, paste this to your profile If you believe or do know there are ghosts, fairies, witches (good and bad), vampires, werewolves, mermaids, unicorns, flying horses, griffins, angels, demons, leprechauns, elves, dwarves, nymphs, copy and paste this to your profile If you believe in good and bad karma, copy and paste to your profile If you believe in giving people that truly deserve second chances, copy and paste to your profile Does any one enjoy horror flicks that should never been re-made? For example “A nightmare on elm street” GIVE US BACK THE ORIGINAL FREDDY BACK JERKS! COPY and PASTE this to your profile If you think war is not the answer, protest and make your voice heard to stop the killing, copy and paste onto your profile. If you think abuse in all forms that is performed against children, women and also fellow animals throughout the world and believe it not just need to stop, IT SHOULD STOP! Make your voice heard for those are too afraid to cry out for help. Join the humanitarian protest, you never know how many could rescued from such abuse and how many others you could save by hearing those stories of those who were abused. If you were once a victim of cruel abuse, copy and paste onto your profile. Add your name and add your short story. Tealana (partner 11 months endured extreme domestic violence), If you can read this message, you are blessed because over two billion people in the world cannot read at all. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty song-fic/poem one shot Let the walls come down (completed-post in 2012) this is a dedication to girlgeek's fiction also titled of the same title. (confusing.) hope you will like it, reviews would be greatly appreciated. no flames, please as i will ask leonardo to slice them up to pieces. thankyou for your time. WARNING: THIS IS A POEM OF ABUSE THAT NO ONE WANTS TO KNOW; TURNS A BLIND EYE AND PRETENDS IT DOESN’T EXIST. A POEM ABOUT HORRIFYING CHILD ABUSE My name is Angel I am twelve, My dad and I were close Like two peas in one pie I was happy Luckiest girl in the world to have a loving and protective father My childhood was perfect Then one day my dad was gone I was sad Heartbroken My mother and I become distant and cold Then my mother found a new dad for me I was worried Everyday he would come visit and spoil me with gifts and try to win my affection I wasn’t impressed nor I was pleased My mother would tell me that I was been rude and ungrateful Until one evening My mother left me alone with the man I didn’t trust and feel unsafe around I went to my room Where I thought I could hide and lock myself away until my mother came home I hear light footsteps I hide under the covers of my bed I hear the door creak open I try to breathe normal I hear him breathe heavily and take a quick sip of his drink The house is dark My room is dark and cold I start to become so scared And I try to not let him hear me cry I try to not let him smell my fear I hear him walk to my bed and sit next to me Pretending to nice as he placed his hand upon my head As I hide underneath I pretend to be asleep and I try to breathe normal as I begin to tremble I can feel the covers been pulled off me as he touches me in a way I don’t understand He tells me He loves me And it is ok to do what he thinks he can do “No stop.” I cry out He continues and slapped me to silence my pleas Again and again O please god, save me Destroy this tryant Make it stop Help me No one comes I prayed that my mother would come home She doesn’t He finally stops and leaves me alone I sob myself to sleep My mother comes home and pretends everything is fine Never takes a second look Never cared to noticed what happened to me While she was out My name is Angel I am twelve My life is changed forever I ran away So far and never returned I ran away So far and never looked back I ran away To share my story In hope it may save others from my fate A fate that I never wished to see or hear ever happening to another innocent soul And if you read this And don’t pass it on I pray for forgiveness to those were manipulated by a face That believed to be true I will not pray for forgiveness to those knew and did not care Because you would have to be A heartless person To not be effected By this Poem If you are effected by this poem As you do know this can happen As you were once a victim I plead for your help STOP the abuse I beg of you HELP those cry out to be saved from monsters such as these! HELP put them behind bars forever Do something about it! Don’t turn your back Don’t turn a blind eye As you or the next person beside you Never know Could be a victim of abuse An silent and dark abuse So all I ask If know something is not right STOP it before it even begins and STOP it before another is destroyed Pass this on! IF YOU ARE AGAINST CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! PASS THIS ON! I apologise if I have frightened anyone that has or may read this but I believe it is time; everyone should realise the world is not exactly what it seems to be. As long you are aware then you should be safe but must