He kept stealing glances at her during their last class. It was the end of another school day and the students were restless, waiting for that last bell to interrupt his lecture on the structure of a sentence. He had to admit, he was beginning to get bored himself, and he, too, wished for the bell to save them all from falling asleep.
He was the teacher.
His name is Deidara.
She kept fidgeting in her seat during class. Under his gaze, she was unable to focus on her work. The others were waiting for the bell to end, for the lecture to stop. She was waiting for the right time to talk to him; after class. She was bored of his lecture. She wanted to hear what he really had to say. To her.
She was a student.
Her name is Hinata.
The bell finally rang, and both the teacher, Deidara, and the students sighed with relief.
"Alright, everyone. I'm too tired to give homework right now -yawn- so just review the chapter or something tonight." He took one more longer glance at Hinata, silently calling her to his desk. As the other students filed out of the room, she walked up to his desk, taking a chair and sitting across from him.
There was a pause, and then Deidara took a paper from a pile of documents and read it over approvingly. "This is a wonderful paper." he began, smiling when she flushed with a sort of pride in herself. "The topic was one that called for honesty, and you answered beautifully. Those other slackers just but stuff like family, or friends, or my cat. You told me things I know you wouldn't tell anybody else. Thank you." Hinata hooked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I-It was nothing, really..." she replied meekly. "Hardly! This is three pages of pure... pure, uh... pure perspective. I remember dearly what i went through in High School. Harsh times, i know, but it made me who I am today." He paused, realizing that he was babbling to her again. "You do outstanding work. I look forward to your every assignment." he smiled and handed her the essay.
Hinata read over it, smiling a little. She was embarrassed with what she wrote, but glad that she did. They were silent for a few minutes. "I'd like to talk with you more today, but I don't want to get in the way of your schedule." Deidara said. "O-Oh, no! I haven't joined any clubs or anything, so it's totally fine! I-I-I'd love to talk!" Hinata stammered. It was after school anyway, so what did she have to lose?
The two did talk then, unaware of the large amount of time passing by. The sun had begun to set, and it was a call from a fellow teacher, Sasori, who reminded them of the time.
"Well, you remember that the school has a top-notch security system, right? And that after 8 it completely locks down, preventing entry and escape?" Deidara looked at the clock. 7:55. They had five minutes to run down the hall, down four flights of stairs, lock the doors behind them and run out into the courtyard. He looked at Hinata, and heard the tick of the clock turn 7:56. Four minutes.
"I hope you don't mind staying here the night, Hinata." He walked out of the classroom and to a window looking to the front gate. They stared at it until the school shut itself down and trapped them for the night. Deidara called her back to the room and gathered his things, telling her to do the same. "We can sleep in the infirmary. It's not comfortable, but it's just for a night." Hinata hurriedly followed him, silently flushed at the amount of time they spent talking. Where had the time gone? It seemed only a minute ago they were looking over her essay.
When they arrived at the nurse's office, they found no blankets or pillows on the bare beds of the infirmary. The staff had cleaned it all up before they left, and now the comfortable pillows and warm blankets were kept behind a securely locked door of a closet. "Oh. How unlucky, huh, Hinata?" he chuckled lightly, and she nodded, crestfallen. There was supposed to be a test tomorrow - and she was to get her supposed well rest here?
Hinata watched as Deidara made himself comfortable on one of the beds. Hinata did the same; or, tried. No matter what position she got in, she couldn't get comfortable. It didn't help either of them that the beds were squeaky and annoying. "Well, I suppose we shouldn't have expected luxury sheets here, right?" Deidara said to brighten the mood. "Hehe..." Hinata laughed lightly, deciding to just lay still until she fell asleep. The room was extremely silent for a while, almost to the point of discomfort. Then she heard the annoying squeak of the other bed; Deidara sat up.
"Are you awake, Hinata?" He asked softly, just over a whisper. Hinata took a breath to answer, but didn't. Maybe he'd just go back to sleep.
The annoying squeaking resumed breifly, and then silence again. She relaxed a bit, thinking he really had gone back to bed. But instead, he felt a bit of pressure on either side of her head on the bed. Was he leaning over her? His hand traced her head, face, hair brushing away from her face. "I guess not." he murmured. She hoped he hadn't noticed her heart beating miles a minute. Or the blush she felt covering her cheeks. Or her hands clutch the sheets in odd excitement.
