I know it has been a while and I am very sorry. I had exceptional writers block on this one in an attempt to make it happen and keep it within the feel of the story. I have been travelling for the last month and finally had inspiration from an off hand comment made by a friend on Mykonos. I hope you like it and I'm sorry its a bit shorter than usual but the next chapter is in the works so hopefully it won't be quite so long in coming.
Disclaimer: JKRs characters...
Chapter 21
The stage was set and Voldemort was confident. He has swaggered down form his apartments to the meeting hall. Although he had not seen any of his Death Eaters he figured they were off satisfying their murderous nature – he would call them shortly. He settled down on his throne opposite Potter's. Potter's throne it seemed was as large as a couch. He had obviously taken to lounging in a more dignified manner than with his legs flopped over the arm. It seemed he had become complacent without Voldemort there to continue the image of their regime. He also noticed the shadows that encroached on the throne that seemed so illuminated.
It was time to bring Potter back onto a leash. He pulled out his bone white wand and summoned. He waited but no black cloaks and white masks appeared. He summoned again and his anger was flaring, he shot off a curse at the opposing throne that had been causing all his troubles but even that just caused him to become more infuriated as the curse didn't reach the obnoxious piece of furnishing.
A deep voice echoed from behind him, "It's frustrating when you lose control of your own life isn't it."
Voldemort shot a cruciatus over his shoulder but the voice continued from his other side, "You brought this on yourself. Between you and Dumbledore my life has never been my own. It has always been me being pulled from one corner to another."
The voice materialised into the grown up Potter as he excited the shadows and stood in front of Voldemort's throne. It was at this stage that Voldemort noticed two other figures on the Raven headed throne across the room. "These past months have been very liberating. I have 3 campaigns though that I have to complete. One is already to launch I just need to finish the first so that it can start with a bang. I will destroy Dumbledore like he destroyed my life. As for you, you will die just like you murdered my parents and numerous others."
Lord Voldemort almost lost his control and spluttered but at the last minute he regained composure and simply sneered, "You could not topple me you little up start."
"Well we will see about that." Then as though he was neither weary nor worried, Harry Potter turned his back to the most feared dark lord of the century and strutted to join the still illusive figures on the opposing throne. When he reached it the figure Voldemort could now discern as female pulled Potter down into a passionate kiss as the other figure strokes his back and nuzzles his neck.
Voldemort's loathing only increases as he watched the scene. Whoever those two were would go down with Potter no matter the consequences.
"So Tom how would you like to do this?"
With his hated father's name his temper flared again.
The female was illuminated as she entered the conversations. "The flock needs to witness this." A mudblood, a person this regime was against, giving orders but before he could react the second figure was revealed.
"I shall call them. Flock In." As people started arriving all they could hear was a ferocious yell of "Traitor!" that appeared to echo through the meeting hall.
Voldemort was steaming with rage and on his feet. His circle of Death Eaters were in a V-shaped formation all facing that blasted Potter. Their attire had changed as well, he could not see a single mask and instead of black death eater robes, they were midnight blue with matching cloaks adorned with a Raven in flight.
It seemed he had been too secure in his hold over these traitorous minions and now as he looked he could hardly distinguish a familiar face.
"Turn and face your true Lord." He finally screamed to the faceless crowd.
Not a muscle twitched, it was as though no one had spoken at all.
Potter then commenced speaking and a feeling of attention and respect radiated from what that mudblood had termed the flock. "Welcome Flock, today is the day you have been waiting for. The day we take the first step towards our goal if you could please turn and take your final look at the most feared Dark Lord of our time."
The V split and broke apart as hundreds of faces simultaneously turned to stare at the irate Voldemort, whose composure was well and truly gone. That was the last thing the old lord saw before three green beans of the killing curse contacted with his chest and he flew backwards into his outrageously decorated throne positioned in a parody of his upright posture.
When the final light extinguished from the snakelike body, the former Death Eaters turned away from the thing that had imprisoned them with false ambitions for decades, and looked at their arm with the dark mark. It was as though it simply dissolved yet the Raven remained then as the last of it disappeared the Raven flew up their arm and they would later find it with two others adorning their upper back.
Harry wandered down the still split flock and with his dagger severed Tom Riddle's head from his body. He set the body on fire then turned. Holding the head up with a feral grin he said, "Excellent, we now have Dumbledore's Yule present."
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