![]() Author has written 31 stories for Harry Potter, Doctor Who, X-overs, and Fable. I've been in a funny mood lately, depressed, withdrawn, regretful, So I will try to update stories but they might need to revised later on. Whatever I post take with a grain of sand. Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all. Hello there, I figured it was time to update my profile. No harm in that is there seeing as things have changed. Hmm let’s start from the start, My name is Professor Evans but if you need a name you can call me Meagan. I'm 21 years old and I love to write, I'm not any good but I hope to get better. I'm working on a story called The Keeper's Key. I hope to get it published one day but no time in the close future. Other than that there is nothing more to say. Favorite TV shows- Doctor Who, Torchwood, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Pillars of the Earth, X-files, ER, The Colbert Report, The Daily Show, Say Yes to the Dress, Big Love, and Boy Meets World. Movies- Anastasia, Bride Wars, The Notebook, Disney Movies, Dave, The Day After Tomorrow, The Princess Bride, Dirty Dancing (I hated the second one), The Young Victoria, Titanic Books- Anything related to Fantasy but I hate, hate, HATE, absolutely HATE!!!!! Twilight!. Notable mentions- Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, and The Mists of Avalon. Music- Anything, I can listen to the Doctor Who soundtrack and then toss on some Big Band then 90's music then Billy Joel, but I will NOT, under any circumstances listen to Rap, Justin Beiber, Miley Cyrus, Video Games- The Sims Three, Sims Medieval, Fable, Fable 2, Fable 3, Dance Dance Revolution. I'm 21 years old and I still love Winnie the Pooh. I don't care what you say! About Professor Evans- http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/6882427/1/ By Order of the The Official Time Lord Registry, Let it be known that on the date April Sixth,Two Thousand Eleven, Professor Evans gazed upon the Untempered Schism and saw time in all its infinite possibilities and eternity and was inspired. Her chosen name is The Midnight for her dreamer like nature and focusing on the dreams of others. So it was chosen and so it shall be, The order is stamped with the Seal of the Time-Lords. http://forum.fanfiction.ws/forum/The_Official_Time_Lord_Registry/88918/ Ships I support Doctor Who- Doctor/Rose, Doctor/Romana, Donna/Jack, Mickey/Martha, Martha/Jack. Torchwood- Jack/Gwen, Jack/Ianto, Tosh/Owen Harry Potter- Harry/Hermione I will under no terms ever accept Doctor/Amy pairing, its not normal. The Doctor met Amy when she was a little girl, 5 minutes in his time and she was a grown woman, however it was only five minutes so I believe that the Doctor will always see her as that little girl with a crack in her wall and a suitcase with items ready to travel. that and she married, Rory deserves better too. I'm the girl who sat in the front of the class and read. I'm the girl who was bullied for no means. I'm the girl who was called a freak. I'm the girl who tries to act sarcastic and tough but it's only a disguise. I'm the girl who cries herself to sleep at night. I'm the girl everyone ignores. I'm the girl who's hurt by people's words. But, I'm the girl who likes who she is and is comfortable in her own skin. I try to hides the tears that dwell in my eyes but it's hard to keep everything inside. I'm the girl who behind the mask is just as fragile as a piece of glass. You think that your words don't cut but you don't see how deep cuts are that you don't see. I maybe invisible but I'm still Human, I have feelings and I can breathe. Even if you can't see the feeling that dwell inside me, that does not mean you don't hurt me. Don't even ask me to explain why I hate Twilight, we'll be here for days! Doctor Who- I have watched the new series and I'm starting to watch a bit of Old Who, though it hard seeing how bad it is but its good. I would really like to see I few of the old characters brought back, Romana in general. Why? because she is awesome I do not believe that The Doctor is limited to 12 regenerations but I do believe that there is a down side if he continues on living. I would really like to see the show in the future exploring these aspects. Time Tots- this is weird because it is said that Time-Lord can not naturally have Children, however Susan had a son with her husband and the curse was lifted, supposedly, in the seventh Doctor's time. So in my opinion Time-Tots are possible. Rose- some people like her, some people don't. I like her, so kill me, I think Series Two was a really bad Series and there was room for improvement so Rose could have been a better companion if Series two was