I have read a couple of stories that dealt with arranged marriages or marriage contracts. Here is my attempt at that type of story. I hope you enjoy.
As always all characters and backgrounds belong to J.K. Rowling..thanks for allowing us to image stories using your creation.
Backdrop: Harry did not date Ginny Weasley during his 6th year at Hogwarts. He did find out about the horcruxes from Professor Dumbledore. Dumbledore did die by the hands of Snape. Instead of keeping his mission a secret, he did tell select members of the Order of the Phoenix who assisted him in finding and destroying them. They did discover the Horcrux in Harry and they were able to remove it with the assistance of the Department of Mysteries.
The summer after Harry's 6th year of school, with the help from the Order of the Phoenix and trusted Aurors. All of the horcruxes were found and destroyed. All of the Deatheaters and Voldemort were trapped at the Malfoy Mansion. A heated battle was waged and eventually the side of the light had won. Harry issued the final blow to Voldemort and the war was over.
Harry was sitting in the sitting room of the apartment he took up residence in. He was living with his newest guardian and his fiancé. Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks and Harry were discussing his upcoming birthday. It was decided that Harry would have all his close friends for the party and it would be held in a private room at the Leaky Cauldron. At midnight of July 31 there was mass confusion at the residence. Over 1000 owls suddenly started to emerge from all places with official looking documents addressed to Harry. As Harry, Remus and Tonks began opening the mail they came to the discovery that they were all contracts for marriage. Harry was confused beyond belief. He did not understand what this was all about. He grew up in the muggle world so seeing marriage contracts in front of him was overwhelming.
"What the bloody hell is a marriage contract?" yelled Harry.
"Harry, a marriage contract is an old pureblood custom. It is where the parents of children set up arranged marriages to help enhance their status or image within the magic community. Many families still recognize this custom. What is a better way to enhance their image or status than having their daughter marry you?" Remus said with a smirk on his face.
"Wha..WHAT?" Harry screamed
"Now that you are a legal adult in the wizard world many families want to negotiate with you. The laws are still in effect. From my understanding you have exactly 1 year from today to accept one of the marriage contracts or suffer the consequences." Remus said
"Consequences?" Harry asked feeling bewildered.
"Yes, consequences. If you fail to honor one of these contracts you will lose your ability to have children and in some cases the use of …well you know." Tonks interjected looking down toward the middle of his pants.
"You can't be serious. How come I never heard about this?" Harry asked quite shocked.
"Like I said Harry, you were raised by muggles and their customs are completely different that that of the wizard world. I believe this custom was used by them hundreds of years ago, but the custom was discontinued." said Remus.
"Now we have to figure out what is the next step. Are you dating anyone currently or are you interested in anyone at the current time? Because, that might be a starting point." stated Tonks.
"No, due to the prophecy I had enough on my mind. Don't get me wrong, I like girls, but my focus has been on how to defeat Voldemort." replied Harry suddenly tired.
"I think maybe this can wait until tomorrow. We do have a big day planned for your party. One thing to think about Harry is do you want us to help you through this and is there anyone else you would like to help? Remus asked.
"Yeah, seeing that both of you are my family and I really think of Minerva as an adopted grandmother. Possibly Hermione, because she is a sister I never had. Together we may be able to come up with something." Harry replied.
"Ok, that is a good start. Why don't we get some sleep and we'll deal with this tomorrow." Remus said.
Harry was so exhausted that sleep was not a problem. Around noon of the next day the three people left for the Leaky Cauldron for the party. As things got set up more guests arrived and the part began. It was decided when the party was ending that Remus would speak to Minerva, and Tonks would speak to Hermione. They all agreed not to mention the marriage contracts and to have a good time. The party began to break up after they had a wonderful dinner, cake and presents. As people began to leave Remus approached Minerva McGonagall and Tonks went to speak to Hermione. Harry was saying goodbye and thanks to the rest of the guests.