understand there is so many who are so lucky and most don’t make it at all. I’m so sorry if this has frightened anyone but I think it is time the new generation today no matter socialising in schools, sport/music/activity camps, playgroup playgrounds and internet should be aware there are monsters lurking around pretending to kind when they are really evil, cruel and insanely incurably sick inside. Always keep your guard up and never believe what a stranger tells you; no matter who they could be. But you can always rely and trust your own parents that are good but there are ones that are not. Im so truly sorry if anyone freaks out from this poem as long this has given you alittle of awareness may be one day if come together and try to make a better place for those little ones who put their trust in us to guide and protect. DO SOMETHING STOP THIS AND PASS IT ON! YOU NEVER KNOW HOW MANY OTHER VICTIMS THAT YOU CAN SAVE FROM SUCH EVIL ACT! I am thin I must be anorexic I am short I must be fat I am tall I must be ugly I am Beautiful I must be shallow I am smart I must be stereotypical I am strong I must be cruel I am talented I must be a fake I am kind I must be nasty I am generous I must be selfish I know I am thin, don’t mean I’m all skin and bone I know I am short, don’t mean I’m a blob I know I am tall, don’t mean I look like a man I know I am beautiful, don’t mean I’m superficial I know I am smart, don’t mean I’m judgemental I know I am strong, don’t mean I’m evil I know I am talented, don’t mean I’m not normal like you I know I am kind, don’t mean I’m manipulative I know I am generous, don’t mean I’m greedy I know what I am and what I’m not. Do you know who you are inside and out? Don’t judge a book by it’s cover. Don’t judge a person by their looks. If you believe and know honestly judgment and labelling other around you; HURT! Respect other people like you want to be treated in return. Copy and paste to your profile Help stop the disrespect and stereotype If you have ever tripped over your own feet, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever fallen up the stairs copy this into your profile. There's nothing wrong with arguing with yourself. It's when you argue with yourself and LOSE then it's weird. If you agree, copy this and put it in your profile. If you know somebody who needs to get run over by a bus, copy and paste this on your profile. Take Time To Read Each Sentence Carefully This is this cat. This is is cat. This is how cat. This is to cat. This is keep cat. This is a cat. This is retard cat. This is busy cat. This is for cat. This is forty cat. This is seconds cat. Now read the third word of every sentence. If you were lame enough to fall for this, copy and paste this onto your profile. This is suppose to be a poem but seem more to be of as letter, written with sincerity and deep sympathy for one young person—that had his life taken from him, too soon by lost and malicious fiends that were simply jealous of what this young man may become one day as he had a bright future written for him. If you think, what I have said is nothing more than ramble or just plain SHIT!—pardon my foul language as it should be written here but I see it as appropriately fitting to pierce into those small, teens that maliciously did such horrid act and think they will not be punished for their actions. That is where, you are wrong! Sooner or later, in this life or in the next—you will be tapped, when the time comes and your punishment will be given as justice will prevail. Anyways,...here is my poetic letter and I call it... ‘Dearest lost soul.’ Dearest lost soul, You will always be remembered by those who will always love you... Now, knowing the truth, It was despicable how it had begun... Should never ever have happened to begin with... My question is... Why?... But then I already know the answer...just as Marcus Antonius said, when Julius Caesar was murdered by those he trusted. Those fiends, were small—jealous and couldn’t abide to the greatest you possessed as they felt incredibly small beside you. What they have done, is despicable. Not only they have succeed of killing a person, that would had succeed with flying colors of a promising future. They have taken the heart of an innocent young man, whom would one raise high with greatness. And have taken away,... This young man from the one person that had given him, his first breathe of life—even given a sibling for the other. His mother, will always remember what you have done as she will forever carry the scar of a broken heart, and a memory that will never grow old. Dearest lost soul, You are in the loving arms of GOD, now. He’ll comfort you, heal you... Even,... Make sure justice is served one way or another. In this life or in the next. I know you watching over me, this very moment as I write this poetic letter and draw a picture... You will be honored even,... Proud to know that someone, never met you—understands how you felt. Especially, knows how it feels to be a outsider. I know how it feels to be targeted by malicious bullies, I understand how