Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who. If I did, Doomsday would have ended much differently, therefore changing the courses of seasons 3-5.

What Went On Before-

Alright, this is for all you bums out there who are too lazy to read the first one. Those of you who did take the time to read Time Change, feel free to skip this.

Pete Tyler is walking down the street on day in the 1980s minding his own business when a strange man pushes him into the street, into the path of an oncoming car and he dies. Unfortunately, this is two years before he is supposed to die.

During the London Blitz, the Ninth Doctor, Jack, and Rose are trapped by all the empty people asking, "Are you my mummy?" The three end up stuck in the basement where Rose promptly vanishes into thin air and Jack suddenly seems to forget her that she even existed.

In a different time, the Tenth Doctor feels his hearts breaking as he is about to go with Donna and leave Rose on the beach the Human/Metacrisis Doctor. Rose has just asked what the Doctor was going to say the last time she was there and the Doctor responds with "Does it need saying?" When she disappears, leaving the Doctor in utter shock and agony, which gets much worse when he discovers that neither Donna nor the Human Doctor can remember her.

Even further in the future, (well, sort of), the Eleventh Doctor, Amy, and Rory have gone for a random trip and landed in London in the early 1990s. They come across a park where there are a lot of children laughing and playing. One little girl in particular catches the Doctor's attention as she looks very familiar. Suddenly he hears a familiar voice and see Jackie Tyler. She is call to the girl and calls her "Rose". The Doctor feels the pain of separation all over again. Suddenly little Rose disappears and Amy and Rory don't seem to notice, neither does Jackie. The three head back to the TARDIS as the Doctor tries to figure out what happened.

Nine thinks that Jack is joking but soon comes to realized that he's serious. At first Jack thinks Nine is made going on and on about someone who doesn't exist, but Nine convinces him to trust him and help and Jack eventually agrees.

Ten has a hard time accepting the fact that Rose is gone, but even more so that HD (the Human Doctor) can't remember her and he realizes that HD is not really him. Donna becomes scared at Ten's frantic behavior. Ten and HD get into a shouting match, but Donna remains silent, but then starts claiming that her head hurts. Ten realizes what is happening and erases Donna's memory in order to save her life. She loses consciousness and HD laments what's happened to her and Ten realizes that HD is in love with her, but only because he can't remember Rose. Ten leaves HD behind with Donna, at his own request, and goes off to find out what happened to Rose.

Nine and Jack arrive back in their own time and go to visit Jackie at her flat. But Jackie isn't there, and it turns out that she never lived there. Things get even more confusing when Ten, soon followed by Eleven and his companions arrive on the scene.

After an explanation of what's going on, the Doctors share what little information they have. Ten and Eleven have a private heart-to-heart about Rose.

Back with the others they go to a cafe and find out that Pete Tyler died two years earlier than he was supposed to. They take Nine's TARDIS and go back in time, landing three days before Pete's death.

They soon spot him, but then Rory sees River Song. Eleven, Amy, and Rory go after to her to find out why she's here, while Nine, Ten, and Jack stay behind to keep an eye on Pete.

They soon notice a strange man watching Pete, and Ten comes to the conclusion that the man will kill Pete. During this explanation, Pete leaves without them noticing and so does the man. When they notice, Nine, Ten, and Jack take off the street running, but are soon stopped by the strange man calling himself "Buddy". He tells them that he's been pained to kill Pete and that if they want to meet his boss, Dr. Storm, he can take them to him. He presses a button and the three are teleported away.

Meanwhile, Eleven, Amy, and Rory continue to chase after River, but then she disappears and they find themselves inside a ship. They are soon joined by Nine, Ten, and Jack. Then River comes and leads them to meet Dr. Storm, who is soon revealed to be the twelfth regeneration of the Doctor.

He tells them that the crack in time was going to destroy all the other universes, but he was able to save them all, except the one where Rose was. He is driven mad with grief and guilt, blaming himself for what happened, that he wants to forget Rose and he believes that the only way to do that is to make sure he was never even born.

The others try to reason with him, but fail. A fight ensues and Twelves sends, Nine, Jack, Amy, and Rory back to their prospective times with no memory of this incident. In the middle of the fight, River accidentally shoots Twelve, killing him. But before he dies, he whispers something in Ten's ear. There is a rumble and Ten and Eleven lose consciousness.

Nine is back in the basement during the Blitz with Rose and Jack. None of them remember what happened, but Nine feels as if he hasn't seen Rose in a long time and gives her a hug.

Ten finds himself back on the beach, just in time to catch Rose saying, "And how was that sentences supposed to end?" He tells her he loves her and the two share a kiss.

"Eleven" finds himself back on the TARDIS, but soon discovers that he is actually still Ten, as he apparently never regenerated. He is quiet shocked when Donna and then Rose appear on the scene as if they had been there the whole time. Overcome with joy at seeing her, he tells her he loves her and she responds in kind and they kiss.