better. Martha- I like Martha but her jealousy of Rose was a little to much. Martha doesn't seem like the jealous type to me. She is a smart, educated, beautiful young woman. she had no need to be Jealous. The Tenth Doctor was good-looking but she could have found someone just as good-looking and she would have had no problem. Donna- I hated her at first, she was immature, annoying, and dull but series four was my favorite series and it was good to see how she grew up. thing that made me mad? got her memories wiped and she was back to the way she was before. so Bring Donna back. Amy- Is a tart. I don't like her one bit not one bit. You're Clingy, not that impressive, and you're boring. You're engaged so you shouldn't be trying to Rape the Doctor's against his own TARDIS. He made it quite clear he was not interested and you just won't give up. go back to being a kiss-o-gram and get out of the TARDIS. Rory- I like him, he can stay and he could do so much better then Amy. a lot better then Amy. River- Seriously Moffat! Amy Pond's Part Time-Lord Daughter? Really? can you say Twilight? I didn't like it as twilight and I don't like it as Doctor who, Stop being Stephenie Meyer and write your brilliant stuff not this crap! I am in such denial about this, because River hasn't been truthful and i'm praying to every god out there that she is lieing right through her teeth. *Update* and I officially hate River. She is such a mary-sue it is not even funny. Rose gets so much hate for jumping the universes and potentially ruining them but doesn't but River destroyed time and it is a romance? Child of the TARDIS? being still married to the Doctor when that wedding never happened? Why do people like her. She is such a throbbing Mary-sue its not even funny. I'm pretty sure Bella Swan from Twilight is less of a Mary-sue then She is. Captain Jack Harkness- Enough Said 9th Doctor- Liked him wish we could have seen more of him 10th Doctor- loved him 11th Doctor-Like him when he is written by other writers, Hate him when he is written by Moffat. Under the pen of Moffat, he is violent, cruel, spits out way to many sexual innuendos and seems like a jerk. Under other writers he is the Doctor The show changes, Doctor's change, its what keeps the show going. Tennant was good but its time to move on and give Matt Smith a chance, a proper chance. Series 1- Bad Wolf- Excellent Series-2- Torchwood- Not a great season lot of room for improvement Series 3- Harold Saxon- Epic Series 4- DoctorDonna- Epic Series 5- Cracks- Really good storyline, though the season ending was lacking, could have been a lot better. Series 6 Part 1- *Throws up* Ok so a little girl regenerating in an ally of New York City, OK what ever. Amy Pond's unknown pregnancy... we know where this is going. The Curse of the Black Spot- cute and heart warming, The Doctor's Wife- AWWWW. Rebel Flesh/The almost people- Calm Down Amy, Rory isn't going to cheat on you and way to be a witch to the Doctor. A Good Man Goes to War- WTFITS!!!! River Song's BIG reveal is THAT! way to take one good character and turn her into that! a TARDIS created, Amy spawned, time-tot. Lesson to the Doctor don't let Amy Pond on the TARDIS on her wedding night. Series 6 part 2- Moffat you are a joke. I like Night Terrors, The God Complex, and Closing time better then Let's Kill Hitler and The Wedding of River Song. Moffat you need to take writing lessons because you writing is about as great as mine and mine sucks! Doctor Who Personal Canons A.) When the Tenth Doctor died he regenerated into 10.5, hence why 11 has the chance to fall in love with River B.) Donna Temple-Noble adopted Adelaide Brooke C.) River is a mesh of all of the Doctor's companions in one. D.) The Bad Wolf isn't gone, just hiding E.) Romana, E-Space, you get the idea F.) The Paradox Machine caused Journey's End G.) Donna Noble is not gone H.) Amy is the man that River killed. I.) 10.5 in the real Doctor and the Meta-who took the place of the Doctor J.) Donna would have survived if 10.5 stayed with her, two halves of a whole. K.) Time can be re-written, end of story Pet Peeves on Fanfiction- Reviews about bashing Fic- If my summary says bashing then there's going to be bashing, most of the time Amy, I don't want reviews about how unfair I'm being, how stupid it is, or how I could take it a little easier on her. there is a warning in the summary and in the ANs at the starts of the stories. Don't like it? DON'T READ IT! Asking what we, the readers, want to see and then ignoring it- I've seen this a bit, asking the readers how they want the story to turn out and the completely ignoring it. If you are writing a story and plan to do it a certain way then don't ask the