"Minerva do you have some time before you leave?" asked Remus.
Looking confused Minerva asked. "I have nothing urgent, what's on your mind?"
"Well it has to do with Harry and we would like to talk to you privately if possible." Remus stated.
"Certainly, but what happened to Harry?" She asked.
"Nothing urgent, but we need your advice on how to handle a very delicate situation. I don't know if you realize but Harry sees you as a grandmother he never had. Your input in this situation would be greatly appreciated. We need to wait until everyone leaves then we will fill you in on what's going on." Remus said smiling.
"Harry said that…I'm honored. Of course, I'll stay." Minerva stated with a tear in her eyes.
"Hermione do you have a second?" asked Tonks.
"Sure Tonk, what's on your mind?" Hermione replied.
"Well, first I want to ask you a personal question. Do you view or have you ever seen yourself as a girlfriend with Harry?" Asked Tonks.
"Huh??? Where did that come from?" Asked Hermione flabbergasted.
"It's personal, just trust me and please answer my question." Tonks replied seriously.
"Uh, Ok…Let me think. I really don't see Harry as a potential boyfriend. I see him more as a brother I've never had. Now, why do you ask?" replied Hermione.
"Can you stay for a little while and we'll explain. OK?" Tonks stated.
Hermione nodded her head. Both women went over by Remus to wait until everyone cleared out.
Once everyone left the party the 5 people sat down as Remus explained Harry's unique situation. Hermione reacted very concerned and loudly. Not understanding how a situation like this could ever occur. Minerva was quiet throughout the explanation and waited until he was done before making a statement.
"I was wondering when this might occur. I thought it might happen when he was younger, but now that he defeated he who must not be named. I can now see how it happened. One thing you need to realize Harry is you are now a very rich young man. As being the head of not only the Potter estates, but also the Black estates you will find you are wealthier than 9/10's of Europe." Minerva stated as a matter of fact.
"I have an appointment with Gringotts before I leave for school. I guess that's what they want to meet with me about." Harry replied.
"I think the first thing we need to think about is that whoever Harry chooses it is a life long commitment. Even if we tried to change the law now, it wouldn't affect Harry because this situation would be considered pre-existing. Which means the change in law would not affect him." Remus stated.
"Can we agree to help Harry find his true love and help him through a courting process where he can eliminate some of the candidates? That way he can focus his attention on just a few young ladies." Tonks said
"I'd be more than happy to help. I think we each read the contracts and rate each individual on how we think Harry would be with them. We each come up with a list of 5 girls and go from there." Hermione said.
"I think to be honest and fair you should try not to think about them as far as what house they are from. So I suggest we black out their names and focus on their characteristics. I can put a spell on them so we can not view their names until we choose the ones we think Harry would be a good match with. From there we can meet and help Harry make his choices." Remus said.
"I can't believe you are all willing to do this for me. I truly feel like I have a family now. I agree with Remus. Let's look at the contracts without names and make a list of 5 candidates. Can we narrow it down before I go back to school so this year can be spent getting to know the girls and choose one before the year is up. As you know I never really dated any girls, so I am going to need help in what to look for." Harry said.
All the women looked at each other with a smirk on their faces and said, "Don't worry Harry we will let you know. We know how sneaky women can be."
"Why don't I make copies of all the contracts and we can look them over. We'll meet at Minerva's office a week from today and narrow the list. Does that sound good?" asked Remus.
They all nodded and agreed.
Over the next week Harry met with the Goblins at Gringotts and received his inheritance. When all was said and done Harry was indeed very rich and would not have to work another day in his life if he so chooses. He had many houses and properties that spanned the globe. His immediate concern was choosing who would the person that he would spend the rest of his life with. When he went to bed at night he tried to look into what his potential bride would be. He knew he wanted children, not as many as the Weasleys, but more than two. Harry decided to write down some concerns so he could bring it back to his advisory group when they met the next night. This what he wrote on the parchment.
