Reviews for An Equal Partner
BowieQueen chapter 25 . 1/29
Even though you say it's end, I felt like it wraps up nicely. I loved the angsty romance. And feel the story is completed. Really enjoyed this story especially how Jareth screws everything up when he could have just communicated his real intentions.
DannieLawman1995 chapter 3 . 12/20/2019
Surprise, surprise. She's acting like a brat again. It’s obvious she's miserable in her life yet continues to deny it, calls upon him again then acts like a bitch. She needs a good slapping and a reality check.
MissSparrow101 chapter 25 . 6/30/2018
Wow. What an amazing story. I cannot wait for more! Please update soon! (And make them sleep together in the same room again please!)
like-what-was-i-meant-to-do chapter 25 . 9/27/2017
Wow! What a fantastic fic! I wasn't sure what to expect at first, but this exceeded my expectations! Excellent work.
ElauraGrave chapter 9 . 9/21/2017
Absolutely brilliant. Love this story! ~ElauraGrave
Kai chapter 18 . 6/18/2017
I know it's been a while since you've looked in on this story, but I wanted to leave feedback regardless. The constant POV shifting from Sarah to Jareth in the first chapters is really rough and yoyos between the two in such quick succession, it's liable to cause whiplash. Pick one POV for the chapter at least. If you want the reader to identify with the protagonist, then give us more time with her. And don't retread over the same event from another POV. We know Jareth followed Sarah to the library based on her version of the expedition, we don't need further clarification from him that that is exactly what happened.

The POV issues also highlight the disparity of emotions. You keep telling us in Jareth's words that he does these things to Sarah because he is so deeply in love. Instead, it comes across as though you are trying to justify his horrible actions to the reader with the assurance that there will be an eventual happy ending between the two. It's a hostage situation, but you are trying to soften the blow by saying it is OK because the abusive abductor is really a misunderstood and has real feelings for his abductee.

The cover story for the marriage to the parents is feeble and cringey. 'I fell, hit my head, came down with a fever, was found by this good Samaritan who took me to his home and forced marriage upon me in my fever-ridden and delusional state.' It's hard to read and really brings the reader out of the story because of the lack of Aboveground believability. Regardless of her acting skills, why would Sarah's parents (or anyone, really) fall for this?

Her 'friends,' who used to rail incessantly about how awful Jareth was, now seem to openly love him and are totally ok with Sarah's abduction and forced marriage-rape. It's super OOC. Are they brainwashed? Why is Hoggle so adamantly defending a ruler he abhors?

Between Sarah's inexplicable 'Fae in 3 day makeover' (complete with doggy stylist), Jareth's rapey obsession (compete with gratuitous and unnecessarily long sex scenes), random missing words in the middle of sentences (usually marked by a lonely period placeholder) and Sarah's falling in 'fairy tale princess love' (Stockholm syndrome?), this story is insufferable. I hope it was written in a fit of pique and you've since come to your senses. You have beta-ed and guided the development of great tales for others in the past so I just expected more from your own work.

Sorry for the rant but I hope you are doing well now. Regardless of my dislike of this particular story, I hope you are still writing for pleasure and have continued to improve with time.
Roksolana chapter 25 . 3/3/2017
I don't usually read stories that are not finished, but decided to read a chapter or two of this story and was so overwhelmed! This is amazing! I love every word! And though it is not complete, it ends quite logically. I am happy I found this story. Thank you!
titanicdragon chapter 25 . 6/20/2016
creativesm75 chapter 25 . 9/26/2015
loverofanime41302 chapter 23 . 5/5/2015
OMG THE ANGST! I love this story so much! It's very accurate in its characterization. I just have one question, though, if I may? In one of the last sentences, it is expressed that Jareth had never felt 'so utterly naked in front of another human being.' Except, they're both fey, at this point, aren't they?

Anyways, I absolutely ADORE your story so far, I can't WAIT to read the rest! :D
comical freaka chapter 25 . 11/29/2014
What a damn pity this story is unfinished. It so well done and I love Jareth how you portray him.
comical freaka chapter 14 . 11/24/2014
Excuse me while I weep at how well that was written and now I need a very , cold shower.
MarieVance chapter 25 . 10/24/2014
It just isn't fair! Lol oh please do add more, it's been soo long.
Neko-Mitsuko chapter 1 . 8/20/2014
I see what you did there with Peter and Wendy.
Kensie.Beliebs chapter 25 . 4/5/2013
awesome! i love it! :D
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