readers how it should end. Inform them that you are going to write it your way and just want their opinions but will not be using them. Anonymous reviews- If I don't like your review and I have the ability to delete it I will, don't throw a hissy fit because your deletable review got deleted. want to avoid deletion? Register a name! Mary-Sues- I've been the creator of them before, I've posted stories about them before, I'm guilty as everyone else but if you're writing an OC story please remember that there is a very fine line between an OC and a Mary-Sue. Like I said, I'm just as guilty. Yes I am doing one of these *grins like an idiot* List your top twelve favorite Doctor Who characters in no particular order. 1. Romana 2. Doctor 9 3. Jack Harkness 4. Martha Jones 5. Doctor 10 6. The Master 7. Rose Tyler 8. River Song 9. Doctor 11 10. Donna Noble 11. Mickey Smith 12. Sarah-Jane Smith Have you ever read a five/eleven fic before? 10th Doctor/Mickey umm no Do you think three is hot? Jack- COURSE he is, hello hotness What would happen if twelve got one pregnant? Sarah Jane got Romana Pregnant umm how is that even possible? Do you remember any good fics about nine? Eleven? i don't read much because its all Romance with Amy PondScum *yuck* but Chances Come in Threes is good Would seven and two make a good couple? Nine/Rose Yes Four/Eight or Four/Five? Martha/River or Martha/10th Doctor, Martha/10th Doctor Martha and River is a bit weird. What would happen if seven discovered three and eight were in a relationship? Rose Tyler discovered River Song and Jack Harkness in a relationship? she would say Good, she gets the Doctor Make a summary of at least twenty words for a two/six fic Nine/The Master Best Friend in childhood enemies later on in life. why did a bond so strong break apart? The Doctor confronts the Master and wonders if they could go back to being friends. Has there been a one/eight fluff? River/Romana umm no Are there any story on your list about eleven? Mickey Smith? Nope 1 and 7 are in a happy relationship until 9 runs off with 7. 1, heartbroken, has a hot one-night stand with 11 and a brief unhappy affair with 12, then follows the wise advice of 5 and finds true love with 2. Romana and Rose are in a happy relationship until Doctor 11 runs off with Rose. Romana, heartbroken, has a hot one-night stand with Mickey Smith and a brief unhappy affair with Sarah-Jane Smith, then follows the wise advice of the 10th Doctor and finds true love with the 9th Doctor. Title/Warning for above fic? Why Romana shouldn't have eaten those Jelly Babies- Warning- very OOC and Paradoxes. 5,4,7,1, and 3 are playing truth or dare. 5 asks 7, and 7 says truth. 5 asks who 7 loves and 7 after some prodding from 3, confessed their true loves with 4. 4 does not share the feeling, and in fact is in a secret relationship with three. 7 is heartbroken and seeks comfort in 1, while 3 and 4 run into the sunset together. However, 5 is secretly in love with 1 and becomes so jealous of 7, who after the comfort with 1, becomes in a relationship with 1, and so 5 decides to murder 7 but, is stopped in time by the police officer 9 and is sent to prison, allowing 1 and 7 to continue their relationship. The Tenth Doctor, Martha Jones, Rose Tyler, Romana, and Jack Harkness are playing truth or dare. The Tenth Doctor asks Rose Tyler and Rose Tyler says truth. The Tenth Doctor asks who Rose loves and Rose after some prodding from Jack(of course), Confessed her love true love with Martha. Martha does not share the feeling, and in fact is in a secret relationship with Jack. Rose is heartbroken and seeks comfort with Romana, while Martha and Jack run into the sunset together. However The tenth Doctor is secretly in love with Romana and becomes jealous of Rose, who after the comfort of Romana, become in a relationship with Romana, and so the Tenth Doctor decides to Murder Rose but, is stopped in time by Police Office The Eleventh Doctor and is sent to prison allowing Romana and Rose to continue their relationship. Title/Warning for above Never Drink with Jack Warnings OOC, Eleven in a police outfit. Dark Tenth Doctor, and silliness. Suggest a title for a one/eleven Hurt/Comfort fic. Romana/Mickey- Those who were left behind What kind of plot would you use if four wanted to seduce one? Martha to seduce Romana- Umm I heard you’re a Time-Lady. Do you want to waste some time? Do any of your friends read seven/nine? Rose/Elven- I think only I do If you wrote a songfic about 12, what song would you use? Sarah-Jane, Memories by Within Temptation 6, 3, 4, and 11 are at a bar when 3 makes a drunken confession that 3 is in love with 1. 