it feels to be targeted by violence even by those,... Whom were jealous of the bright light you possessed. You were a good person, Their actions will be punished, Dearest lost soul, I know your pain,... Some have the spark of courage to stand and Fight back, despite to be a pacifist at heart,... Even in soul. But some, Are unfortunate and just need to be helped even,... Rescued at times. I’m sorry, no one helped you when needed the most. Dearest lost soul, I know your pain,... As, It once was me in your shoes,... Once upon a time, I carry the scars of my abuse from those whom... Tormented me,...both physically and mentally. I am a survivor, and swore to never let anything like that happen to me ever again even,...swore to find a way, To never allow another experience what I had or worse. I carry scars with me, where I go... They may not be visible but the memory of them, is always on my mind. Just like you,... I was tormented, abused, bullied even,... Almost came close to an end but I stood tall and fought back. I know,... You will never have the chance or opportunity of ever doing that, now you are gone. You will never know, The riches of life has to offer... The experiences of kinship, even hardship of what life may bring... Will never know, that there is someone for you to share your life... Your heart,... Love... Those precious things,... You will never know as your life was stolen. I promise,... I will do what is must to be done, to... Stop the Bullying,... I know your story as it once was mine,... My story was never heard but as for yours,... It will always be remembered,... Like a haunting reminder to those,... Should always know what they have done. Remember the face,... With great potential, bright future so promising... Remember the face... That you have targeted and stolen away from those who love him,... That will only remember him what kind of young person he was and only dream,... Of whom he would become. You may not remember him in years to come,... As, it will only be a reminder of what you have done. A reminder of your actions that stolen the light from one family that will never,... See his smile, Hear his laughter, Share memories as they grow together, forever bonding... Plan for a future that will never become reality, Even, will never hold him ever again in their arms. Who will remember the boy? Taken so suddenly and without a second thought of consequences? I say this very moment,... This day,... I will always remember the boy that I never met as what was done upon him,... Should never had happened,... Should never had been covered only to protect those who were and will always only be nothing more than,... Cowards! Dearest lost soul, I will remember you,... I once was in your place,... I once was you,... I understand how it feels to be targeted, tormented, abused and bullied. I survived my torment,... You will never have the chance to do what I have. But,... I will always remember you as the star in the sky. A star,... Of greatness, And,... Forever shine, brightly As,... So many before you have rose and,... Brightly inspired, Brightly guiding others,... To shine like you. Dearest lost soul, You were once lost, Now,... Became something as you should be, And that,... No on can take away. Yours,... Sincerely, a stranger... Now, a friend... Whom will always know who you are even, Never knew personally but,... That is not important no more as you are a bright star... Shining brightly in the sky,... A inspiration for others to find their strengths, stand tall and fulfil their life with the light You give, to forever guide them through darkness And,... Fulfil their dreams,... Make them became reality. No matter what others may think, say or assume... We are better,... We will rise, High and,... Proud. This is one long poetic letter, I have written as I completely understand how it feels to be bullied, abused, tormented, physically and mentally tortured. I survived my dark past of bullying and have came along way but wish to see bullying to stop among other things that so many are also swept under the rug. Which I will put in detail here, as they are for other short stories or poems. If you have cried by reading this, you must have a good heart as you do care—even wish to stop, violence such as this. if not, you are no different or better than those who do violence against others to satisfy themselves or so they will not be targeted and bullied which are possibly enduring violence and bullying at home. No matter the reason, it is wrong—despite you are bullied, abused at home. Should speak up, say something—not bottle it inside and take your anger upon other innocent people, no matter the reason. Don’t care if you are angry because you were abused, if you are abused—seek help. There is help, if you just look. Never take your anger upon innocent people, if you are abused or bullied at home—understandable, seek help, counselling but don’t go about and target another to make yourself better. It will only the abuse worse and it will make you someone, don’t want to be. This is dedicated to the boy of