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Author has written 16 stories for Naruto. Hello! This account was previously under another penname, but I changed it because my one friend found it, and the change was only supposed to be temporary, but the name's kind of grown on me . . . So, I've decided I'm going to permanently stay Temporarily In Hiding! (oh, the irony XD) Oh, and you know what I just realized? Compared to a lot of the other people on here, I have a lot of stories!! I feel accomplished :D Oh! And dude! I just checked and 31 people have favorited me!! Thank you!! Also, 26 people have put me on Author Alert! So, thank you!! . . . again!! Oh, and Black Lighted Clouds has just recently named me her favourite ItaDei writer! I am so happy! And, since I'm obviously not going to tell you random stuff about myself, I am going to talk (well, type, really) about my stories. Akatsuki Fangirl: This story is temporarily on hold due to major writers block. However, I will be doing some revisions on this, due to the fact that the first chapter pretty much sucks. Love At First Touch: Woot! After a long (long) period of writer's block, I know what's gonna happen next! Finally! Wanting Something You Can't Have: Oh! This was/is my first more-than-one-chapter yaoi story! Basically, I update this when ever I'm in the mood for writing yaoi-ish things. This basically has no real plot, but I know exactly how I'm going to end it when the time comes. That is, unless I change my mind. August is Over: This was inspired by the song by We The Kings (awesome band!). But I have a problem, I know what I want to happen, I just can't seem to find the words to write out :( Child Reincarnation: I absolutley love this fic! And I have the most fun writing this one than any others (with maybe the exception of my DeiHina and ShikaTem fics)! Updated whenever I have free time!! Tresspassing: Y'know what, this is fun to write, too! I already have most of the next chapter written out, I just need to finish it. And then I'll have to wait 'till I start writing the next chapter before I upload the first next chapter here because I have to include a preview. I wouldn't want my readers to be disapointed, would I? No. I thought not. Schizophrenics and creepy houses don't usually mix: I like this one alot, too, so I should be updating this one fairly quickly. It won't be that long of a fic, maybe 3 or 4 chapters, 5 at the most. I really like how I made Zetsu in this fic, he's just so . . . so . . . LOVABLE! Anyways, this is, like, my first AU Akatsuki fic where they're all included and around high-school age, so I hope I did well in that aspect. Oh, and before I forget; I may read lemons, but I most certainly do not write them. Sure, I've considered it, but I've decided that to write a lemon would be unethical. It's already bad enough that I read them. And now I'm going to name random couples that I like and why! (aren't you so happy XD) SasoDei/DeiSaso: I love how Sasori's all like 'stuid brat!' and then Deidara's all like 'whatever, un' and thn they make out and have smex! I don't really care who's the submissive one, this couple is HOT! (mainly bcause it has Deidara in it XP) ((but 'Sori no Danna's awesome too)) ItaDei/DeiIta: Again, total hotness! I particularly like this one because normally Itachi, being Itachi, will mess with Deidara's mind a little, which always makes for good reading XP DeiHina: I think this couple is sweet, but only if they're portrayed right. Like, Hinata still has to have all of her stutteringness still and Deidara has to be all night-in-shining-armor and stuff. That's the only way I'll enjoy reading it. HiDei: Okay, for this couple, Hidan has to be on top! Really! He is by far the most aggressive of the two! (plus he called Dei 'Deidara-chan! How adorable XD) HiKaku/KakuHi: Okay, how can you NOT like this pairing? It's, like, totally cliched, but so what? It's awesome. In anyway shape or form. HiTem: This couple would so not work if Temari was the one after Hidan. She has to gradualy fall for him. Like, subconciously. And all of Hidan's differet pick-up lines are just hilarious t hear XD I have to thank green see-through ghosts to thank for my fondness of this pairing. HidanxTayuya: I've actually only read one fic with this pairing, but I liked it even before then. You see, due to deductive reasoning(which some of my friends don't have), they are perfect for each other! They are both ill-behaved, foul-mouth, sadistic, bad-ass ninjas! HiHina: Okay, I've never actually read a fic with this pairing(well, I've read 1, actually, but I don't really count that), but theoretically I think they make a good couple. I always thought that Hidan's 'soulmate' should be someone he has to watch his language and violence around, and Hinata fits that role perfectly! She would, like, flinch and go into super-stutter mode everytime he would get really pissed off and go into super-curse mode and then he'd feel guilty and . . . it's just so CUTE! HiIta/ItaHi: This is just . . . a really awesome pairing. I have nothing more to say on the matter. KisaIta: Another cliched pairing, but so what? I think it's cute when Itachi's the submissive one for once, and that's usually only with the shark. ItaHina: I just think they look so cute together! Theoretically, of course. I've never actuall read an ItaHina fic . . . ItaSaku: I've read this a total of (1) time(s), but I liked it. Well, that was only because they were only together because Sakura was an innocentish girl and Itachi was trying to mess with Sasuke's mind, but whatever, It was still good. (Sterotyping Uchihas, by the way. It's in my favorites. Read it. Please.) SakuSasu/SasuSaku: Cliched, but I love it. NaruHina: Another cliche, but it's adorable. Again with the chivilrous male and timid female. PeiKo/KoPei: Awesome. 'God' and his 'angel.' Show me a better pairing than that, un! ShikaTem: It's just too adorable: Temari getting annoyed by Shikamaru's lazy antics and Shikamaru getting annoyed by Temari's femaleness, but they still love each other anyways X3 . . . and that's all I can think of for now, other than a SasoHina DeiHina love triangle, which is just too adorable for words. Perhaps I'll add more couples later when when I'm not so sleepy . . . |
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