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![]() Author has written 20 stories for Smallville. About Me: What to say? Not too much about myself that is exceedingly fascinating. I am somewhat geeky and quirky; just your average person. I have an unhealthy penchance for angst and snark, and a healthy one for character development. My name is not really l'amour. Rather it is an allusion to the fabulous poetry Louis L'Amour wrote in his poetry collection Smoke from this Altar. (It is awesome. Really. He's not just the guy who wrote westerns.) I've been a Phan (Phantom of the Opera fan), obsessive criminal forensic reader, Labyrinth geek, Naruto fangirl, Bones 'vulture', Victorian novel enthusiast, Xena fan, and a self professed Hawaii Five-O fanatic. It's never quite left me. I have officially adopted Chloe/Davis from the tv series Smallville as my ship despite of the fact that...well... I find them compelling, and that's that. I've created the very first comprehensive archive for Chloe/Davis Fic Recs (as far as I know). It gets regularly updated by moi, and contains what I consider the very best of the pairing. It's available by feed, too. Oh yeah, and I write! Current Writing Projects (in Order of Priority) Ricochet: Chlavis back in Vessel? You don't say. Apocalyptic fic (what if Braniac hadn't just vanished into a hole for a while?). REPORTER Chloe as she should be, a stray bullet at someone-we-will-not-mention, young-helpful-and-still-woobie-paramedic-in-training Davis about to become someone's ultimate weapon. There's a connection between them though, and a dark theatre, so who knows? (T through M) Sparks: A series of drabbles I wrote/am writing for Defying Mythos's Chloe Sullivan Drabble Tag. (Join us; there's Chlavis!) Unrelated; sometimes bloody, sometimes tragic, sometimes dirty, connected by the simple fact that I find the situations compelling. (K through M) Instinctual- So, death is a tight corner that Chloe's found herself in, but all she can think is that she would have come with Davis either way. Injustice. (M) Rope Burn How can the connection between the Universe's fated Destroyer and a woman possessed by Braniac, save them? Simple. It can't. Chloe saves Davis from discovery but it becomes painfully obvious that Doomsday is evolving in a way that is dangerous to her. Prey. (M) Square One- Depressing AU to Instinctual. Clark/Chloe/Davis. 'Chlois'. 'Mythos'. Mindrape. Second person. (T) Legend of the Fallen Let's see. Fantasy world-building epic, with some Robin Hood and many Legend of the Seeker (tv) influences. Chloe/Davis as you've never seen them before. Trust me. Lathe- So you've probably heard about the sheltering. My attempt to understand what's going on with Chloe. Infamous/Beast Spoiler Speculation. (Chloe/Davis) Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 complete of a possible 8 or 9. Choc full of every (old) spoiler I can get my hands on. And something that might be a twist. Treading Old Ground centers on Chloe following her memory erasal in Abyss. By extension includes Davis Bloome/Doomsday, and he becomes more central to the story as it moves along. This fic is going to include many of the concepts present in comic! Doomsday incarnation, and some not. I say no more. If you haven't stopped reading by now, who am I to stop you?... This is my My LiveJournal if you're interested in general yabbering, friending, feedback for your review, or seeing what blends I've come up with for randomness/writing projects. Sidenote: I really adore reviews or crit. I never understood the 'reviews are gold' wisdom before I started writing my own fic. But, do what you feel. I just felt like sharing. Thanks for stopping by! |