Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter. UPDATED 18, August 2014 UPDATE: I am back, and rewriting almost everything. It has been a few years and I have grown as a reader and writer (I hope). I lost all my notes and files for all my stories, so I am working on Heart of the Serpent right now. I will be loading my other stories from what I have posted here and work on them as I figure the direction I want them to take. Keep a look out for my first chapters of Hear of the Serpent. The name is Sorvik, or as some may know from other sites Sorvik Corsair. I have been a HP fan since shortly after OoTP came out. Being very disappointed with the last two books, I turned to fanfiction. I have a very short attention span which makes it difficult to write on a constant basis, my stories WILL be updated, but I cannot promise when. Current works Heart of the Serpent - Polyjuice Challenge Twist - NEW to be posted Hermione was considered the brightest 13 year old witch in Hogwarts, but she was only 13. The potion she attempted was above her skill level and now she must live with the mistake. She won't be alone as her soul-mate will join her to divert the attention away from her. However, how will two Gryffindors live in the tower when they are now part serpent? NOT A SOUL BOND STORY Death's Revenge - Reptilia28 challenge response - On Hold This is my response to the Reptilia28 challenge from Portkey. Harry enters death's office and death is NOT happy to see him... again. Showing Harry the manipulations in his life he sends Harry and his soulmate back to fix things, and not for the good guys. Unbound Souls Series - On Hold They say there is no magic to truly bring the dead back to life without serious side effects or sacrifice. Whomever 'they' are, 'they' haven't met the five year old Harry Potter. Beaten, forgotten, unloved, and left for dead he will break all laws of magic and bring the dead back. His power is now unbound, and the world will quake. The One with the Power - On Hold Harry Potter knows of the potions, knows of the whispers behind his back, he knows the truth. He gave up though, did what they wanted and just went along with it, he really had no other plans. Why didn't he listen to the sorting hat, he could have had Greatness, he could have been untouchable. No, he had to do what everyone wanted of him, no more though. Dark Lord Potter Series - Combined ideas into new story, The One with the Power Wizard's Utopia Personal Challenge that others may take as well! After the final battle Tom Riddle wakes up in 'Death's Office' and must go back to change things for the better. Pairings: Harry/Hermione - I mean, duh! They grew up together, kept each other alive, and completed each other more than any other possible pairing in canon. I thought that by book three (time-turned hippogryph scene) that this would be the canon pairing come book 4-5. Instead we get this 'new' person (CHO) that Harry showed NO interest in during the school year (and he couldn't have seen her during the summer to get his crush on her). Harry/Ginny - I could possibly see this, not with canon though. They spent no time together preHBP, with a few slight exceptions. If books 3-5 were rewritten to include her more in Harry's life then this is possible. Fan-girl marriages wouldn't last. Harry/Luna - With a bit of work to an AU version of Luna this is possible. I don't see it happening while keeping to canon though. Luna is a fun character, and although I haven't written her into Harry's intimate life, some authors have done a great job of this. Harry/Slytherin Girl - While absolutely not in canon, this makes for some great AU possibilities. CHALLENGE!! I have taken Reptilia28's Challenge and reversed it. I haven't seen this done before so I will issue the challenge for those out there that don't mind writing the darker side of things. Here is the challenge: -Harry is killed in the final battle. -A 'Light-Sided' or 'neutral' witch of your choice issues revenge in the most amazing display possible. -Instead of Harry being in 'death's' office, Tom Riddle is. -Tom is told of his great destiny to bring magic out into the open, using his muggle upbringing and taking down the muggle governments to create the perfect Wizard Utopia -Death goes on and on about Tom Riddle Sr and his mother were supposed to raise him, Riddle Sr, while rich and nasty to those 'lower' than him, did have a sweet spot for Merope. -Dumbledore is the reason for the change in everything, he used spells to ensure Tom was raised an orphan. -Tom must be sent back no earlier than Holloween 81, but may come back sooner. -Tom must change things to get Potter on his side (yes it can include Potter's parents if he changes those events). -Story will break to be about Potter from the moment of the change, and his 'mentor' Voldemort becoming the cunning Slytherin of his ancestors. -Dumbledore bashing a must (Weasley not needed). -If you take this challenge please message me, I would love to read how people take this! -Most importantly, have FUN with it! |