The next evening Minerva, Hermione, Tonks, Remus, and Harry all met at Hogwarts. The first thing they decided to cover was the potential candidates. They each had 5 candidates from all of the applications. They each had a summary or description to read from to choose. Remus blanked out any description of the young ladies that could deter them from choosing. After some discussion here is the list that Harry narrowed down. They discussed what they liked about each girl on their list and with a group consensus came up with a final list of four girls. As it turned out the list had a girl from each house. Ginny Weasley, from Gryffindor, Padma Patel, from Ravenclaw, Susan Bones, from Hufflepuff, and Daphne Greengrass, from Slytherin. All were very surprised that each house was represented and especially that there was a Slytherin. Harry kindly reminded everyone that the hat almost put him into Slytherin before his first year. The next item they discussed was the questions Harry wrote down.
"How do we determine if they want to be with me, not the boy who lived?" asked Harry.
Hermione looked at everyone else before replying with a smile. "Well little brother that will be my job. These girls are going to have to get to get along with me or they won't pass the mustard. They will also have to get the approval of the rest of the 'family'. I know your grandmother Minerva, won't interfere, but will be keeping a close eye on these young women. Your 'adopted parents' will be getting regular reports from us so they can stay up to date on things. I also don't think it would hurt to get Luna's opinion on some things because she can be very perceptive. I know you think Ron is thick about girls, but he might have some insight also."
"That sounds great. What do you mean little brother? I'm taller than you." said Harry laughing.
"Well, I am almost a year older than you so yes, you will always be little brother." laughed Hermione enjoying the teasing. Harry just stuck out his tongue at Hermione and continued on.
"How do we keep this out of the prophet?" asked Harry.
Remus took this question. "I believe we won't be able to, so I think we go public with the contracts and explain what you will be doing and ask for some privacy. I doubt that will happen, but seeing the majority of it will be at Hogwarts, the press won't be able to find you. Things will leak out, but I will handle any rebuttals that need to be made."
"That leads to my next couple of questions. Where will I go on dates and what do you do on a date? My only experience was with Cho and that ended in disaster." Harry stated.
"There will be many ways in order to get to know these young ladies. First, if you have any classes with them find a way to sit with them. Second, set up study dates with them so you can have alone time. As far as real dates I know Hogesmeade trips are one. You'll be able to set up time during the holidays. During nice days going for walks or flying your broom are other options." replied Minerva.
"Harry you know the room of requirements can do that for you also. Remember you can ask it to be anything you want. Like a restaurant, I know Kreacher would be more than happy to set it up for you." Hermione said.
"This next question is a little more embarrassing, but I really need to ask it. How will I know if I fell in love?" asked Harry quietly.
They all looked at Remus and Tonks. Tonks took the lead. "Trust me Harry you will know. It's a feeling in your gut. It's a feeling you get when you aren't around them you feel lonely. When you are with them you feel invincible. If they hurt, you hurt. You will do anything to make them better or happy." said Tonks staring into Remus's eyes.
"When you focus on each other and you are in a crowded room, no one else is around because of the love you will share with this individual." Remus said looking at Tonks
"Thank you for all you have done. I'm not sure what this year will bring, but I'm sure glad I have you all to help me." Harry said almost crying.
"It's our pleasure Harry. Also, while I have you two here I am going to announce that both of you will be head boy and girl for the coming year." Minerva smile at her favorite student and adopted grandson.
Hermione looked like she was about to cry where Harry look totally surprised. Each were not able to say a word, but just nodded.
"Seeing that you will have your own private quarters, and sharing a common room. Study dates and get togethers shouldn't be a problem." Minerva stated. "I also know 'big sister' will prevent you from doing anything inappropriate." Minerva said with a huge smirk on her face.
"Harry, close your mouth it's attracting flies. You know I'll prevent that 'little brother'". Hermione said teasingly.
