horror, crime, tradegy, suspense, family
rated R+
explicit violence and torture inflictations. youve been warned. this is a fiction on what heros should do to stop not continue. other explicit events and scenes are based on real life traumatic events of the victims that had been faded by the justice system in all continents.
Sitting on the edge of an ambulance, draped in a warm blanket. Covered in blood and bruises with swelling of the facial features and nursed a broken limb. The fire brigade surrounded the house that raged with inferno blaze and shrieks of agonzing cries, pleas for rescue eluded from the burning house which finally silence followed. One hour later, the last bomfire was extinquished. The skies filled with black smoke and the street was closed off from outsiders as it became a crime scene underway of a long investigation.
Reporters gathered what information of what they assumed to the occurence. Repeatively told to remain behind the 'Do not cross' yellow tape. The Police captain entered the scene as he bypassed the reporters, shoving the microphones toward him and inquired multiple questions that were left unanswered.
Approaching the young victim present, and glanced upon her with deep sympathy. Unknowing her motive to the alliby to what had occured whilst a social worker also had entered on the scene and approached the young girl. "Captain Jonesy?" the social worker presumed.
Turning on his heel and faced the person whom called his name and answered. "I am he, how can i help you?"
"Where are the parents?" the social worker asked before introducing herself. "Dead." he answered, as the parents are taken away on the gurdy's. "Who may you be?" Captain Jonesy requested. "I am Sylvia O'Bryan. I'm a social worker for the lost children." Glancing to the young girl that sat in silence then resumed as she approached the small child. "What is your name, sweetheart?"
The traumatised child, replied nothing. Keeping a tight lip and trembled in fear as she hoped her abuser was indeed, deceased. Sylvia asked once again but recieved silence. She sighed, straightening up and glanced toward the police chief as she stated. "I will take her in my care until a suitable family can be provided for her."
"Do you think that is wise?" the police chief asked. "Why wouldnt it be?" sylvia replied and asked. "Is there anything that I should know?"
"If we knew ourselves, we'd tell you but your guess is good as ours." he told her. "I see, well. I'm sure I am perfectly qualified to figure exactly what was this young girls reason to her survival." sylvia glanced to the young victim with a warm smile as she rose her broken and teary gaze to the woman that stood before her with a silent frightened but cold glance.
Stepping inside with her, as Sylvia climbed in the back of the ambulance and travelled to the St Peter's hospital where a child psychologist waited to assess her and begin immediate therapy and investigate what had occured as well the trauma of her past.
Three days later, the young girl stood in the corner staring into the white wall of her room as the psychologist and sylvia stood outside the room. Sylvia was the first to ask. "Any change?"
"No, she wont allow anyone near her. She presents the psychosis of unempathic and unremorseful sociopath. Three nurses have been hospitalised since yesterday as they tried to gain access near her and she immediately latches out them and had, clawed punched even kicked whilst screaming."
Sylvia continued to look in the window of the room as she listened then said. "Let me try to talk to her."
"Ms O'Bryan I dont think that is wise." the psychologist informed her. Sylvia turned, glanced to him and said. "Let me try, she never harmed me on the way here three days ago. She may allow me close and may open to me."
The psychologist sighed and finally agreed, allowing sylvia have access but remained by the entrance in case she turned violent. Sylvia slowly walked in the room and sat down quietly before speaking. "Hello, remember me?"
The young girl turned and faced sylvia with empty cold glance as she had given the first, they met. "Please sit down and what is your name?"
At first she didnt answer, as she sat down then finally answered but very vageuly and softly. "Ravenna."
"Ravenna? That is a pretty name." Ravenna deeply glared Sylvia, studying her closely. "Remember the other night?" Sylvia asked, paused as she waited for a reply. No response was verbally given but a slight nod was. Sylvia resumed carefully. "What happened that night sweetheart. Want to tell me about it?"
Ravenna clenched her fists tightly then lowly hissed. "They were hurting me."
"Hurting you? In what way, ravenna?" Sylvia immediately sensed the anger and trauma she endured. Ravenna clenched her teeth and griited tightly, breathing heavily. "They were hurting me."
Sylvia assured ravenna that she would not ask no more questions until she was comfortable to understand fully what she meant about they were hurting her but request one thing. "Ravenna, if i stayed by your side. Will you allow the doctors to take a look at you but they will be female doctors."
Ravenna said nothing and nod. Syliva whispered. "Ok, I'll be back." Walking out of the room and spoke with the psychologist as he said. "Well?"
"I think she has been abused by her parents as why she is displaying sociopath behaviour." Sylvia informed him. "That would make perfect sense, but to confirm that theory. She would have to allow us to examine her to rule out anything to justify why and how the blaze started."
Sylvia turned and looked to ravenna. "This one is a victim too and I dont think she is killer by accident."
Yes, i understand this chapter is a short one but if gave too much before going any deepth in the story. I assume some readers may get bored before getting to the most interesting and educational scenes that are based on some real true life traumatic experiences that many have to visit a psychologist therapist to heal and understand it was not thier fault for the scars afflicted upon them. I hope what i write in this story will create a sense of awareness for yourself, friends, family even neighbour folk to ensure this doesnt continue or begin elsewhere which is inevitable as the numbers are greatly high. The math is inevitably high and non stopping calculatively. Not only it is frightening but one of the most scarring on the victims meaning most traumatising. It is very sad that this epidemic crime has been condoned throughout human history since the first war begun as society formed and grew. But what is most frightening is that today society, when others hear or know about what is happening. Choose to ignore it by allowing it to continue until the victim cries out for justice which another is chosen in thier place. This is where my OC does exactly what others would not. Anyway, onward to the next chapter where you may need a barf bag. I warn anyone with a sensitive mind not to read especially if have sensitive stomach as this can happen to anyone, anywhere. enjoy, happy reading.