Sarah Redfern H.S. That had his life taken from him, too soon, too young. As for those, who are enduring the bullying also—say something, speak up. If you don’t, you will disappear and your cry will go on deaf ears. Stand up, fight back—never allow the other, make you feel less inferior or make you believe that you can not do anything, which is not true. You can do anything you wish. For example, Guy Sebastian and three Wishez—they went and pursued their chance of becoming something they wanted to be. Guy has succeeded, and three wishez are on their way to the top. Never allow the bully make you feel inferior or take your power from you. You are better than they are, as why they do what they do because they have no direction. Never allow anyone make you feel, less worthy ever. Always remember this affirmation: “I am worthy of this life, I have every right to live it as much you do and I will—become something I wish. I am worthy, I love who I am. I will pursue my dreams of becoming, something that inspire and remembered for the work I have done. I am worthy, and I will live my life as I see it to be given to me in the eyes of the angels, who forever watch over me. I am worthy.” Thankyou, for taking a few minutes of your time to read this as you may never know how many, you could change by reading and acknowledging this poetic letter. Always remember, we all are given one life, to live—even a purpose,... Just to find it within yourself. Once, you have found it—you can do anything, you want to be. Just believe, have faith. Never allow others, drag you down in their miserable dark empty voidness lives. They will be the ones who, will wonder why their lives are not going anyway when yours, Will shine brightly and fulfilled. Always remember, You are greatness, just have to look within yourself and there you will see,... What doors will open to the path, you want to go. Good luck, always be good to others and karmic rewards shall be yours. J Written Sunday, 8th January, 2012 if against bullying?, copy and re-post in helping of stopping bullying in schools, workplace and homes as it is wrong no matter the excuse. no one should harm the other. * TMNT Official character rachael Winchester @ /tealana1 TMNT Official character Wolfjade @ /tealana1 FAN X TMNT OC's Romance, drama and adventure fanfiction series. Raphael's goddess- inprogress, dedicated to RBBBH. Mikey's dream gal (girl) -inprogress and postpone, dedicated to Wolfjade. Leonardo's angel -inprogress and postpone. Donnie's soulmate -inprogress and postponed. dedicated to STARGIRL loves DONNIE. splinter's first and only love -inprogress and postpone. (last instalment). upcoming TMNT Official characters for the upcoming fictions, coming soon. stay tune to look on my deviantart account. Message to ALL CYBERBULLYING LOWLIVES! if don't like what is written. why troll the profile? what a dumb question to ask since like to hide your name so no one can find you or report you well, your reviews will be ignored each time because you are the waste of our time. and precious breathe. and seriously? why are you on fanfiction? this is not facebook honey. and don't call me sweetheart, I aint your sweetheart. just to show what lowlife individual you are when it comes to trolling and abusing others. if only going to do nothing but troll and abuse and flame others stories, where are your stories? oh that's right, anonymous flamer. Pfft, please. with a sickening grudge to laugh mock others because you are pathetic and weak. you are only hurting yourself, no one else. bullies might be bullied a bully is often a reflection of their home environment. we're not born aggressive, some people become like this due to the way that they have either been raised or what they've experienced in their life. bullies crave attention when someone bullies, they are noticed, they are feared, they become someone. this allows their self-confidence to build and enables them to feel a sense of control in their life. bullies might be jealous of the victim the victim is often someone the bully is jealous of-they may be smarter or have a good home and loving family the bully wishes they could have. this is stated from a Australian certified psychologist named Dr.Karen of dolly magazine. and this helps to ensure cyberbullying is tackled hard and killed off. . why cyberbully others? like come on, youre only harming, abusing, judging yourself especially sending yourself to the grave not those you are trying to push into suicide. lets face it, you aint able to going through over 17.1K readers and authors on fanfiction to destroy their self confidence and their passion in writing. what a ridiculous crusade you are taking. as for the community of slenderman. alien vs predator etc etc forums. was that truly necessary? what do you have to gain from that? don't poison reviews when you are already sickly wrong with you if going to be a stupid flamer that behaves like a cyberbullying troll and have the hyde to say to whatever, and call me sweetheart. if going to troll make sure those you cross can access you so either