Over the next week Harry on the advice from Hermione decided it would be best to only date one girl at a time. They both promised Ron that they would stay at the Burrow the last week before school started up. After a couple of days at the Burrow Harry wanted to see if Ginny was still interested in the possible betrothal. He asked her to take a walk and approached the subject.
"Ginny, you know I have been offered quite a few marriage contracts when I turned 17. I know one of them came from you or from your dad. I would really like the opportunity for us to get to know each other. You have been my friend now for over a year and I would like to see if there is more to it. Would you consent going on a date with me?" Harry asked with the last part nothing more than a whisper.
Ginny looked at Harry for moment. To Harry it seemed like years before she replied softly. "I think I would like that very much."
With a gleam in his eyes and a huge smile on his face Harry stated, "Great how about tomorrow night. We can go to dinner then possibly a movie. How does that sound?"
"That sounds wonderful, why don't we plan on leaving around 5:00." Ginny stated with an equally large smile.
Harry decided to make the date all muggle. That way no press or other people could interfere with their date. He made the appropriate reservations and other arrangements before picking Ginny up at 5:00 p.m. The date went very well for both of them. They had a great conversation about all goings on in their lives and had a wonderful meal. They decided to skip the movie and continue talking while walking around London. When they ended their evening with a short kiss at the Burrow both agreed it was worth at least another date or two. Harry and Ginny went out on another date two days before school started and again had a wonderful time. Harry was beginning to really enjoy being with Ginny and thought this may have potential. The night before they were going to leave for school, all the Weasley's plus Hermione and Harry got together for a going away dinner. The dinner went very well with light heart talk and excellent food. Right before he was about to head for bed all the Weasley brothers thought it would be wise to give their opinion on the budding relationship between Harry and Ginny. Molly and Arthur had already retired for the evening so they had no idea this was going on. All the brothers sat Harry down and threatened him that if anything happened to Ginny he would have a price to pay. At first Harry thought it was funny but once they put a sticking charm on the chair and got in his face Harry knew that they were serious. After finally be allowed to leave after an hour of threats Harry knew even though Ginny was fantastic and very nice, being in a family with all these brothers was not something he was ready or willing to put up with. Due to the great time he had with Ginny he decided to talk to her about it. Harry knocked on Ginny's door.
"Ginny, do you have a second? I'd like to talk to you about something that happened tonight." Harry said seriously.
Hermione looked at both of them and decided she maybe intruding on something and made for the door.
"Hermione, could you stay I want your opinion on this also. I want to know if I am overreacting or if it is something I should be concerned with." Harry said seeing Hermione get up.
Ginny looked at the two and said, "What is it that you wanted to talk to me about?"
"Well for the past hour I have been glued to a chair while your brothers threatened me that if we continue dating and if I hurt you they will come after me and hurt me." Harry said looking deeply into her eyes trying to see what type of reaction he would get.
Surprisingly Ginny sat silently for a moment and giggled, "Harry I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. It is them just be over protective of me."
"Ginny I'm not sure that is the case this time. I thought so at first also but they all looked very serious and wouldn't let me go. They kept getting in my face and looked like they wanted to hit me. I haven't felt like this since I was at the Dursley's." Harry said feeling a little angry.
Ginny shrugged her shoulders like it was no big deal, "Harry you've known how protective Ron is since we started going to school. It's just them being them."
All through this Hermione was quiet and taking in the information. She sat quietly deciding to tell Harry her opinion later while they were alone. Harry just looked at Ginny because she knew as well as the others in her family what type of upbringing he came from. Once he mentioned the Dursley's he thought Ginny would give some sort of remorse but none came.
"Ginny, I don't think you realize how scared and frightened I was. It brought back all the bad memories from my youth and honestly thought I was going to have to fight. I'm not sure I can have a relationship with someone when I know in the background I could be beaten up at a moments notice if I get you angry or upset. We had a great time on our dates and everything seemed to be progressing like it should. It's not you Ginny, but your brothers so I guess you and I will have to go our separate ways. Hermione, I'm going to get my things and go back home. Do you want to stay or come with me?" Harry said.