6 is secretly in love with 3 and plots to abduct 3 to keep 3 away from 1, but is stopped by 4 and 11. However, 6 is so crazed by this point that 6 needs constant watching to make sure 6 doesn't go after 3 again, and 4 and 11 volunteer to do this. As they work together, 4 and 11 develop feelings for each other. They are so distracted by this that 6 escapes and goes on a rampage. Just in time to save 3 and 1 from untimely deaths, 7 magically appears and vanquishes 6 forever. The Master, Jack Harkness, Martha Jones, and Mickey Smith are at a bar when Jack makes a drunken confession that Jack is in love with Romana. The Master however is secretly in love with Jack and plots to Abduct Jack and keep Jack away from Romana, but is stopped by Martha Jones and Mickey Smith. However, The Master is so crazed by this point that The Master needs constant watching to make sure The Master doesn’t go after Jack again, and Martha and Mickey volunteer to do this. As they work together, Martha and Mickey develop feelings for each other. They are so distracted by this that The Master escapes and goes on a rampage. Just in time to save Jack and Romana from untimely deaths, Rose Tyler appears magically and vanquishes The Master forever. Title/Warnings for the above fic? What Really Happened on the Valiant. OOC again and non-canon romances How would 8 react if they found out that 5 and 9 were meeting for a threesome with 2? How would River Song react if she found out that The Tenth Doctor, The Eleventh Doctor were meeting the Ninth Doctor for a threesome? Either join in, write blackmail in her journal or walk away going Spoilers. But screw River, I'm joining in. Six sees 9 naked. His/her reaction? The Master sees The Eleventh Doctor naked. “Hey its like Time-Lord College. Would 12&6 make a good couple? Sarah-Jane and the Master. Sure she could help him overcome his evilness. What would you do if you found 1 and 4 in a closet with a rubber ducky? If I found Romana and Martha in a closet with a rubber ducky? Brittany! I found ducky, the fictionally characters from Doctor Who have it (inside joke) 3 kills 7, what does 3 say? Jack Kills Rose? “umm so its only me that can’t die? Woops” Suggest a title for a 8 and 9 fluff story Eleven/River- I’m still waiting to meet you. What would be a good pick up line for 12 to use on 4? For Sarah-Jane to use on Martha? Hey, I heard you’re a Doctor, I’ve got a thing for doctors. 3 finds 4&7 kissing. What would 3 do? Jack find Martha and Rose kissing? Jack would ask to wacth or join in of course You find 10 going through your closet. What would you do? Donna? Well I would ask her if it’s because she left her Wardrobe on the TARDIS when she lost her memories and to please ask before. By the way, I set you up on a date with 5. I have a date with the Tenth Doctor? I love you! So, here's how it works: This is mine: Opening Credits: Tristan- Two Steps From Hell Waking Up: This Is Gallifrey: Our Childhood, Our Home- Murry Gold First Day At School: Shake It- Metro Station Falling In Love: Mumbo Number Five- Lou Bega Losing Virginity: Need You Now- Lady Antebellum Fight Song: Black Horse and the Cherry Tree- KT Tunstall Breaking Up: If I Could Back Time- Cher Formal: High School Never Ends- Bowling for Soup Life: Till The World Ends- Brittany Spears Mental Breakdown: The Master Vainglorious- Murry Gold Driving: ER Theme Song Flashback: Dream of a Normal Death Getting Back Together: The Rock- So Weird Wedding: Cosmic Love- Florence and the Machine Birth of Child: Nara- E.S Posthumus Final Battle: A Mother's Pray- Celine Dion Death Scene: Music Box- Fable 3 Soundtrack Funeral Song: Vale- Murry Gold Another random thing! Soap Opera Name (middle name and current street name): Elizabeth White Super-Hero Name (favorite color and favorite drink): Blue Coffee Star Wars Name (first three letters of last name, first three letters of first name, last three letters of mother's maiden name): Glameaher Goth Name (black and the name of one of your pets): Black Bubbles Witness Protection Name (mother’s & father’s middle names): Elizabeth David Fly Name (first 2 letters of 1st name, last 2 letters of your last name): Mein Gangsta Name (first 3 letters of first name plus izzle): Meaizzle Detective Name (favorite color and favorite animal): Blue Panda Story Ideas to Come...Maybe- Doctor Who~ Whispers Upon the Wind~ The 13th Doctor is slowly going insane, the darkness of his soul is stating to wrapped around him and never planing to let him go. The lonely angel is slowly became The Devil. Donna Noble, Rose Tyler, and Martha Jones must risk everything they have known and loved to save him before it's to late. Gone to Yesteryears~ Rose Tyler finds her way back back into her universe after Doomsday but with no memory of who she is and its 1911. She settles into a life in Farringham village working as the Matron at Farringham School for Boys. Two years later John Smith is teaching at the school. Mr. Smith and the Matron, is all what it seems? DoctorDonna Returns~ Donna regains her memories and she is not happy but her mind is slowly burning. She has twenty-four hours before she is gone for good. can she find the Doctor in time? What's in a Name?