Author has written 8 stories for Naruto, Harry Potter, Gundam Wing/AC, Prince of Tennis, and Fruits Basket. Hello! Ano... My name is Asuto Hotaru! My name is very important to me, because of what it means! Asu means tomorrow, and To means fly (In this case) My last name, Hotaru, means firefly! Okay... That aside, I wanted to put it in here that this is my second account... I made this account, because my family is always bothering me about my other account, so I wanted one that they were unnaware of, so that I could post what I wanted to without being bothered... My other penname (Which I actually prefer) is Shia Nosake, so if you like my stories, please feel free to check the ones on that accound out as well, although the other account has much tamer stuff in it... This is my account to do as I please, so the other one is the one that is 'safe', you see... I really like anime, and I am a yaoi fan, although I like other kinds too... I'm really not picky... I think that most of the stories on this account will be oneshots, because I have a story I am pretty serious about on my other account, and I don't want to get distracted too much. Well, that's about it... Maybe I'll add more later. |