"Harry you can't possibly think about just ending it like this. Like you said we had a great time. I thought we really clicked. How could you do this just because of the stupid prat brothers of mine." Ginny said desperately.
"You did not see the looks in their faces. I thought Ron would step in and end it like it was some joke. He was the one who sat there smiling with a satisfied look on his face. It was almost like he was finally getting revenge on me for something. He is supposed to be my best mate. Bill, Charlie, and Percy had a look on them I have never seen before. I was truly frightened. The twins never got into it and stayed in the background, but did not do anything to end it. I have 11 months to decide my future. I do not need or want to have to defend myself at every turn. Ron would keep close tabs on us at school and would report every move we make to the others. So I think it's better if we end it now before either one of us gets hurt to badly." Harry replied a little louder.
Harry got up and left to go get his things. Hermione looked at Ginny realizing she still didn't understand what the big deal was. Hermione packed her things and was ready to leave when she said, "Ginny I hope you realize what you missed out on because of your brothers. Harry is going to be the most kind, considerate, loving, care person not to his future wife, but also any children they will have. The person that marries Harry will never have another need or want every again. All he asks for in return is unconditional love from a family that can accept him for being Harry, not the boy who lived. Also, I was thinking about possibly dating Ron because I know there was some chemistry between us, but after what happened tonight that will never happen."
Harry reached Ron's room quickly and began packing his things. Harry was determined to leave quietly without a fight, but Ron still feeling proud of his accomplishment wasn't going to let that happen.
"Did you think I was going to let you date my sister without letting you know how all of us feel? Ron said with real spite in his voice.
"I never realized until tonight how jealous you really are about me. I guess you took this opportunity to see if you can control something in my life. Well let me tell you I just ended it with Ginny and never want to see you or your brothers ever again. Is this what you wanted? Well, you got your wish." Harry said with real anger.
Ron just looked at Harry and was about to go for his wand. When Harry saw this petrified him and left.
Harry and Hermione left knowing it was the last time they would ever see the Burrow. Both felt sadness for their departure, but knew deep down bigger and better things were going to be there for them in the future.
Hermione and Harry showed up an hour early at the train station to start their duties as head boy and girl. They talked the night before until very late about what happened at the Weasley's and how they should handle things today. Fortunately they did not see any of them before the train left but knew they would when the meeting with the prefects happened. They both agreed to let Hermione run the meeting because it would not give Ron and excuse to start arguing. Once all the prefects arrived Hermione ran the meeting which lasted a little over an hour.
When the meeting broke up Ron approached Harry looking very angry. "Ron I know that look. First I do not want a fight. If you choose to fight I will see to it that you will no longer be a prefect but also kicked off the quiddich team." Hermione said fiercely.
"When you two weren't there this morning mum and dad asked each of us why. No one said anything until Ginny mentioned something about holding you in the shed doing an interrogation. Well, mum blew up and now I am prohibited from going to Hogsmeade until after Christmas. It's all because of 'the bloody boy who got lucky.'" Ron said seething.
"Ron you need to leave. I hate to say it but you were one of the two best friends I ever had. Now acting like that I am done with you. I only have one best friend. I once thought you and I had possibilities but after what you did and said to Harry. That is gone." Hermione said calmly.
She got up and opened the door. Ron glared angrily at Harry then looked at Hermione the same way. As he left Ron made one last comment towards Hermione, "You always take the side of that attention seeking prat." Ron slammed the door shut and walked away.
Harry looked out the window and sighed, "Thank you so much for preventing a fight. I'm really sorry for putting you in the middle of this mess. One thing for sure is that life around me will never be dull." Harry smiled.
Hermione glared at Harry then with a small smile replied, "So what's your next plan? Is there anyone in particular that you maybe asking out?"