~ A name is a powerful thing. Once the Bad Wolf was named she had a purpose and she was going to stop until she was returned to her Oncoming Storm. Divided We Fall~ The Doctor, Not Rose, Got stuck in the parallel world but when they both start experiencing strange dreams, things go down hill from there and the void is the least of their problems. The Big Bad Wolf and the Little River- Rewrite of River's story In the way~ Donna got pushed to the side by Jack and was hit with the Doctor's regeneration energy, a twist on the DoctorDonna In Progress~ Second Chances~ The Doctor has reached the end of the line the last moments of his life and he reflects back. Rose Tyler lived her life to the fullest and now she is dying, reflecting back on her life. Donna Noble senses a storm is coming. River died but even now she feels changes in the air. Someone watches them and shakes her head in sadness before jumping in and giving them a second chance. (Work in Progress) The Year That Never Was: Not Alone~ Rose is still with the Doctor, Donna took up the offer to travel with them after the Runaway Bride and Martha got picked up after the Juboon Platoon on the Moon with a Spoon incident. They have been giving a task from The Doctor to travel the earth for a year to stop The Master. Will traveling together make it easier of harder? And they find help from an unlikely source. (Work in Progress) Miss Jane Smith~ The idea of the Doctor being a woman and incarnations looking like the past companions. However I only know five companions, I haven't watched much old who so I'll improvise. 9 is going to be Donna Noble, 10 will be Rose Tyler, and 11 will be Amy Pond. John Tyler aka Ten will take the place of Rose Tyler, Jack Harkness aka Don Noble will take the place of Donna noble, 9 aka Matthew Jones will take the place of Martha Jones, 11 aka Andrew Pond will take the place of Amy. Martha Jones will be Jackie Harkness (only because I love Martha and want her to be in the story, instead of being a past incarnation). Mickey Smith will take the place of Sarah Jane. Lucy Saxon will be The Master. The Master will be Lucas Saxon. Rory Williams will be Robert Song and River will be River Williams. I know I'm most likely missing a few people but that's alright. I'll jump the hurdle when I get to it. The story lines will change a bit. (On Hiatus...Some What) The Pondering Series~ A Dark outlook on the companions from Series 1-5 (Work in Progress) Finished~ Professor Evans ~Many things that make this author who is she. Doctor who, Winnie the Pooh, Mythology, just a little story. Waiting~ Fourth in the Pondering Series is Rory. Please forgive me if there is any Amy bashing, I really don't like her but its unintentional. Shudder~ Story Three in Pondering Series. Donna was his best-friend and he tried to give her everything he could before her time was up. He was a time-lord and someone was messing with time. He felt it shudder. Hammer~ Story Two in the Pondering Series. Martha Jones. Warning very dark in a way but not a Martha bashing Fic. I adore Martha. Selfish~ The Doctor muses on his relationship with River Song, Slightly Dark. Story One of Pondering Series. Fear Me~ This is a very short one shot based off of two lines said in the new trailer for series Six. Like Mother, Like Daughter~Adelaide Brooke inspired her granddaughter but who inspired Adelaide Brooke? Her adoptive mother of course, Donna Noble. Waters of Mars kind of re-write. Not ANOTHER Reunion Story~Ask and you shall receive, reunion parody please enjoy, rating T for some swears and mention of beer. Cliche Title for a MarySue Story~I wrote this story just for fun because I'm tired of all the "Ashley or, Bella or, Samantha end up meeting the Doctor" Stories so I've decided to write a parody about it. Sorry if some of you don't get my humor. rated T for some swears, Parody/humor Memories~ It is the memories of our life and those that have touch it that make us who we are. The 11th Doctor looks back while figuring out his new look. The Funeral~ The Doctor makes it back into Pete's world but its been fifty-three years since he left Rose and 10.5 at Bad Wolf Bay. Will this woman at the cemetery hold the answers the Doctor seeks? Ten/Rose Icon Credit- Seduff I'm Done...For Now |