He didn't, but in turn he softly pressed his lips to hers.
The next day, same time, same class, almost the same lecture, she found him sneaking longer glances at her over his book. She stared back, hoping she looked clueless to what he did last night.
Her first kiss.
Did he steal it? Or did he give it? Hinata found herself wondering this throughout the day, and it distracted her from her schoolwork. From her friends. From her life in general, actually. She wasn't saying, exactly, that she didn't like the kiss. Deidara - her teacher - was in fact a great kisser. His lips were soft, warm, gentle, and loving. A complete pleasure to the lips. She found herself craving more. Same position, only this time he'd know she was awake. He'd know that she wanted his lips forever connected to hers.
"Hinata, will you please open your book to page 30 like everyone else did fifteen minutes ago? I believe I've let you daydream enough." His smooth voice teased from across the room. "Oh, and please hand in that essay I assigned like... Ah-da-da-da... A week ago." Hinata jumped, blushed, and scrambled to grab her book. She paused, however, and thought for a moment. She took her pen and on another piece of blank paper, she wrote at the top,
You kissed me last night.
then went up to his desk and gently placed it over his book, her homework under it. He looked up to her and smirked a bit. "Hinata, for passing notes, you will have to sit right here, beside me." He patted the chair beside him, grabbing two pens for them to continue their 'conversation'. He told the class to start reading aloud, starting with one kid to the next every paragraph until everyone had read once.
Why, yes, I did. He wrote under her statement. Hinata blushed a little before writing, Why?
Because. He casually turned a page to look like he actually cared about the lesson. Hinata nudged him. She underlined her previous 'why'.
Why do you think? he gave a small smirk of a smile, anxiously awaiting her reply.
Because you're one of those teachers who are attracted to their students and plan to rape/attack them?
Deidara pretended to look offended for half a second before writing back, I'm hurt! Why would you think that of me!? :( Hinata rolled her eyes. That was my first kiss, you know. His eyes turned playful. So you didn't like it? She blushed, and he almost laughed. I didn't say that. Deidara smiled. But... we're student and teacher. I don't think that's supposed to work. She looked sad. He let his hand brush against hers under the desk. I can make it work, if you let me. Hinata bit her lip and looked around anxiously.
Why do you think I kissed you? One paragraph, four sentences or more.
Hinata looked at him in disbelief. He turned the paper over and waved his hand over it, signaling her to start.
I think Deidara-sensei kissed me because... she began. he 's that kind of person. Deidara-sensei likes to target his students or young girls our age. Deidara-sensei finds me attractive. Deidara-sensei loves me? She stopped. This was beginning to be more of an outline than a paragraph. She slid the paper to him and he read it over, smiling.
Yes, sometimes, yes, and yes. In that order. (Just kidding about the targetting little girls part ;p)
Hinata blushed. Yes, he's that kind of person. Yes, he finds her attractive. And yes, he loves her.
Well, I most certainly do not target little girls...
No! Why do you... love me?
At this he smiled widely.
Why I love Hinata Hyuga.
A paragraph by Deidara.
I love Hinata Hyuga because she turns in great work that far exceeds my standards. She writes with her heart, not with a pen. The scent of her soul is embedded on her Hello Kitty stationary. Hinata Hyuga makes me laugh and cry. She's most of the reason why I come to school every morning and the reason that I want to stay afterschool to talk. When I think about her, my heart and mind relax and flutter. When I see her, with her beautiful hair and eyes, I want to stare forever until my heart's desire is satisfied. I love Hinata Hyuga because never before have I met a woman so amazing, so kind, so-
Hinata stopped him. He was taking up their paper. I think I get it. she giggled silently. What do you say? he asked. Deidara-sensei, when you kissed me last night, my heart pounded like it was about to explode. My cheeks turned red and my breath hitched. My hands clutched the sheets in anticipation. She paused. What does all that mean? he wrote.
I think it means... she smiled. I love you too.
...AAGH ;^; I'LL FINISH It's A Vampire Thing SOON I PROMISE ;^;