myself or anyone else can block your sorry pathetic excuse can to the tip where you belong. CYBERBULLYING TROLLS NOT WELCOME!!!! COPY AND PASTE TO YOUR PROFILE. Hey, this is an original message I'd like to share with all victims of cyberbullying, and whichever cyberbullies take the time to find kindness within their hearts to truly listen to this massage. It was inspired by events that l have seen happen to people l have never personally met, yet l have come to know them as having beautiful souls- Whenever it is that I'm feeling down due to the actions of others, l remember that I'm not alone; every day, there are millions of wolves awaiting to slaughter the multitudes of innocent lambs, who struggle to make their way in this world... l remember that it takes more strength to remain positive in the face of adversity than it does to succumb to it's dark power, which draws in millions every minute and day... Anyone can show kindness...it's easy to display kindness and generosity to a friend. How many people can say that they would willingly show mercy to an enemy, or towards one who did them wrong? Would you willingly die for your enemy? The greatest man to ever walk the earth did, for more than one enemy, whether in his lifetime, or future times. It takes strength and courage to truly forgive someone when they have wronged you in any way...why stoop to their level, and become just as hurt and bitter as them by striking back for revenge? Never shall l condone the actions made in the course of ignorance and spite; rather, l shall endeavor to place myself within their shoes, and pity whatever life scenarios have made them so bitter an hateful, that they ignore the effects that their actions impose on others... No matter how much it is to be denied; we are all fragile souls...deserving of kindness and equality, as well as respect. What we give is what we receive tenfold. Never will l turn a blind eye on those hurting; in my eyes, all are my brothers and sisters, for we all share the same bond that interlinks us to one another- life on this earth. l shall willingly offer support and comfort to those who are plagued by pain, or tortured by the struggles in life. It is my hope and prayer that one day, we will all join our hands in unity and support of one another, to form an unbreakable shield to protect one and all from the physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional trials that thrust themselves towards us daily. Let's make it happen...let's end cyberbullying! ~ WOLFJADE28 If YOU want to join in this effort to end cyberbullying, take that first step by COPYING THIS TO YOUR PROFILE! Then, if you really want to prove yourself as a strong, kind-hearted individual, worthy of respect and admiration, find someone to share this message with! Anyways, I just thought I'd take little clips and sayings I find to my liking that reflect my views and personality, ones I see on the profiles of fellow Fanfic authors, and paste them on mine. Don't worry- I will give due credit to each profile I borrow from, so with that being said... Dear bullies, See that boy doing his homework in home room? Last night he talked His friend out of suicide. See that young boy you had made fun of for always being sick? He has to walk home in the snow cause his family is too poor. The girl you just called fat? She is overdosing on diet pills. The girl you just called ugly? She spends hours putting makeup on hoping people will like her. The boy you just tripped? He is abused enough at home. See that man with the ugly scars? He fought for his country. That guy you just made fun of for crying? His mother is dying. Put this on you're profile if you're against bullying. I bet 95% of you wont put this on your profile, but I'm sure the people with a heart and backbone will. -Willowspring I am against bullying. today in Australia is a sad day to learn that David Bowie has passed away after a long battle to lung cancer but in the UK, he passed January 10th 2016. forever loved, admired and forever more will be missed. Rachael’s wedding dress- http:///2014/07/strapless-red-and-white-wedding-dresses-for-sexy-and-stylish-look/strapless-red-and-white-wedding-dress/ Rachael’s bridesmaid dress- http:///green-orange-color-on-blush-prom-dress/green-orange-color-on-blush-prom-dress1 Wolfjade’s bridesmaid dress- http:///aline-strapless-red-chiffon-kneelength-bridesmaid-dresses-dib119217-p-1717.html Wolfjade’s wedding dress- http:///2014/07/strapless-red-and-white-wedding-dresses-for-sexy-and-stylish-look/strapless-red-and-white-wedding-dress/ Elena’s wedding dress- http:///2014/07/strapless-red-and-white-wedding-dresses-for-sexy-and-stylish-look/strapless-red-and-white-wedding-dress/ Elena’s bridesmaid dress- http:///2015/01/elegant-aqua-blue-bridesmaid-dresses-for-beach-wedding/aqua-blue-sweetheart-bridesmaid-dress-for-beach-wedding/ Jasmine bridesmaid dress- http:///dark-purple-bridesmaid-dresses-under-100/ Jasmine wedding dress- http:///2014/07/strapless-red-and-white-wedding-dresses-for-sexy-and-stylish-look/strapless-red-and-white-wedding-dress/ |